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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. Same here. Here are the directions...
  2. I don't know how this got here, but I intend on getting to the bottom of it.
  3. I've already started saving for this. I really can't wait. Maybe when they see something this big do well they'll bring the 1/60 Monster back from the grave...
  4. Eugimon - That first shot is really nice!!
  5. Those are some great pics. Kinda creepy with her holding her own head and all.
  6. ultimateone

    Latest custom.

    I seem to recall someone hinting about a Kurt project in a thread a few weeks back, that he was busy working on something, but I can't recall who said it... Hmmmmmmmm...
  7. ultimateone

    Latest custom.

    Freaking Amazing!!!!
  8. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!! Isn't there a term for people that do that full nude on e-Bay? /Checks Google.... Ahhh, yes. Found the name. "Reflectoporn" HAHAHAHAHA Let me edit this by saying Izzyfcuk is obviously not a reflectoporn poster, as any google search of the word will show the obvious and not safe for work difference. There, I feel better.
  9. Moving soon so I've gathered up the boxes. I'm actually debating layering then in a box packed with bubble wrap and transporting them myself rather than going through the trouble of taking them all back apart /into fighter mode. Of course that begs the question, why the hell am I saving the boxes then?
  10. Dude, I'm in the exact same boat. My wife asks me all the time if I want her to buy me a valk for my birthday next month, and I keep telling her "no" so she wont find out how much they cost... As far as 1/48 or 1/60, I only have the 1/48's, and I love them!!!!!
  11. Sweeeet job. I'm trying to muster up the nads to do that. Someday.
  12. Moving out, so I packed my Marvel statues and gave the real estate to the Valks. I think they look pretty good up there...
  13. Posted previously, followed some good advice and brightened the image along with a little cropping to off center the subject...
  14. I'm in for one. (The last?)
  15. Bravo!!
  16. My wife and I plan our meals out in advance, then go to the grocery store and buy only what we need. I eat the leftovers for lunch the next day, she takes a microwave Healthy Choice dinner. I stopped buying bottles of wine in the 20-30 dollar range and started getting the box wine. I have a voracious appetite for books, but I buy the majority of them from a used book store here in town. (I still treat myself to a first edition every once in a while) I no longer purchase DVD's, and those that I did have I uploaded to my computer and got rid of the hardcopy to the same Used book store. I cut my collection from almost 400 to about 75. This helps to feed my new addiction and my wife's Coach purse habit.
  17. I use mine for that purpose, it cuts back on volume when storing them while they are in battroid mode.
  18. Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but those are 1/72 scale. (Another reason for the lack of accurate placement.) I think it works out pretty well, and they cost less than 10 bucks for the set. Here's a few more shots.
  19. Truer words have never been spoken!!!
  20. Got bored today, added some decals to my Stealth. I think I'll end up removing the mini-minmay next to the LM. Seems a bit busy. Obviously I didn't follow any instructions, just kind of stuck them where I liked them. Also, I tried a different light source and it did not turn out nearly as well as my earlier post.
  21. That reminds me of that "evolution of man" drawing. Nice.
  22. Awesome work on the paint scheme, I can't wait to see it completed. Not to mention the work you did on the gun. Thanks for the pics, and good luck. /now get back to work!
  23. Any updates???
  24. Kurt custom for the win. The man is a genius!!! Sent you a PM with some details of its history, sorry, thought you were kidding.
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