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Everything posted by ultimateone

  1. I just couldn't believe how awful the first GI JOE movie was. To completely and utterly fail that bad with so much history and background to work from was almost awe inspiring. I lived in Germany during most the 80's so my access to toys and cartoons was limited. GI Joe and MASK were available in the PX, but I'd never heard of Visionaries until now and after reading about them on wiki it's too bad they didn't last long. The premise sounds interesting enough...
  2. I've got a buddy who is good with creating molds, I'll ask him if it would be much trouble to make a resin copy of my filler piece. If he doesn't mind, I can have one made and send it out to you if you want. Let me know.
  3. Hey ManTech, I was wondering / hoping on any update on this? I'm still very interested. Hope you recovered well after your surgery. Thanks!
  4. This is why I love this forum. Great, informed answers to desperate questions. Gonna save this for when it (inevitably) happens to me. CG, can you update with results?
  5. Much appreciated!
  6. Is ordering closed?? I'm sorry, I rushed to the end...
  7. Bunch of great tips in here.
  8. Absolutely stunning...
  9. I just don't get the appeal of these things... to each their own but they just as corny to me as a bobble head you'd get with a hotdog and a miller lite at your local triple A ball field.
  10. That reminds me of this, mounting half a plane to a mirror to make it look like it is in flight. I read a how to in Fine Scale a while back, I'll see if I can scan it and post here...
  11. That thing is gorgeous. So glad I have one of the kits, hope to get to it soon.
  12. Agreed, on both accounts.
  13. Cool! Pulling from Fine Scale again, but there was a guy who modeled ships from WW2 as they were and as they are. His collection included the Bismark and the Arizona. Nice find.
  14. Huh. Not a bad idea. Some camo valks laying down the law maybe?
  15. Hmmm, looks like this is not going as well as hoped. Meh, it happens. Slightly better route/answer than knee pads and ass kissing would be meet the job requirements and apply. Maybe Capt America is looking for a new gig?
  16. Thanks EXO for the redirect and yeah, wasn't asking for political opinions. Just insights or links to cool official government models.
  17. Not sure where to put this, so mods, please edit as needed. Today the 1/7 scale model of Bin Laden's compound was displayed to media. I was wondering if any one else had any cool links to models of this nature. Fine Scale Modeler has had some pretty cool articles over the years of CIA models and their makers, and it's pretty fascinating how they do/did what they do. http://www.foxnews.c...d-to-plan-raid/
  18. This thing is awesome!
  19. I've never understood the allure of these things. I can't see how anyone would be happy with the lack of detail. Buy the toy and a stand and you're guaranteed to be happier.
  20. Calling this thread back from the dead. You think you have a market for the 1/72 Monster? It'd be interesting to see who is still around and itching to get one...
  21. Only to get to the mode I want them in and that's it. Too much of a pain in the butt. When I moved I wrapped my 1/48 collection as they were in bubble wrap and put them in a box packed with styrofoam peanuts. My wife was a bit bitter because she though that's why I was saving the boxes. I didn't want to explain I didn't want to go thru all the trouble to get them all back to fighter moded only to transform them back for display So I try to explain resale value and that's why I keep the boxes... which leads to her asking if I would ever sell them, which of course I wouldn't... man I hate when she makes sense. After she knocked one of my VF-1S's of my display shelf and broke both hip pieces she stopped getting on my case about the boxes. They are all still in the basement. /A bit of a sidetrack, sorry.
  22. /Nuff said. //Culled from FB, not mine FTR.
  23. Inspired me to get serious about getting mine done. Nice work, mind if I ask the artist? Someone in Richmond VA? I've been thinking about going to this guy... Dave Waugh Reading back over this thread, I love it when people get all butthurt over someone else's decisions in life, even when that decision has absolutely no impact on them at all.
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