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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. Hey JCS, That's a custom job I had commissioned. There is a 1/48 urban camo set available that has a geometric pattern which is pretty bad ass. I've yet to delve into the 1/60 line, but I wouldn't see why not...
  2. Woo-Hoo, finally back online (80$ a month for satellite internet! ) and finally got some shelves up...
  3. www.samueldecals.com has them, but I have yet to order, nor do I know any who have. Prolly go ahead and do so soon. If you do, post results of order!!!
  4. One more, cause I like this shot...
  5. Stealthy goodness...
  6. PetarB - Any more pics with ammo completed, or are you going for the naked look? And to the rest of you that have this kit, build it and post pics or sell it to me!! /seriously...
  7. Yup, voted for multiple regults. But for the investment that people have put in 1/48's (like me) I would hope that they would give us some and kick this 1/60 only habit they've had for a while now.
  8. All I had was the laser level, so I had to cover most to get the concentrated point in my shots. Nice execution. I really need a better camera, but I think the 42" plasma is going to win that battle...
  9. I've ordered 3 times with them since October of last year with no issues. Fast shipping and excellent communication.
  10. That really sucks man... just want you to know that things do get better. This will sort out and you'll get your stuff back, and this will probably cause you and your kids to have a better, closer relationship. It did in my family when my parents divorced. Good luck and stay level.
  11. I really want this as is, 1/2000. If it goes smaller, I'll just use the saved funds to buy some used valks out of the classifieds here or get another commissioned piece. /got an awesome idea that was inspired by another member...
  12. Exactly!! It's the freaking SDF-1. It deserves the commanding presence it would have as a 1/2000, and it deserves to be the centerpiece of a collection. There are smaller scales already available, so if you want smaller, go for those. Kinda like the 1/48 and 1/60 lines, right?
  13. If it's the SDF (which I assume) I hope they throw in more mini's to pose around the outside. /I'm a sucker for minis. If it's the Monster, they can do whatever, who cares!! 1/60 monster!!!!!
  14. How likely is this to go the way of the 1/60 Monster? Or if this does make to the store and sells well, would that increase the likelihood that the Monster may be brought back to life (Punny, I know)?? I really really want this... almost as much as the Monster.
  15. Dude, that is so badass!!! I'm moving out to the sticks and working on improving my modeling skill is high on my list of things to do. That and figuring out all the different ways to take shots of Patron.
  16. Sorry for the noob question, how many come to a case? Are you looking to resell?
  17. I have a pair of six foot Lack shelves from Ikea that I was planning on using, and in fact have been using for my Marvel statues, but damn do I hate dusting. I'm contemplating turning the two shelves into a wall cabinet by way of some sore of brace and Lexan or glass fitted between the two...
  18. Not a huge fan of Gundam, but thought other might be interested in a LIFE SIZED GUNDAM!! Pretty bad ass http://www.crazygolucky.com/crazygoblog/20...-gundam-project
  19. For those that are, he has a new book coming out soon, some teasers in his blog. http://www.alastairreynolds.com/teahouse/ For those that aren't, if you like hard tech Sci-Fi, this guy will rock your world. In fact, the first person that asks, I will mail you his first first book to read, so long as you sign the inside and mail it back. I'll see how long I can keep this thing floating around. Even better, take a picture of my book some where and post it in this thread. Then you can mail it to the next person? Anyhow, TBD, but as it stands, PM me and I will send you book one.
  20. I know, the quality sucks butt. I "lost" my camera in Baltimore at a bachelor party so I had to resort to my wife's crappy little Olympus. Do you know how hard it will be to redirect my "fun funds" from Macross to a replacement camera?? Damn!! Well, maybe some of you do. Doesn't make it any easier though.
  21. A bottle of wine, my puter for backlight, glass Ikea coffee table for base, and a laser level. Wheeeeeeeee
  22. Pssssst.... "Vi-RS: I found this while I was trying the bing.com. I'm not sure these have been posted but sure look nice with those Kotobukiya base set:" Not his.
  23. Awesome collection!! I love that glass display case...
  24. Grifter from Wildcats.... What do I win?
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