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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. His mission was to make sure that the information River had didn't get out. It did, mission failure. He's not just going to kill them after he failed the mission, there's no honor in that.


    He makes a comment about how the sword was used as a weapon in the past when he kills the guards and scientist on the log/ records room, I am sure he meant the samurai . You can tell he was emulating a Ninja or something of that sort and he would act under a strict honor code. but once they get the mesage out there was no point of killing. Besides, finally someone was better than him why kill Mal when he already lost?

  2. just saw the movie...well done Sci-fi...humor and drama cue is right on without being too forced..it was a great sequel to the few chapters I saw on the TV drama and placed many if not all loose ends together...

    I don't think another movie sequel/ prequel is a great idea right now but this made enough impact and money to make the TV idios think about the rebirth of the TV series . Wash can be brought back many other ways as a "clone" , flash back, or a psychic companion to River and just be a part of the franchise as usual.


  3. Wow you are the master. I stand in the shadow of your greatness..


    Just keep an eye on all of the model building processes..here and in other forums...do a web search.

    Most of the skills I have I learned them from many of the members here...and some books found on the internet..I had no previous building skills and got the hang of it rather quickly but it took me about 2 years to understand why some things have to be done certain ways and why you should never stop looking around to learn better and newer techniques..

    Don't feel afraid to ask; that's how I found solutions to many of my problems and practice as much as you can...

    Jonn13 - i am virtually a half year late on this but we have a couple of master decal makers Anasazi is one of them and he was selling some of them around check on the for sell section...

  4. I have been checking in and out the forums but haven't signed in a long time or read many of the posts...

    I used some left over YF-19 hasegawas decals and other models decals to fill some of the big blank spaces on the rear cockpit..

    My background is of 2D hand drawing so I can hit some small detail lines with a thin brush. All the inside forward cockpit is done by hand. I added some wiring and small plastic kitbash details like MW cheng is doing with the 3 slot vents on his booster. Also used a kotobukiya Y join for the canopy a very simple light color wash on top of all that messy cockpit detail and voila..

    I feel so lazy and I've been busy all these months since I haven't touch any of my models since the beginning of Summer, which usually by now I would have built at least 2-3 models..

    I would love to see some other modelers hitign this cat's eye..

    I'll give myself time soon to take better pictures of the cockpit from other angles...

  5. Oh boy, I had to do a research about this .

    By the way guys someone needs to add this to the hasegawa plastic kits on the model menu section.

    Hey big F, the photo etched parts are an add on for detailing of the models on certain sections of the building up; they are also made by Hasegawa. I would strongly recomend you to buy them if you want to maximize the detail of the Vf's.

    There are other ways to get around it by kitbashing styrene parts and metal pieces added on but the quality of the potho etched is already superb. You can find them on Ebay and some model shops might still have them available but you have to do some research. The average price is around $10-$12 but they are becoming scarse so expect the prices to go a bit higher.

    hope that helps a bit


  6. if the Daedalus original size is 488 M and you wanted at 6 Ft would that make it around 1/270 scale..? why the odd size..? wouldn't be more logicall making it at 1/200 for the nichimos or othr known scale?

    hold on, I got a new calculation about 1/30 scale...Where are the mathematicians when i need them...!! ?

  7. so what's the problem with Premature Ejac....?

    Oh you mean Photo Etched... my problem is not as much as the bending or glueing is the braking while bending of the insignifical little suckers that then fall to the ground to almost never be found...

    May be a good way to find them would be using a magnet?

  8. Thats the 1/6 scale one by screamin i think. It isnt finished i still have to paint the wires in his stomach area.

    Thanks Grayson BTW the virago is in 1/72 as well. I double checked on the Lambda shutle and it is definitely 1/72

    I thought it was 1/100... the pilots are a bit smaller than a 1/72 size...and scaling it down with a calculator it goes exactly to 1/100. I could be wrong though...

    The virago is 1/72 for sure...

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