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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. Keep an eye out in the next few months fine scale modelers. The MONSTER was photographed for a Wonderfest Photo spread.

    Hey that's fantastic . Hopefully and finally they will give Macross or sci-fi modeling in general some justice.

    By the way where are the wonderfest tread and pics going to be at??

  2. Well i wouldn't think is just a matter of opinion...

    I think is a direct effect from demand and availability; once the rich guys wanted to get richer and created a surplus of the toys the prices had to come down to sell the reserves.

    The price would always be what the manufacture spends on material, labor cost and shipping cost..the rest on prices increase is due to pure greed...or to our advantage, surplus of unsold toys...and their lost for not monopolizing the goods...

    $80 for a variable monster?? i remember when they used to cost $200.00

    I think is always good to wait longer when there's availability of a toy line; prices are meant to go eventually lower, unless they become a rarity all of the sudden like the 1/48 low visibitily . But this is always a tricky waiting game...

    Hey Totoro your prices are about right. I have found some the vf's in 1/60 far lower than that though...

  3. Asking people for proper grammar sounds easy but let's be more "condescendent" to foreigners or grammar handicapped that might have a very hard time making themselves understood..

    The request about not using capital letters as a intonation meaning is relevant. I think valhary is just a young newbie...

  4. well seems I missed the boat on this one..I can't find them available abywhere...

    Do anyone have a couple of them extra??

    I would like the ones with fast packs...

    Please PM me if you do...

  5. If the models will be only in 1/48, I'm in.

    Nobody more prefer it in 1/72? :p:ph34r:

    I think the reason why no one wants one at this point on that scale is because they have already been released last year from wonderfest and most likely, like myself, they already have one...

    wouldn't it be easier to recast the ones already available?

    if not may be yahoo japan??

  6. I like the DYRL scheme better as well but I am building the TV one. I guess I'll compromise on it a bit and make it look as military as possible and still have the essence of the old series scheme one...

    Which ever way I end up, is going to be a b@tch to mask and paint the parts on the tiny Sdf models...

  7. I know a lot of you guys have had experience with this, so I need a little reasurance here, I preordered about a month ago the club-m vf-11 recast from Hobbyfan.com click at first it stablished an arrival date, on that day, it change for the next month and a few days ago was the supposed new arrival date and then it changed for a new arrival date for the next month??

    any ideas why it's taking too long? are they still recasting or is it normal for them to delay from time to time? my patience is wearing thin, I have a lot of free time on my hands but it will soon come to an end and I want to built this before I stop having a life anymore at work

    I been waiting 1 and 1/2 years for one of the silver female sculpture figures I pre ordered a long while back. Last summer they told me the casting was going to be started "next month"...so they asked for a down payment of 20% which wasn't too much...but a year later I haven't received my kit...is about time to send them an email....I think...

  8. To be perfectly honest, I'm stumped on this one.

    I went through all of SDF Macross as research for the upcoming entry of the SDF-1 (TV Version) for the M3 and frankly, the SDF-1 Macross seems to be the most color inconsistant mecha of the franchise. Virtually every second shot shows the ship with a slightly different color scheme. White sections in one shot will be blue in another and vice versa. The feet/main thrusters seem to be the worst offender, alternating from blue to white in virtually every scene.

    Not much help I know. But there it is :(

    That was my whole point. I even went t your site to check your resources( but found none yet ). I also had the big 1/3000 takatoku which is moslty white but I am still lost.. I do like the darker upper "legs" better but the white scheme seems to be the predominant after all my research.. so who knows...

    I do appreciate your input though...

    In the end I am going to come up with what it seems more appealing to me from the military point of view, which is the less " shiny look-at-me white" the better, even if it ends up not being canon...


  9. Oh. It's almost impossible to have that much detail on the tiny Imai kit without making severe fix ups. Rather rebuilt the sucker... This is the Scale Solution one. I believe I been able to improved the painting scheme a bit. The one shown at their web site needed a little "uummph"( vitamins that is)

    The scale is roughly 1/8000 which goes well with the tiny Imai also at that scale..I am also building it along with a 1/5000 and a 1/15000 which I'll show soon..( that meaning, eventually...)

    One thing It keeps bugging me are the Zentraedi writing and signs on their battle ships. The scale of every letter assigned to a hull would be amazingly big. If the Zents are warriors, males and chauvinistic cloned "sheep" why are their writing so well executed and smooth? round lines are a matter of an artistic and civilized expression; shouldn't it be rough, sketchy and ragged instead? may be they had a few not so manly men doing their "art" work??

    Another thing though. I am not sure if this is just in Robo-taco but I remember reading that Zetns didn't fix or did maintenance to their ships which in my opinion is hard to believe. Any space vessel that goes to war needs some type of repair and specially maintenance or any small breach in the hull could cause the fatal demise of its crew. So they must have done some quick repairs if not in the immediate squadron at least every time they reported to the main station fleet... I know the ships can automatically repair or close small hull breach but eventually they have to run out of the second "skin" ..

    Any light on this..??

  10. Ok after the tease pics; the full monty

    I always though that a high rank Zentraedi vessel would not be so expendable as the cannon fodder ones. So they would be quickly repaired If they made it back to base and then left back to the elements...

    This is the Scale solutions resin kit..

    Thanks for the answer to the discussions down the page..





  11. I was wondering about the small crew doors at floor and high levels as well and I guess ladders and balconies will be added along..

    The one thing that stand out to me are those humongous door hinges..are they supposed to be that way??

    All in all it looks good to me

  12. that's either the the YF-21 or VF-22 on dark coloring scheme...

    I am not too interested on the gerwalk yf-21. I have the hasegawa battroid conversion and that's enough for me..but for Christ sake can someone recast the 1/72 YF-19 conversion for me...?

  13. If the model is already built I would save it and use it for spare parts if I decide to kit-bash there's always a part of a kit I could use somewhere else. Or i could give it to someone that might appreciate the effort on having it build.

    If it is unbuilt I can either try to sell it on ebay or save it for kit-bashing as well. there's nothing worst for me that having a ton of unbuilt kits and little space left I could use to store other models....

    Also if I wanted a kit that bad and bought it, after a while, I would give it some thought and make sure that I still wanted to have it on the long run..if not then sell it away.

    There's always another cool kit that you are going to want to have...

  14. Thats the really sad part they were Aprox £25 each in Mandrake. <_<:angry:

    Well my friend then you should have shot yourself... afterwards.. :p I haven't seen them online for a while do you know what could be the return on a sell of those now a days?

    need an aspirin...?? :lol:

  15. I have seen it on Ebay going for $150 or so but I think I paid about $80 for mine. They do pop up every now and then on Ebay..although not lately you can probably find them more often on the yahoo japan.


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