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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. Sigh, Here you go. Or here's a site explaining: Reasons to tattoo a pet. The wife is a vet tech, has been for over a decade, and consistently hears stories about animals recovered by tattoos. Like this one: Dog saved by tattoo All my dogs and cats have a tattoo and are chipped. Just in case. Now, let's see some more cool stuff!
  2. OK, breaking my own rule of "one". My favorite book? This one, a novella by Alastair Reynolds In spirit of the soon to be gone Lotus, what I gave up to buy the Speeder bike: And finally, the coolest tattooed Chihuahua you'll ever see, my boy Parker /What, some one posted a zombie killer, I can't post my dog? //Don't go all PETA on me, the Vet Tech who did his "snip snip" also did tattoo's, so we got this done while he was knocked out.
  3. Found that on e-Bay. Gotta be at least once a week my wife asks if I killed any aliens on the way home.
  4. Any Jeep Wrangler owners out there?
  5. Can we see the Gunbuster?
  6. Seriously people, post them. How many kits has John sold? We should be seeing pics by the dozens.
  7. I've admitted before that I'm not fully versed on all of Macross, so I'll ask. Who's the chick and what is the significance of that particular figure?
  8. Prepared for the Zombies.
  9. I bought a book that is a history of the base and group that mothballs the planes. Pretty amazing seeing the pictures of all the old WW2 birds laying around by the hundreds waiting for the scrapper. Now they are amongst the rarest and most cherished planes around. P-38s, P-51s, etc. Some of them do find new life in other roles (C-130s sent to Alaska or A-26s refitted and sent to Vietnam to fly along the Ho Chi Minh Trail) or fly again with a new country (Block 10 F-16s)
  10. It's as cool as you think it is. That's the point, your most prized possession. Of course, you taking a pic of said PS3 with your hot bikini clad girl makes it infinitely cooler, btw. /PS3 over 360 everyday of the week.
  11. We all have one. The one thing you cherish most, the one thing you would grab on the way to wake your significant other if the house was on fire. So let's see it, your most prized anime/sci-fi/nerdy hobby possession. Here's mine: 1/4 scale Sideshow Collectibles Speeder Bike and Scout Trooper.
  12. Somewhat of an explanation. http://defensetech.org/2007/07/16/why-f-14s-must-be-crushed/
  13. I've been researching decals as well, I want something pretty cool for the radome...
  14. 1/72 Monster. That's all I want Santa.
  15. That's what I'm talking about! So sweet, but can't find anything like that for the Mac.
  16. Thanks Boyarque. One more round, some of the more whimsical ones...
  17. Thanks, I've found them to be pretty relaxing. So much detail in them, it's nice to just sit back and stare; I always come away with something I never noticed before. Here's a few more:
  18. No problem. I'll add a few more that you might like as well, if you're in to the alien landscape thing like I am..
  19. Mine again. I keep a folder of images (about 40 and growing) that I rotate pretty regularly. Most are Sci-Fi related in some way, but there is the smattering of hot women, modern tanks and guns and some WW2 stuff as well. Here's a tutorial on how PC users can make a pretty sweet desktop. Mac user here, so Rainmeter does not work for me.
  20. Wow, thanks Lobizon. A random mecha pic ID'd in under an hour, pretty impressive I was really hoping that was from a series so there was a possibility that a model line existed. That guy has some pretty amazing work. Looks like I've got a site to surf for the afternoon.
  21. A friend sent me this, and he can't recall where he pulled it from. I don't recognize the VF's, but I don't follow all of the Macross or very many other anime series that are out there. Just curious if anyone had some knowledge... Thanks!
  22. Ditto, got mine. It is awesome!
  23. Is that permanent? I know some will spray gloss, then weather, then dull coat. Or did you just assume I knew that and I'm a tool? (Devil is in the details)
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