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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. Not all of the 1980's-90's models have been reissued. Either because they might not have been good seller from the start or because the original molds have been lost. Virtually what you see in HLJ is what Bandai has brought back from the dead and that might be all there will ever be.

    If you are desperate, I am wondering how good do you feel at moding, building and kit-bashing models?

    The 1/72 variable Bandai are exactly the same except for the heads and the color they are molded on; so you might have to paint it and mode the head from a Hasegawa, Kaiyodo or other battroid and buy the 1S on HLJ. Unless you happen to find the one on Evilbay.

    Same goes for the 1/100 super battroid http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN953432

    They only have the 1S version at HLJ but you could also mode the head from somewhere else another Bandai of the same scale found in "Ebayer" since the varian mold is the same as the 1/72 except for the color.

  2. I think we get into backlogs because there's a particular part we like more and it comes easier to us. We like to build..but not necessarily paint and detail because is tedious and is better to finish it all at once.

    I had a backlog of 16 models last Thanksgiving. I have finished about 4 of them by now but, and haven't touched any other since Christmas.. My excuse right now is that I just moved so i haven't got to fix the modeling room i am going to use because I am out of my house 12 hours of the day at work.

    What I did when i had little time but wanted to get something done was to do a bit of the building process that can be stretched over time..like the sanding or spruce cutting or gluing, color match research, etc. This gives the ability to stop at any given moment to restart where you left off. Painting on the other hand requires lengthy time sessions to complete at once since you don't want to spend time with clean up, set up, set the proper airbrush pressure, color mixing, (you get the point... ) just for one coating of paint. Paint coat drying time anyone.. 24 hrs. wait...? I left that just for the time I can surely invest on, otherwise I rather start another model. Also i would rather get 2 valks built at once knowing I will use the same basic colors and save me set up time..

    Don't feel so bad for backloging just don't be stale on your built ups. Eventually you'll get to paint it when you get the inspiration or find a new color scheme you might get into.. :lol: and just buy, buy more.... :p

  3. it seems grace and rankas "brother" are

    cyborgs or at least partially mechanical if not all. That could mean that they could be ginea pigs for some sort of bio experiment. it could also explain why Grace could survive the planet's explosion if she possesses some special power we don't know of..(she receives communications without external devices) as in running so fast to a scape vessel of some sort (they have everything thought of in advance right?) Also could mean Ranka is a hybrid or experiment

    since she was the "önly" known survivor from the attack.

    I speculate that since the green thing managed to become Rankas friend that easily then it could mean she have some close connection to the Vajras. or that because having mixed genetic make up may be she has symbiotic powers with them beyond normal human voice.

    OK I am taking a nap, looking to much into this...

    Duke is correct this is turning into Lost meets battlestar Galactica meet aliens... but it's all fun

  4. I plan to build all the models I have. I just don't have the time to build them right now. I buy all the rare resin kits because I know once they're gone they're usually gone 4 good. I used to build my share of models even some rare resin ones. I'll get back to building models when I'm done building my house.

    Yeah Petar, you can see some people loves to make excuses about building their Mecha... :rolleyes:

    On my case, yet again, I just moved. Is taking 2 weeks to get everything unpacked.. My modeling building room is half way done. At least i might have some weekends coming up in Summer to finish those 13 models I have started last Thanksgiving..I finished 2 tie fighters.. and 2 747 that was it... :ph34r:

  5. That's some sweet skills. Puttying the seams of that little toy might have been a real pain. I can tell he used a different set of legs for the Gerwalk mode. What I wonder is if he is actually showing a different Ostrich all together or is the same toy with swappable legs?

  6. Thank you guys. I would have never find out there were more than meet the eyes regarding the line art. Is good to know there's more to Mospeada that the sometimes "corny" show we knew of.

    My question is; which new Beta/Tread toy available now would be the best match for the 1/48 imai model from the 80's?

    Thanks in advance

  7. Ha,ha That picture is a joke...yeah a 1/144 toy or model for $19.95? can you imagine the size of a 1/144 scale SDF-1 fortress? it would actually cost at least $5,000 and you'd need a hanger to haul it.

    That pic looks more like the 1/6500 or the 1/8000 scale model and for $19.95 most likely will be a small model not a 12 inches one...

  8. Sure. Everyone knows that is doable if the complexity of the parts can be figured and then done in styrene ;but I haven't seen the assembly parts pictures I requested yet. Besides this I wouldn't start building it now; It will be far into the fall. I still need to finish my DYRL ARMD. That's taking forever. I am virtually stuck with finishing my previous models on the table. I need to finish the next 7 that are ready to paint and detail. I just need time...lots of it..

  9. Could anyone post clear pictures of the chest and hips assembly pieces..?

    I got too late to this party so I might as well tackle to build my own out of styrene but for a 1/72 battroid instead...

    thanks in advance..

  10. To me the issue would not be with how detail should you make your carrier. Have you even considered the space to haul a 1/72 scale carrier? and the time it would take..you must be a wealthy and retired guy...or have no family responsabilities.

    1/72 Battroids can be found on ebay or yahoo japan sites from time to time, they are pro built and expensive. There's no an official model made yet but you can kit-bash them...

    Well, for all is worth. good luck on your build...

  11. Wow. Now this is something...

    Trying to make something that difficult, possible...

    I mean it from the point of view that asking someone to "built" this doll for you might cost surely into the hundreds.

    My best bet is to go into websites were they sell Models. They, hopefully, will be able to direct you to a modeling sculptor which is more likely the person you should get in touch with for price and time quotes.

    Also , this person is not going to come home and take a picture of your GF and then render it into an anime drawing. simply because unless you live in CA, FL or NYC the chances to find one who'll have time to go through all this are slim unless you are thinking on paying him/her a plane ticket. The best bet is taking a few picture yourself or ask her for one and then pay an artist in college or a high school buddy to do the scult for you.

    The next step would be taking or emailing this picture to the sculptor and then have a quote for the job. He will be able to just sculpt the head and "dress" it to another previously made doll which in my opinion will be cheaper than actually having a full figure sculpted. Keep in mind that a commission of a wolverine or iron man master sculpted figure could go high into the hundreds or even thousands if made by a professional artist. I would tend to believe that a private sculptor might be less costly but just relatively lower. You will have to pay for the materials, labor time and maybe shipping.

    Another option might be to get in touch with the artistic branch of a local university and ask for a student artist to have it made for you. Why this? because you could also make it a sort of a contract and since most artist college students are "starving" for work they might come to a good price terms plus do a pretty decent job.

    Ryiu? (sp) is a known sculptor on this forums..it would be a good start on prices and such or at least he could point you into the right direction

  12. Yes, this one is Robs original creation. Crisp and nicely detailed cast. Unfortunately I don't collect 1/100 scale toys or models so I am departing of it. It is worth far more what I am offering it for but I am hopefull the bidding price will increase. It's virtually not an easy find now a days.

    I will get captain's though, since I collect 1/72's 1/144 and 1/200. and For large scale ships 1/700 and 1/1700 Macross, Star wars and some aircrafts about wraps my interest and ability to collect and built ...(so I want to believe) :p

    Shelf space dictates the scale, so no 1/48's or 1/32 model/toys for me except for 2 or 3 of my grail kits.

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