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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. May be you should make your wife take a peek at this page and see the potential or what a "real" job could be like (Well, at least as an extra source of income I'd say..)

    That way she would eat her words...

    Wow 45 :o  :D !! I need to order more resin.... and silicone rubber. That amount of kits will require two or even three runs to make them all!!

    I´m in the finishing stages of the master, just an awful lot of small stuff like wheel cobers etc. left now - I hope I can begin with the molds next week.


  2. well; I would agree that finding an available dream toy line would be great; but this coventional way of doing bissiness will eventually hit a wall. Is hard to have a "realistic" well proportioned line of toys simply because or manufacturing issues and marqueatability.

    A good- proportioned Sci-fi toy would have a shorter life span because some pieces would be too fragile to withstand a child playtime or the materials too expensive and therefore not marqueatable for general consumers and not profitable for bussines. This is why if there are ever any line of well made toys the run is too small or the prices are up the roof.

    Besides, If there is ever any well-made realistic toy made; we tend to call them models...

    Since SW has been for many years a good franchise to exploit I would also like to see a company who would keep their toys in proportion and scale consistency ..but I recall the expensive millenium falcon made by code-3 and of course out of scale with the rest ot of it's production

    I would be happy with knowing Fine molds will make a B-wing model on 1/72 scale

  3. I think" we would have our revenge" from Tanmen if he found out some people are getting a hold of products he wished he made himself. But I guess that would stir more problems with BW if they sneaked around this forums too much...

  4. I just know one thing..every time (if not 99.9%) we have a maintenance happening I know I'll have to keep from going insane asking myself why it hasn't the forums come back at the "scheduled" time?

    We should just say "there's a lock up coming up..let's hope for the best; so come back in a few days..."


  5. ... so far the program hasn't found any viruses lingering around. it seems the firewall has done it's job just fine.

    No, it doesn't.

    Firewalls are NOT to protect you from viruses.

    Aside from a agood antivirus, the only thing that can REALLY protect you rom viruses is good sense.

    If you recieve an e-mail from Angelina_Jolie@yahoo.com entitled "I WANT YOUR COCK!" with an attachment entitled "naked pictures of me.jpg.vbs" and you run it "just in case" you deserve everything you get.

    Sadly, that's what MOST virus propagation amounts to these days, is people running every piece of crap that falls into their inbox without ever thinking about it. They turn their brains off when they sit down to the computer, they see an attachment in their e-mail box, they click an attachment, then they bitch about how crappy computers are because their's has self-inflicted problems.


    Even any non-geek would know that..what I meant about firewall ( which I should have elaborated more on my statement) it that by itself it keeps me out of sites that otherwise would get me into trouble. they log your presence and somewhat compoanies find out about your IP and then they send you all that unwelcome junk mail that by chance might contain a viruse. Firewall can be set in a way that keep you from getting into those sites and thus making the blind mistake of not using common sense...

  6. I just got my first poster of the Ghost painting back from the printing service. It is a digital print on heavy paper -160g/m2 with a flat surface. The size is even bigger than the original but it does look just as sharp in the details. The size is somewhat odd - 47X60cm. They chose A2 for width but enlarged the format to fit the exact dimensions of the picture.

    Anyone interested in a copy? Price will be 26 EURO plus postage - I know that´s not exactly cheap but quality-wise it´s definitely more like a limited edition art print than a quick colour print at the nearest copy shop!



    I would suggest you making a new tread on the forsale forum to grow the interest or other people that might not frequent this tread...

  7. robotech-rickhunter.JPG

    I never thought they would have made this.


    MY EYES!


    Back in the eighties every toy shop in England had one of those.


    IS the David Hasselhoff hairdue all over again. we are all going to die..!!!

  8. I been using the AGV free for a week or so..I have beeen without antivirus for about 2 months. I don't visit unknown/questionable websites and so far the program hasn't found any viruses lingering around. it seems the firewall has done it's job just fine. If I can't log in in a couple of weeks then I know I downloaded a piece of crap...

  9. Napoleon; short

    Not quite.

    Contrary to popular belief (perpetuated by the above-mentioned caricatures), Napoleon was not especially short. After his death in 1821, the French emperor's height was recorded as 5 feet 2 inches in French feet. This corresponds to 5 feet 6.5 inches in Imperial (British) feet, or 1.686 meters, making him slightly taller than an average Frenchman of the 19th century. The metric system was introduced during his lifetime, so it was natural that he would be measured in feet and inches for much of his life. A French inch was 2.71 centimetres, whereas an Imperial inch is 2.54 centimetres. In addition to this miscalculation, his nickname le petit caporal adds to the confusion, as non-francophones mistakenly take petit literally as meaning "small"; in fact, it is an affectionate term reflecting on his camaraderie with ordinary soldiers. He also surrounded himself with soldiers, his elite guard, who were always six feet tall or taller.

    I am slightly taller than Napoleon, just a centimetre.

    Anyway, we have two sayings here in Italy: "lies have small legs" (meaning that lies can be discovered easily) and the "L rule" (meaning that your height is inversionally proportional to the length of your member). Maybe in English there are similar sayings.

    The first saying has a special sense in Italy because of our prime minister Berlusconi, who was prescripted for false statements during an oath in a trial. By the way, in his family name the ending "oni" is a plural augmentative, while "berlusco" comes from "bis-losco" (disused word), which means "two-times dishonest" (really!). I can't guess why his family got that name...



    So what you are saying is that 5.6 is considered average...?? yipeee..ha,ha..who knows the average human height anyways??? I think is just about 5.6 or so...I read is getting taller by the year...or decades measurament...

    thanks for the Napoleonic enlightment vegeta...

  10. Elijah Wood is 5'5 as tall as I am..yeap I am short but far from a midget...sorry guys but midget is 5 and under...ha,ha.

    The world has been "ruled" and owned by short people, and they still do..

    Napoleon; short

    Hitler, short

    Atila the hun, short

    Michael jackson, ok just the king of pop..but well, also short...

    The list goes on and on...

    And modernly speaking; I am sure the masonics and most rich jews (not discriminating here) are not tall or great looking either..this is history speaking ...

    I would not worry about your friend seeing a short actor and feeling disgusted about it..I would fell more worry about her who had to marry a tall guy to get pass her height complex so she could feel accepted...

  11. As far as I know these Gundam helmets are modified usable helmets; they are mostly detailed by the paint and not the structure. The Macross one are molded that way so the structure is unique, most likely unbalanced and are not crash tested or Snell/DOT certified...

    Did I get that right mommy??

  12. Hey buglips; Never give up, never surrender..just allow yourself to take breaks. Show us some of your stuff even if it not macross..there are plenty of topics where you can show us some of your modeling skills...looking forward to your first VF...

  13. As an amatuer filmmaker, I can tell you that a throw away scene like that is meant to visually communicate to the audience a message they will understand quickly, without going into dialogue or exposition.  The scene lasts only moments, the attention of the audience is focused on a specific detail of the scene using light and color to emphasize the important details, the visual message is sent, and the scene ends.

    In the case of Macross Plus, the scene in question is meant to tell the audience visually that the YF-19 is doing better than the YF-21 in the Super Nova Competition.  The director wants this transition scene to help visually move the story along in the direction of the script.  It's also a setup for tension between characters, indicating that the competition is well underway, results are starting to indicate an outcome, and the stakes are getting higher.  As a result of this conflict, characters will take actions in response...possibly drastic action.  Thus the story creates drama.

    Whether the YF-19's success is do to superior product, superior pilot, or any number of factors is left up to individual viewer interpretation.


    AMEN bro...

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