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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. After seeing that panel combination I am still a little puzzled about the set up of the rotating ramp on the floor panel ..

    On my observation a mecha should rest on it and be rotated for easier fix and/or inspection (specially if it is broken or disarmed). That meaning that the gantry should stay relatively close or surrounding this rotating platform.

    I only purchased a wall and floor panel but if I place the wall panel (the set that contains the door) aligned with the rotating platform on the same adjacent side then the rotating platform ends right by the door which in my opinion looks like the wrong spot. Why would the sucker get through the door just to turn around..?

    The only way I found to fix this is cutting the floor in half and turn the rotating platform around so stays adjacent to the wall where the door doesn't match. Thus having a more suitable place for the gantry.

    I am not bashing about the built or the molding/creation quality here. I am just observing what i found something that to my opinion is not correct and found a solution in case someone else finds this and sees it my way.

    This is left to anyone's build up interpretation...

  2. Petar is so right about this.

    Waiting over a year for a given "estimate" date of arrival is way unprofessional and plain evil. Think it out of the box for a minute .. "It's estimated that your tax return will arrive in 5 days.." Or even better - "I shipped your item last week... Wait a few more days...or a couple of weeks..or.." ha,ha,ha!!..

    I've also been waiting for over a year for my naked girl with sword model..man you should see the anxiety every time I see that estimated date? unfair i tell you...

  3. I have some on these B-clubs hands They are a great alternative to posing hands for battroids, and depending of the type you buy they could be just about right or slightly small in 1/144.

    for example the model 2181-1300 is undersized and just about the size for a 1/72 valk. But, the model 2254-1300 is a bit too small, although I assume It might be perfect for a 1/100. The ones I have are an old packaging so their ID number might have changed by now...

  4. I would think some of the biggest things to consider besides price would be the actual usage and noise. I wait days and some times even weeks at a time for the hours I'll be spending airbrushing.

    I don't like to have to use it for a one pass brushing and then have to deal with the set up and clean up of the tools that could take as long as the painting session. Instead I make sure i can have several disposable hours to paint several layers and models at once; It saves time and expenditure of paints and cleaning solutions.

    The time I spent painting is a noisy one, so I can't do it when my nephews or family friends are visiting. My painting room on the second floor is made of wood so the vibration of the small 2.5 gallon compressor can be felt throughout the house. None of the compressor i have owned...3, is quiet enough while charging air; but they are "silent" when airbrushing.

    Once the Psi pressure is spent, the machine will rev-up again for a new charge so the noise starts again. I tend to turn it off until the whole charge is spent because the compressors revs-up as soon as it hits 80-100 Psi out of the 125 max. The bigger the gallon capacity the longer it will take until a new charge is filled; but the longer it will take before a new one is needed... if you can deal with the noise while charging then any compressor might work but i would tend to think getting a bigger one may be 5-8 gal should be enough, I just wouldn't know about the noise...

    Hopefully you can test it before you buy it.

  5. My last tread is gone so I did a new one.

    This is still a work in progress...

    So after 5 months I am almost there. I did a quick-pic on the photo-booth just to see how they come out.

    Painting is mostly done but I am hesitant to finish them further. it's been a thrill and time consuming but i don't recommend anyone to build the 1/5000 which is in my opinion the worst one of them. It just needs too much work to make it look decent and even so I still miss detailing on it. But i love the "sport". The other 2 are a charm with the exception of the plastic that's a bit brittle and it takes a lot of gluing to weld. That's about it..

    In order of appearance left to right 1/5000, 1/15000 in the middle and 1/8000 left...


  6. The Q-rau also is one of my favorite mecha of all times.

    I just can't get through the fact even female aliens are also size discriminated. I would think that such a tough combatant race would be the same if not bigger than average humans after reduced just because their genes would evolve slightly after many thousands of years. Also I would think the fact they are "produced" genetically would make their genes be manipulated in a way that they would have tougher skin and more muscular features like the green drummer hulk in Fire bomber.. But noooooo, most of the girls have to be smaller than males just because is uncool...

    At any rate I took a pic of the 1/72 Club-M Q-rau and the so called 1/60 yamato. They are indeed different in size...


  7. I've been working on this model on and off for the the last 4 months trying to make it some justice. Everyone knows the molds are uneven and the model is slightly off altogether.

    The construction logistics and painting have been done. It needs small details and finishing, but the basic build up is there. I am hoping to have it done in the next few weeks.

    I rather built the main parts on their own and then reattach them either but joining them without glue or by drilling new holes where the pegs hinges of the articulation used to be and made new ones from metal rods.

    The Daedalus and Prometheus have been detailed a bit. New elbow hinges have been created from scratch. I tried to create a sort of aztec pattern on the painting to make it size suggestive. The antennas and other details will be made of thin wire and added later on. Everything else is straight from the box.

    I am wondering if anything else is missing; Any suggestions??


  8. To be perfectly honest, you had me at 38cm...but less so at 34. Size IS everything, lol. Can we have the price pro-rated to the new length? I make that $268. (JOKE!)

    I do understand your reasoning and I'm tentatively up for one; the real issue isn't size or price so much as interpretation. I've seen CG and solid Gnerl models done well and done 'less well'; it definitely requires an artist's touch to get the right balance. I'd like to see your masters taking shape before I make a firm decision, but thanks for tackling the old Fighter Pod, it's totally an interesting topic.



    Obviously you are not familiar with Moscato's sculpts or casting quality... that canuk is a master.

  9. Yes they are the same sculpts than the Nichimo but with a package in English. I think the Max and Miriya with Fast packs were the harder ones to get...The stickers are hideous though after 15 years or so from the release date they don't stick.

    Here is a photo of one i got a while back my painting technique is also hideous on that one..but you get the picture


  10. I cut off a piece of styrene I have laying around; one thick for the base top and one thin for the template that I was going to paint on the top. The proceeded to paint the base with a can of spray paint I had left form a few years back. At this point I was left with a nice base but I wanted a log to go on the top.Since I wanted the template logo to be of a lighter color than the base. I painted that first and when dried I painted the wooden base color on top. Let it dry, glue the top to the base with a multi-purpose cement; drill a hole, glue a rod and you are done.




  11. I have been thinking about purchasing a base for some of my 1/72 star wars models. The only good alternative known to me is to buy a base made by an X company and paint it myself; or pay some more and purchase one already painted. The problem starts when you need more than 1. I might be doing for a whole squadron of models relatively soon, but Having to pay $8 to $20 for each base become a burden on the wallet, let alone the cost of shipping because of the weight issues.

    I went to the hardware store and found a piece of trim corner block which is already nicely cut. I am sure many of you have found this but the plain looking piece of wood leaves a lot to be desired. At $ 2.65 I couldn't let it go and had to take a few home and figure out how to make it functional and improve it.

    So i gave it a little lift...



  12. Yes those are it. This adds incredible maneuverability to the valk. HLJ have them as photo etched type but they lack the physical dept they might need to look like the original part.

  13. I like to know how long do you think will it take to get this one done. Waiting for 30 people to commit might take a bit longer than usual. At this moment I have the funds, but If we are projecting this to a couple of months or longer then I would hesitate committing now...

    This model might become the holy grail for some since I doubt anyone else will set on an enterprise of making one. I'd hate to miss it.

  14. I had 3 of those shelved around for a couple of years and never built them. When i realized 1/100 scale wasn't going to do it for me, I started selling them on Evilbay. I just sold the last one a couple of months ago...

    Now everything has to be either 1/144 or 1/72...

  15. Is interesting that the 1/72 scale doesn't come with the Fats Packs but the 1/60 does...

    This is a good strategy, practically they are telling us that they will sell it either together with another color scheme in a second release like Hasegawa did or it will be a separate release by itself costing just as much as the original model.. Now If the kit doesn't sell we wont see the Fast Pack version of it..

    So far i am liking what I see. Let's see how the final products comes out like and how expensive it will become...

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