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Everything posted by RyuRoots

  1. Also VF-25A, no contest at all. It has the sexiest color scheme by a wide margin and the cool head of the 25G without the gimmicky gun.
  2. That first one is what sinks most anime for me, and is a big part of why Plus and SDFM are my favorites.
  3. Of course! That's what we do, hey? ; you can never really take the childish enthusiasm out of a mecha fan. I actually had forgotten about that. That was pretty metal.
  4. Really? Of every VF-25 you pick the one with the most boring head and color scheme of the lot? Majorly agree with you Duymon, VF-171 is the coolest machine Frontier came out with. ...though it doesn't help that the only real competition for a good-looking VF in Frontier *is* the VF-25.
  5. I kinda hope so. It'd be nice if they did a gray striping 171EX too, for that matter since I know I don't have the ability to really customize things like this. I was *overjoyed* at this announcement. This may put an end to wanting an RVF-25 since this is a much sexier recon VF from the same series. I always really loved the color scheme since it's like the 171CF's colors, just altered to match the 171EX's mostly white livery. To that end, I too am kind of tempted to get two; one with and one without the recon gear, but we'll see. For as much as the triangles might potentially be an issue, I'm never taking it out of Fighter mode so I don't think I'm TOO worried.
  6. I'd say the M3 version is better straight-up compared to M7. It has a more 'exciting' look with more white breaking it up. As for the VF-4 Miria...eh. I'd love M&M VF-11 toys though, and I'd jump on a VF-4 Hikaru (or a VF-4G if I ever find one at a not ludicrous price which I know isn't likely unless we get an Arcadia reissue). And the topic title still drives me crazy since the Thunderbolt (the actual one, the VF-11) is one of my favorite grunt mecha out there.
  7. Ha, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who thought this. Metallic coloring almost *never* looks good on mecha it seems like, at least to me. Pretty much every metallic kit Bandai releases tends to be pretty gross, too. I hate the fire valk and basara, but if this leads to the 19F/S getting more love I'm all for it. It'd be kinda nice if they did a VF-19A now that the Arcadia YF-19 is out too, come to think of it.
  8. I loved the MG Hi-Nu ver. Ka announcement. Amusingly it looks MUCH truer to the original Izubuchi art than the awful mess that is the original MG Hi-Nu. I almost wonder if Katoki is deliberately designing this as a restoration of what Hi-Nu is supposed to be.
  9. Got mine recently as well. Makes a beautiful companion piece for the teal 171. Have a "Team Redshirt" of sorts... http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=3878714 Kind of a tangent, but it amuses me where we are now with Bandai and VF-25 toys. The 25A feels *very* solid in my hands, looks wonderful, and is fun/easy to mess around with. My first exposure to the VF-25 in toy form was, sadly, a VF100's VF-25S. That was a dark day. lol
  10. Sigh, I was excited for a second there. Been planning on getting an RVF but been lamenting that the super packs all seem to be at ridiculous prices that I refuse to pay despite the valk itself being affordable. Oh well.
  11. Sure, but I'm not talking about compared to other toys. The 25's didn't have missiles without Super or Armored packs in the anime anyway so that doesn't really matter to me. The 171 had wing-mounted missiles in the show though, which is why it was irksome.
  12. I'd recommend the 171...I don't have Alto's, but I seem to be one of the like 5 people who got a non-problematic mass-production 171, and it's a cool toy and by most accounts the 171EX is more sturdy. Though I'm not sure I'd say to get it if you can't get the armor parts. Having no missile hardpoints on the wings was a huge sticking point for me.
  13. Uuuh huh. Just like I was "done" when I finished my Hi-Metal collection. I'm quickly learning that this isn't a decision you get to make, for better or worse. As far as the preorder stuff...I find it waaaay too stressful so I usually don't bother. The HM VF-1A's were the only exception to that. Otherwise I just say "Ah, screw it" and try my luck on the aftermarket. It's usually cheaper than it would be to add international shipping and a proxy too, at least it seems that way...
  14. ^by remembering that it's Macross 2 instead of one of the good shows.
  15. I'm with jenius. If someone gave it to me or something I'd probably appreciate it, maybe give it a watch or at least the scenes with the actual mecha. But me personally spending money on Macross 2? Ahaha, no.
  16. Starting to wonder if there shouldn't be something like a "lucky bastards club" for those who've had these and no issues...
  17. I'm kind of an anomaly since all the Macross stuff I currently own is Bandai with the exception of my VE-1, but I generally love all of my Macross stuff. My only real complaint is the Hi Metal VF-19S not being able to stow its gun. I guess I just lucked out with my VF-171 since I haven't had any issues and I fiddled with it a hell of a lot when I first got the add-on parts for it. Honestly, most of my hate for Bandai comes from Gundam. I'm more of a Gundam fan than a Macross fan, and they do a *lot* of things both with their kits and selection of what MS get chosen that infuriate me. I absolutely loathe how they nickel and dime you at every opportunity in the most anti-consumer ways possible, but that's not in any way exclusive to either of those two franchises (though Macross probably gets hit with it the worst). They do a toy equivalent of day 1 DLC in games; if they can make a toy accessory on day 1, you can bet your ass you'll see that accessory a few months later for a premium price sold separately.
  18. The Armor parts for my VF-171 finally came in, for me! So now this beautiful baby is finally complete!
  19. So this seemed too pointless for its own thread, so hopefully it'd be appropriate here, but I was just kinda wondering. How many times in total did Hikaru crash/wreck/lose/etc. his VF-1J (and later, the Skull One VF-1S)? Ignoring the VF-1D from the opening episodes in that count. Kinda curious about Alto too since a friend mentioned he was bad about it though I honestly don't recall much of anything from Frontier clearly.
  20. 75 bucks? That's before shipping too, and if it's a web exclusive of some kind, that'll probably mean proxies for anyone not living in Japan... And for a *four inch* SDF-1? At that point I'd rather just dump more money for a bigger one. I don't mind it being the DYRL version since I like it with the ARMD ships but I gotta say I'd prefer a TV series version myself, honestly. I have no idea what Arcadia's thinking between this and that eye-bleeding anniversary valk.
  21. Hooray, my VF-171 came in! And luckily, no issues with either the NUNS lettering or the triangles. And since I'm keeping this bad boy in fighter mode forever, I think I'm set. Now the question is whether to get a VF-17 to trace the legacy backwards or to get a 25A for more Frontier CF. I used to be so content with only my handful of Hi-Metals, MW. Now the bug has bitten me and I'm on to DX's and Yamatos. I blame you for this, Macross World.
  22. Mentioned it briefly in another thread but here would be a better place to ask, I realized. Just pulled the trigger on a CF VF-171 myself since I adore the design and the colors just look way better than Alto's. I'm holding my breath, but hoping I won't have many issues since Fighter is the only mode I really like (which is true of most variable fighters for me) so I won't transform it in all likelihood. Is there anything I should be particularly careful of?
  23. That's something I've wondered for a while now. Is there really anything to do as fans to convince a giant like Bandai that a smaller line is worth continuing? Maybe as a web exclusive line if that'd get us more VFs. It seems like it's out of our hands entirely since Bandai doesn't really care what non-Japanese markets thing since we're just a periphery demographic.
  24. My most recent arrival is a Hikaru VF-1J Hi Metal, the last in my collection of the line since I have less than no interest in a fire valk. I did order a CF VF-171 DX recently though. It's mint in box, and I don't plan on taking it out of fighter mode once I get it. With that in mind, is there anything I need to be careful of, re: the infamous triangles or otherwise? Was also kinda wondering if there was a suggested stand for it since the one it comes with is huge, bulky, and black. ...kind of the exact opposite of the clear tamashii stage my 1J is on. Ideally I'd like something in that vein for any Macross merch I get.
  25. Sad but true. The line has *been* dead for a while with absolutely no read on any kind of reissue or continuation. Unless they decide to ressurrect the line for some reason later (which I wouldn't hold my breath for, but it has happened with other toy lines before I suppose), grab what you can find as you find them if you want any VF Hi-Metals.
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