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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. You don't want to know what it would cost to get that outta my hands
  2. I plan on using the 6 foot Lack shelf from Ikea when I move out of my postage stamp of an apartment. I have 2 , but only enough room to put up one so I put my Marvel statues on there. BTW, I use this quake putty to keep everything secure, a must have if you are storing them in a precarious position... http://www.sunsetent.com/Categories/quakesecure.html
  3. Thanks for all the positive reviews guys, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  4. My Super Max came in yesterday. Here's my first shot of it. Point and shoot camera, set it with no flash and the timer, then just put it on the coffee table and illuminated the picture with the monitor from my computer. I think it came out pretty cool...
  5. ultimateone

    Graham's Sig

    Now, is that outta hope or a good solid guess?
  6. ultimateone

    Graham's Sig

    This would buy me in on the 1/60 line... for at least the all the Destroids and the Vermillion squadron.
  7. I'll comment, even though I'm not really qualified. I only own 1/48's, and the reason is the presence of them. When you pose one and place it on your desk, it doesn't feel like you just picked up a "toy" from Target. It's like you have a posable statue. Like I said, no 1/60's in my garage, but that's why I went for the 1/48. Seeing those size comparison shot makes me appreciate them even more.
  8. That's got some pretty impressive detail. Those rivet marks are the clincher. Nice find, thanks for the link!
  9. My wife and I are trying for a kid now. I joke with her that regardless if we have a boy or a girl, they will be watching Macross with daddy on my days off. (12 hour shift work, 182 days off a year )
  10. I ordered a copy off of e-bay recently, mine has that wrap as well. I'll post some pics soon.
  11. Dude, you do some stuff that is straight out impressive. Subtle Warhol? Or did my wifey make the mojitos too strong?
  12. Come on man, bend it like a 1/48 can. Not a lot of people have love for the Angel, make her proud!!
  13. A friend sent me this. I was sure there'd be an AVP thread here somewhere, I so did not want this to go to waste...
  14. Me being a newbie, I like it when people comment on old threads. There's a lot of stuff buried in the vault here that is a great resource, and it may not be something that you were actively looking for, but sure as hell bookmarked once someone else brought it up to the front of the line. And as far as asking for custom decals, some people like to build hot rods, some like to go to Barrett and buy one. People roll in different ways. I'm sure those that offer customs are appreciative of the diversity.
  15. I was going through some old threads and came across this piece of awesome. What an amazing reference for anyone thinking of tackling their own weathering of a GBP (like me). Thanks for taking the time and effort to spell it out, very much appreciated. I put together a step by step that you provided that I'll navigate by; this appears to be the meat of it. If anyone has any other suggestions, it's always helpful. Now to hunt down those Anasazi/Nightstalker decals... (actually, if anyone has a set they'd like to unload, please PM me.) 1) Black oil wash, wiping off the excess 2) Light grey dry brush to highlight molding 3) applied the future wax 4) applied decals 5) 2nd layer of future over decals 6) thinned black to tone down the white decals, added other effects, plus applied overall post shading 7) applied ModelMaster Acryl Matte/Flat Clear Coat to get desired final finish possibly another light dusting of grey, dry brushing to taste
  16. 1/48 VF-1S Custom with GBP Armor 1/48 VF-1J Stealth 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz version 2 1/48 VF-1A Max 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru 1/48 GBP stock (enroute ) Adding: Stealth Super parts 1/48 Super Max
  17. Manassas, VA. About 20 miles west of Washington, D.C. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manassas,_Virginia http://www.manassascity.org/ http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&...=1&ct=title
  18. hmmmm, methinks you got the shiznit collection now already!! I called it out earlier, but I was hoping you'd post some more shots of your custom armors. I've never seen anyone do a matching stealth set and I would love to see some detail shots!!
  19. That is horrific...
  20. Seriously Kicker, your collection of GBP's is one thing, but the two customs on the bottom right, very nice. /Thunder Hammer goes without saying
  21. My wife busted me not too long ago but I told her I was financing them from money from my former cigarette habit and she bit her lip about it. I figure I have one more play of that card and then it's all used up.
  22. C'mon, nobody has started to put one of these babies together yet? You all have fans on the sidelines waiting to see the game begin!!
  23. That black armor is bad ass!!! Can you post some more pics?!?
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