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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. Here's my Jeep, with a small dash of fandom... I'd like to see this truck though!!
  2. Yeah, the Cat's Eye would be an awesome addition. /1200 bucks, holy cow!! OK, I think I could live without it.
  3. Man, I like that, but I'm sure it'll be pricey. Nice find.
  4. I dunno, I'm hearing maybe... My wife said the same thing the first time I asked her out.
  5. Meh, like you said, I guarantee they never expected this level of scrutiny, so making it work is up to us. Any chance of the booster being built for this at a later date? Or has that already been addressed in this thread?
  6. Was there any fluids involved that may have helped spark this rant? I know I don't attempt to mess with the 1/48's in FP or GBP while tipsy, it does not go nor end well... But I'll let them partake...
  7. Yeah, you know what, 2 is probably a pretty good idea...
  8. Awesome rant. Glad you feel better. .....so, whatcha sellin'?
  9. Misa all the way. All that pent up frustration, plus the obvious daddy issue makes for an interesting experience.
  10. I'm in for a set also. Really freaking cool!
  11. Time to stop buying and start building!!
  12. Sigh, that's what I was afraid of. I feel bad cause the wifey is distraught about the breakage. I told her not to worry, it was an easy fix. Looks like I'm heading to OverDrive, then possibly the wanted ads. Thanks for everyone's help, Made this alot easier!!
  13. Found the link in this section, but I think i they only replace due to defect, not accidents... http://www.over-drive-inc.com/macross_parts/
  14. By the way, the "ASS" in the background of the shot was unintentional, but fitting.
  15. I won't freeze the metal to the plastic? (I mean, if I happen to be slightly sloppy and get some on the inside of the ball joint)
  16. Oops, here it is... My buddy has a good 2 stage epoxy. Now, I need to keep the joint moving while letting it settle, right? Is there an easy way to do that?
  17. ultimateone

    Latest custom.

    Agrees. I'm sure the 1/60's will get their more than their fair share of line that will never see 1/48 (uhh, like already..)
  18. ultimateone

    Latest custom.

    Man, what an awesome job!!
  19. Yes please, I posted in the Commanchero thread that I was looking for more finished builds.
  20. So, due to a drop from a desk I've got two broken hip joints on a 1/48 VF-1S. I've got the pieces to glue it back together, but I was wondering what glue I should us. Any recommendations?
  21. If anyone can get a high res shot of this one it would be much appreciated!!
  22. Just wondering if there were any more updates or if any one else had built this kit. I got mine in the other day and am really looking forward to putting this thing together. By the way, any helpful tips, tricks, or lessons learned would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  23. I wonder if those will ever be made for 1/48's?
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