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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. I loved Robotech as a kid, and on a whim about a year and a half ago I decided to see if I could find a nicely detailed Valk for display on my desk and came across the 1/48 Yamato Stealth. Gobs of money later, here I am, full on addicted. My wife says I kept this from her on purpose while we were dating so she wouldn't freak out and run screaming for the hills. As long as Macross money doesn't come out of the budget, I'm free to do as I please.
  2. Getting giddy thinking about the Cap's "Cat's Eye".
  3. Wow , very cool camo!! Sucks that the canopy gave you such a hard time, but you did a remarkable job.
  4. Oh, man Cool8or, I didn't even realize... I'm glad to hear that your loved ones are ok. I wish you all the best.
  5. Hey cool8or, any chance of you posting some more pics of that Cat's Eye? Puh-lease? It is sweeeeeet!
  6. Really cool, I hope you do create a diorama to go along with it...
  7. Eeep! Yeah, you definitely get what you pay for. I'm hoping that as long as I get a good regulator to go with my bargain basement compressor and tank I'll be ok.
  8. Hey, thanks much! The HP-C was actually the one I was leaning towards and I found you can get a nice set-up on e-Bay, complete with compressor and tank for under 300 dollars. Looks like even more OT in the works for me, hope the wife has some shows saved up on the TiVo. Thanks again. /I had a friend who told me when I was looking at motorcycles and couldn't decide between a 600 or a 750 that "you can ride a fast bike slow, but you can't ride a slow bike fast". That's what I was thinking along the same lines for an airbrush.
  9. I'm gonna jump on Myersjessee's thread and pose a quick question. I'm getting back into modeling after an 18 year hiatus (criminy, has it been that long? ) and I'm going to buy my first airbrush. I have read many good things about dual actions, but is that too much for a novice/beginner to start with? I really don't want to buy a single action and then have to upgrade down the road because I need it to do more, but I don't want to guarantee failure by getting something I'll hate right off the bat because it's too much for me. If it helps, I'll mainly be building aircraft, mostly 1/72 and 1/48, but I plan on doing a smattering of 1/32's as well. Thanks for any and all opinions and suggestions.
  10. I know, so much they could have done... Oh well, more money for other goodies. Like some Monster Madness!!
  11. How's the Regult coming along???
  12. YES! I found a great deal on the airbrush and compressor I wanted, the Apple tablet is far less than I had anticipated... the cards being dealt are making the purchase of this beauty an easy one!!!
  13. I have no idea, but I am wondering why the need for the specific dimensions. Just a curious cat.... Good luck!
  14. Niiiiiiiice. If I'm ever up north, I hope you let me buy you a beer.
  15. What a cool idea for those of us that would like a dio but lack the funds/skills. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the completed project.
  16. I can't wait for Captain's Cats Eye.
  17. So, is this sacrilegious? I love seeing the examples members post of their takes on paint schemes, eras, and genres, but do others? I would keep this as Macross, but I'm thinking a heavily weathered dark/light grey scheme, like PetarB's Commanchero. Maybe this is worthy of its own thread (and more than likely it's there already), but canon vs non-canon? Especially on a piece as pricey and as limited as this. -Matt
  18. WTF!!!???!!! Gone so fast!
  19. Congrats on the new addition!!
  20. Dude, that much detail on a 1/144?? Amazing. This is my new favorite (or most hated?) thread...
  21. Amazing detail, very nice.
  22. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, with hopes that the Captain's next project soon would be there.... /cheesey, but I don't care...
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