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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. 1/72 glaug,

    1/72 hasegawavf-1 Battroids X 3,

    2 hasegawa vf-1 fighters with fast packs,

    1 vinil son goku (over 1 year waiting to be finished)

    144's vf-11 with resin armor X 2 (3 months waiting)

    hasegawa Minmay gerwalk X 2

    As you can see you aren't the only one who has the model no-time-to-get-to-them blues..is just a nomal face on the model building life that toys collector don't go through; is called priorities in life

    A pic of what I am currently working on and this has priority to be finished over any other model by year's end ...


  2. this is a very welcome news. I hope it doesn't stay on the "just a project" stasis and becomes a reality..

    Btw; I haven't seen the 1/48 VE-1's or Ostrich convertions anywhere, what's going on??

  3. Why don't you turn this thread into a "Who has the Crappiest Model" thread, no good kits allowed, just pure amateur talent. When I first started out after a big break in modeling, one of the most daunting things to see was all these great kits out there, and compare them to the shapeless lumps sitting on my desk, so I say let the parade begin!

    What happened to the crappy models!?! I dont see any lumps! :ph34r:

    Man; like a said before, it's all up to the photograph...

    all the crappy models look awesome under the right lighting conditions...he,he..

  4. The pics above are probably the 2 most important pasrts of the whole construction. as you can see i try to use as much as possible on the kits peices that practically discarded during the convertion build up

    - the shoulder Joint on the Gerwalk are pieces of the hip joint from the battroid. the shoulder socket has been trimmed down to fit a cut on the back of the chest plate right under the wing and close to the wing pivotin point and filled/packed with pieces of styrene to obtain a solid "weld" between both pieces.

    -the shoulder peg has been glued in after drilling a hole on the upper part of the shoulder which will create a clearance to the wing. The original peg on the battroid shoulder joint had been cut off ( it will eb use later on in the modified gerwalk hip joint) and covered with styrene to create a smooth surface and a thicker wall for the new peg attachment; as you probably will figure out the new peg is the ball joint of the battroid hip.

    ***** ***** *****

    A close up of the intake leg joint ;

    On this post pic (arrow 1) you can se the cut off battroid shoudler joint that has been attached to the foldable "joint cover" with a pice of styrene. ( arrow 2) I have added extra support by drilling a hole through ( the styrene and the peg) and glueing a piece of styrene rod.


  5. UPDATED !!!look bottom for pics ...

    I been requested a comission job for a couple of Hasegawa gerwalks and I thought it would be nice to show some of the steps I came up with as I indulge on a project of this level for a second time..

    Some of you might have seen the Minmay guard I build before where 3 different models were kitbashed to make the Gerwalk a reality. I originally made a complex convertion on the shoulder Joint using a bandai model, the hasegawa fighter and the battroid model models but now I am following the 2002 Hobby japan magazine techniques that actually are not only easier to follow but also mechanicaly sound


  6. wow!, thanks LTSO; is nice to reminisce about this stuff that happily enough is still around on my collection display cabinet.

    I know there was also some people having the fanjet recasted so i wanted to add some of the old pictures and the old tread about this model in particular

    Fanjet & vf-1 blue angels


  7. I was born in Peru, I am half Chilean; lived in Mexico for 4 years and in LA ( just seems to be a different country of it's own if you tell me) been In Virginia, USA for 14....

    Nacido en el Peru, soy mitad chileno; vivi en Mexico por 4 anos y en Los Angeles ( porque esa cuidad es un pais extranjero en si mismo) estoy viviendo en Virginia, EEUU por 14 anos

  8. My take on this is that the reaction you are having it could be happening for many reasons;

    1-enamel base coat is not getting long enough time to dry and it mixes with the future coat

    2- it could be that when you airbrush the future over it the layer it's too thin.

    3-the thinner (mineral spirits) on the wash is too strong and goes throught the layer of Future eating away the enamel

    4-the mineral spirits that you might be using on your wash might also be strong enough that when it sits on the model too long eats through the future layer.

    I had this problem before with acrilics base coat and a top layering by testor clear coat. the problem was the dying time of the acrilics wich wasn't enough and the testors coat was too thick that even with a long drying period wouldl find a way to eat throut the base coat layers and destroyed 2 model all together.

    I don't let the wash sit too long on the model i wipe it right aftr no more than 10 minutes

  9. Was does Darth Sidous has bad teeth? but when on Supreme Chancellor form, he seems to have good teeth??? :o

    I think is because no one has figured out that he is the darkest sith himself and has everyone under a spell or something of that sort or a mask that will be revealed once he gains complete power over the republic

  10. Got mine today along with my Slave 1 from fine molds.  I can't believe it got here so fast and it was sent by SAL too.

    btw how big is the slave one? I wanted to get a few of these but i saw the jedi starfighter and it looked tiny as hell. i would rather use the money and get a bigger kit.

    the slave 1 is big; bigger than the x wing. The box is at least twice as thick, lots of parts, hence the big price tag...

  11. there's still 9 days left and that auction and the bid is already over $100 high.

    I think people bidding on it is on crack...

    Just for kicks I am going to build one and sell it on ebay twice as expensive but 20 times better done..

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