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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. This sounds good. count me in...

    I was thinking on refitting the old 1/100s but that takes a lot of time I don't have, and also investment on more materials..

    this way I could sell the old Imai and make up for the cost of the new resin one.

    I like the idea of having the hability to expand it..

    2 walls and floor is the way to go in my opinion.

  2. Oh man it looks nice..I am also working on it..and have had the worst time trying to erase the seam lines with putty. Terrible fit on the molds...and some of the corners and curves on the model are almost impossible to putty because of the scale...

    I want to paint it in a way that gives the illusion of a massive size mecha..but it's going to be a while before i get there...

  3. looks like a nice build. Hope you keep us tracked on your advance..

    the best way to paing is doing sub-assemblies and paint them before the main assemblies what you have to keep in mnind are that you have to make pre fittings and probably modifications to figure out how things should work better for you. follow "master" WM Cheng step by step treads and you get lots of insights on how to build and paint models the right way...


  4. I think Grayson , or Chris B. can answer that question easily since I believe they have the worderfest kits.

    I also wanted to have one but never found someone to buy it for me.Is the only one made at 1/72 scale

    Oh life is so unfair....

  5. Don't sweat it! The more the merrier! So that's a Hase. fighter kit with an Imai battroid kit cool! I'd thought about doing that but I didn't think it would look that good. Guess you proved me wrong. Didn't you build two gerwalk conversions? I'm pretty sure it was your build-ups that inspired me to do my own.

    Yeah the Imai conversion was the first I made; but I only used the slide arm system from it. Most of it still is a couple of hasegawa kits. The second 2 you saw on an old post were for comission and I did them using the technique you applied on yours which I also follow them from the same magazine. In the end I found out it was the simplest and less brain bugging way to go. Best part is that it took me half the time than what took to build the first one.

    My suggestion is that you can only learn by trying.

  6. It´s a fact, guys! Hobbyfan's kit is a recast.

    I wrote them, and this is their response:


    Every kit will sell at our site are recasts. The only item that are original or G-system kits."


    Great; just what we llike to hear....

    In another news I just received the kit I got from the auction I won at Ebay from Neograde.

    For startes the Neograde box in gorgeous, It looks like a shoe box but the texture and colors are enchanting ( If I was a girl I would fall in love with it).

    The packaging of the resin is well done in several layers of bubble wrap and inflated plastic bags, very secure to survive shipping from Hong Kong.

    The bigger pieces are individually wraped and the casting is top quality from what I could see. Since I didn't open the individual bags because I won't build this sucker for a while; I could not see it with detail. But I can tell this guys are proud of their work and show it well...

  7. Turkey is considered a delicacy back home and therefore expensive. Plus I am not crazy about turkey to start with; rather have chicken or fish..

    Everyone have a good thanksgiving evening with whatever you put on your mouth.. I am gratefull I can at least have breakfast every morning..

  8. At least one... initially I was going to make a whole set with 2-3 cars and several figures but it really depends on the amount of time I can spend on this project. Maybe it is better to make just single kits, after all, not everybody who wants 3 crew vehicles will need the same amount of cherry picker trucks...

    But there WILL be a cola vending machine :D !!!

    Looking great; ..and all of this in 1/72 scale..?? Bless your heart man...

    bring it on...

  9. I assume that you know the process involved on making them...

    There are a few guys here who know how to do them but do not not mass produce them. I am sure there's people here who would like access to them at some point or another since it might be a better choice than sand the suckers for a half hour nonstop..

    Also there might be an interest on making replacements for the current Club-M figthers and some others of the VF's..

  10. They do have a large ammount of kits.

    Has anyone bought stuff from them. whats the quality like and sales service etc

    I did once a couple of years back and bought a 1/72 VF-4 or the VF-2ss they did a pretty good job shipping the item quickly just like Hobby search 1999...

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