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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. Would you all say that buying an external mix Paasche H series was a bad move?

    The guy at the hobby store really pushed it hard over the internal mix V series. They cost about the same (but the external mix was cheaper), he was pushing it because he felt it was easier to maintain.

    Is not a bad move. I also have the H series with external mix and the guy at the store is right, its cheaper and easier to clean. My problem is that little screw on the bottom of the "ball -joint" nozzle part, it doesn't tight any more so it's somewhat lose.

    Besides that it works like a charm in areas like the wing and fuselage where you can get through the painting quite faster with an even flow. I think we could compare it to the aztek..??

    If you want very fine lines and very small detailed air brushing then I would recomend you a double action one where you can manipulate and control the flow..but painting models doesn't requere as much of that unless is a 1/200 scale or so...

  2. It just makes sense to have auctions wiht more than 1 day to bid unless a BIN option is created, thus increasing the chances to make more profit for the seller ( a fair advantage). More people will see the auction; the bid price increase by the ending time...

    The deadbeats fine makes sense but as you said is not fool prof since there are some people who just makes mistakes and place " an order" when they didn't mean it. may be a chance to correct the bid or make an appeal right before the auction ends or they will be forced to buy the item anyways..??

    just a thought

  3. Before you go for the oil wash or any wash for that matter I would suggest you to go through a light clear coat layer wether is made of acrylics, enamel or future (acrylics) this way if you do the same with the Q-tip or any other mistake you'll, most likely, strip the clear coat away and not the paint.

    As it has been mentioned before, let the paint cure a couple of days if not more; same goes for the clear coat the key is going light on it or an enamel clear coat might wash off the base acrylic coat; this happened to me twice.

    I clear coat the model with enamel base testor and the wash is made with oil paint diluted with mineral spirits which would actually wash the clear coat away but in small amounts and enough drying time it doesn't happen.

  4. the trusters and verniers are another pain in the butt but a necessary evil.

    Again; every single nozzle (yes even the tiny ones) are painted in 2 colors the outside of the verniers are painted with alclad polished aluminum and the inside a mix of jet exhaust and copper.

    The top pic shows the first spray with aluminum. The ones in the bottom are the ones I took from the top pic; about half of the ones I have to paint in total. The difference here is that the very small ones will be painted by hand brush since they are nearly imposible to figure a way to hold them still when airbrushing...


  5. here's an update. the main parts have been painted here's the sequence for the painting process.

    1 -base color for panel line shading; dark blue mixed with grey and white

    2- second base color for panel highlights; white mixed with medium blue 95/5 ratio

    Every panel is individually airbrushed, but most times this process is too tedious and overwhelming so I skip details on some panels and blend the panel lines.


  6. I blame it on Bellsouth. Her new trainer position there has put her in an uncomfortable frame of mind. She's worried about what her co-workers and classmates will think of her being married to a "Big Kid". She's really blowing it out of proportion, especially with her demands to get rid of fourteen years worth of consoles.

    Here we go again trying to answer the question of who came first; the chicken or the egg...

    14 years of game loving must have turned you into a big geek indeed, but remember she married that big geek because those dreams are what you were made of, and now wanting you to get rid of them means she wants to change you into another man she likes "better", In my book there's something wrong with this picture...

    To me the problem with this is the fact that she's "blowing it out of proportion", making fights and wanting you to get rid of ALL of the videos...

    Well, keep the one or 2 consoles you like most with the minimal amount fog ames to live the enxt 20 years and buy yourself an Xbox or game cube to keep the child on you and make her understand you need to keep some if not a lot of the memorabilia that is truly meaningful to you; but please convert to DVD already.... ;)

  7. Do you mean this awesome thing...? :p

    I got it from Noel 'Black Aces' or Rob 'Samurai Monkey' (don't remember actually whom) they pop up every once in a while on ebay but ask some of the members here. I have seen it on the sell section twice a while back..


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