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Everything posted by RyuRoots

  1. "Indefinite hiatus" would probably be a more accurate term than "dead". It hasn't been officially canned, but anyone who likes the line has been left in the lurch. IIRC, didn't Bandai say they were "still working on" the YF-19 and YF-21 a few months ago, while refusing to actually give us any kind of update? I love the line, but...I wouldn't hold my breath on any further releases even if it's technically a possibility. I'd love for my cynicism to be wrong for once, though.
  2. No, it's just an image on the back of the box advertising the scene that the valks are from. It kind of irritates me since Max had his 1S then, not his 1A. Doesn't make me hopeful of them re-releasing the 1S for Hikaru and Max.
  3. "big boy stuff"? First time I've seen someone use a *toy scale* to inflate their own ego. Takes all kinds, I guess.
  4. Your attempts are appreciated very much. Sadly, I kind of agree. Which makes me sad since I'd really like a VF-11B/C (although maybe Isamu makes the B count?) or a generic VF-1A in this line. Still, if that means we got a Hi Metal VF-25 and YF-19/21 I'd still be pretty happy with it.
  5. I sure hope not. These by far have my favorite size and proportions for Macross toys. As far as Plus being announced...yeah, but it'd sure make me less nervous about Hi-Metal's future if we saw some development images or something. I mean, we saw a prototype sculpt of the YF-21 I think it was February of last year? And haven't heard ANYTHING new about it or a YF-19 since then. Despite having the VF-19S and VF-19Kai completed, even.
  6. This is the only image I've taken so far, and it doesn't show off anything unexpected, but I got mine in recently and have this. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  7. It's good to finally hear some some word on it other than those YF-21 prototype scans from forever ago.
  8. Oh, that would be amazing. But I wouldn't count on it until or unless the line gets more solidified.
  9. Yep. Not a single one of them is a normal production release~ I would guess maybe they'll make TV series VF-1A hi metals later, but who the hell knows? Bandai is king of the "spinning dartboard" method of selecting new toy designs.
  10. Post some pictures once you finish! I'd love to see the end result.
  11. Hopefully. It does make me nervous that the VF-1A doesn't have a non-Web Limited release, though.
  12. It's not what you're supposed to use, but I put mine on an Action Base 2 (for gunpla). It's cheap, and I find that it works rather well. There are doubtlessly better ones to use for this sort of thing, but I'm no expert, and it'd be good if you want something on the cheap. It only really applies to fighter mode, though; Battroid wouldn't fit, I think.
  13. I've been wondering lately about the absence of S-types (and further variants) in the VF-11 and VF-4 lines. The VF-1, VF-17, VF-19, and VF-25 all had the S-type and at least one other version. The VF-4, however, doesn't have any apparent subtypes, and the VF-11 only has the B and the C (super/armor packs notwithstanding)which effectively is nothing but a palette swap. Has there ever been a stated reason why these two don't have leader/grunt setupts like the other valks? It bugs me because I've gotten the impression that the VF-4 was mass-produced and was the successor to the VF-1, and that the VF-11 was that to the VF-4. It also bothers me because the Valkyrie before them and the Nightmare/Excalibur/Messiah after them all have that setup, so it seems weirdly inconsistent. The thought came to me earlier when I was looking at the lineart for the VF-11B and thinking "I'd love to see a VF-11S..." and I started wondering why there isn't one.
  14. I would suggest a Yamato 1/60 YF-19, but you DID say "affordable", so...
  15. Hell yes I'd support it. Currently I have my VF100s VF-25S super glued into fighter mode, and I'd love to have one that was actually not a terrible toy in addition to looking good. I'm usually a defender of parts-swapping kits and toys, but I really have nothing to defend the vicious attacking of VF100s since they take it to an absurd degree. They looked good, but always felt brittle and posed very poorly. I've fallen in love with the Hi Metal VF-1S and VF-19S though, and I'd be all over a Hi metal VF-25S.
  16. You'd be surprised. Sitting through GSD and 00 was a similar experience. But the thing I was trying to emphasize was that even as someone who really doesn't like the show, I thought the episode was really, really good.
  17. RyuRoots

    DX VF-171?

    Same here. Sorta hoping for a Hi Metal VF-17S (just to have my S-type collection in that scale), but I'd like ANYTHING of a VF-171. It's really pretty sad that it hasn't gotten any love at all in merchandising. Not even the EX, which Alto and Luca piloted! It's totally not fair.
  18. Ha ha! So true.
  19. Ugh, no way. Hate the new head, and the color scheme isn't as good as either the TV series or the DYRL colors for Hikaru.
  20. Uh, yes. By several orders of magnitude. Macronized Klan is big enough to carry the VF-25's gun and while the fast pack thing is maybe a bit of a stretch, it works. Besides, there was never a show where a BADASS did that. There was Basara, but definitely no badass who did.
  21. Having finished M7 (because I hate myself, I guess; can't think of any other explanation), my opinion didn't change about the series overall in the slightest, but ep 26 is what I call "M7's one good episode". It was honestly terrific, and everything came together really well. Kinryu got to be a badass, Basara didn't come off as insufferable (for once in his life), and the Holy Lonely Night sequence was pretty damn cool, among other things.
  22. A little late to the party with Macross F and going through it now. Ep 12 has one of the worst moments for me. I thought for sure this was leading into some interesting speculation on human nature (and Zentradi nature). About how powerful our impulses are, and how much they drive us, a story about destiny and choice that would really explore the mentality of these renegades...but no, we get a very brief one-on-one fight after Ranka comes in and sings and LITERALLY MAKES EVERYONE'S EYES HEART-SHAPED. Ugh, Ugh, ugh. Every scene of Macross 7 with Basara in it Every scene of Macross 7 where Gavil gets to talk The knife fight of SDFM which SHOULD have been badass, was...well, not (to say the least). The sudden and inexplicable "romance" between Sylvie and Hibiki in the last episode of M2
  23. Definitely a VF-1S, and my vote goes to Roy. However, Hikaru DID use the Strike in the final assault in DYRL?.
  24. In defense of that point, the Strike beam cannon,which is the only difference at all from Super, comes with the VF-1S which is a normal production release, and not a web limited exclusive (which also has a second identical part to change between Strike and Super). Furthermore, the VF-1A was never shown with Strike cannon in DYRL?; the 1As all had Super, only Hikaru's and Roy's VF-1S units had Strike. Not that I have any love at all for making the VF-1A (which so far has NO production release in the hi metal line) like this and making the super packs sold seperately...just don't think that specific point is a big deal or even a flaw.
  25. Well, the Hi Metal VF-19S is a terrific toy that I can't endorse enough. It's beautifully detailed and incredibly stable in all 3 modes. I'm hoping that we'll get more M7 and Plus once the line goes back to something other than VF-1 releases. Don't think there's anything UN Spacy from either anime that I wouldn't pick up in this line if they all end up being as sharp as the VF-19S and the VF-1S I've gotten.
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