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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Is your's a fast pack version or the standard one?
  2. Yea, and its a real pity! Oh well, orchestral compositions don't have the 'star' power of Jpop songs which is why they get short shrift. Otoh, in MF I think alot of the fight scenes were integrated with (vocal) songs as compared to other animes where fight scenes were instrumental, so I'm not sure if that many people will be clamouring for the instrumental tracks!
  3. Storage in fighter mode also puts the components lower to the ground, i.e. no need to climb up and down to service the VF like you would in GERWALK or Battroid mode. Also makes it easier to slide out the turbines in the legs, which, if they operate like present day turbines, need lots of maintenance (would probably apply more to the VF-0). Mr March: Seeing as to how they are EM catapults, you could launch the VFs with different velocities so that they all arrive at roughly the same time, regardless of when they were launched. Hobbes: If SOP in Macross is anything like real life, the Alert 5 aircraft would already be sitting on the catapults, so no need for any additional launch bays in that situation.
  4. half fast packs? What do you mean? Also, I suspect that they should be VF-25A's lacking the specialised sniper equipment (targeting computer, metal anchoring spike, Dragunov, etc) There has never been a better time to be cannon fodder!
  5. Yep, Zebu helped me along with some Panel lining tips as well (thanks!). After testing out panel lining on a throwaway aircraft model kit (1/72 EF-2000) though, I have to say that it's pretty tedious, so be forewarned! I'm kind of undecided about Panel lining my VF-25S... its the kind of thing that, once you start, you can't stop, but its so time consuming at the same time!! Maybe one day when I'm really bored
  6. Well my first toy was a 1/72 YF-21 w/Fast packs--- and I have to say, I wasn't very impressed with it-- misproportioned and bulky. Only now, about 5 years later, have I bought the 1/72 VF-11B and it was what got me into this! The VF-11B is just so elegant and sleek, and now I've got a 1/60 YF-19 and a VF-11B Fast Pack that's coming in. I'll get the 1/60 VF-11B for sure as well!
  7. Chill out dude! I'm not hating on them, just stating a fact-- the reason why Bandai does so many colour variations is because they know people will buy them! The same reasoning applies with Macross-- regardless of the toy manufacturer.
  8. https://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/ Its not the first thing that pops up on a google search, so I guess it can take abit of finding. Save: Having just ordered my own trio, that really makes me feel better! Thanks alot! (I just couldn't resist getting Sheryl and Ranka as well, even though my main objective was Klan, for partnering my VF-25G!)
  9. Simply a matter of trying to cram more technologies onto an aircraft, I suppose-- bigger, more powerful engines, internal missile bays, pin-point barrier system etc.
  10. You must have missed my post! I was the first one who said I liked it but like the others said, it doesn't hide any of the problems with the model.
  11. Either way is fine with me You seem really into the instrumental tracks, Taksraven.
  12. Ugh that pic makes the inner portion of the canards look really thick and ugly...
  13. +1. I must point out though that this is priced similarly with the MacZero and MacPlus 1/60s-- probably an indication of the lower quantities produced than anything else.
  14. Hmm.. ease of production, and poseability then, I guess. The backs of the legs do stick above the shield in fighter mode, though, which makes me suspect that if any super or armoured pack version is released, it wouldn't be as a snap on kit like the DX.
  15. Yep I totally get it... Bandai just seems to have a problem with posing their toys I guess-- just look at the DX VF-25G / DX RVF-25 in some of the model show pictures-- totally horrific and uninspiring!
  16. With the new CD and new songs out, some people may want to change their vote?
  17. I agree about the revoltechs-- they are stuff to play with, not for display. My YF-19 came out of the package with a broken ventral fin, for example. At the same time, the high price of the GNUs probably turn many people off-- the specialty of Macross is in it's transforming fighters, after all, otherwise it'd just be Gundam. For eg, you can get a v2 VF-1 1/60 for the price of 3 GNUs, or any other 1/60 from Mac0 or MacPlus for the price of (slightly over) four.
  18. Incidentally, I just got my YF-19 w/Fast pack set, and if you decide to go for it, I could recommend you a seller (not me! )
  19. That's pretty sad, IMO. Big West would be killing the goose for the eggs if such high license fees discourage other toy manufacturers from entering the market. Back to the 1/60, I suspect from the pictures of the super packs that the DX would look pretty good in fighter mode with super packs equipped-- hopefully we can get pictures of that soon!
  20. Oh man I am on this like white on rice! IMO, the 1/72 VF-11B was the nicest of the whole 1/72 Yamato line, and this is a major improvement on that! I just hope that there won't be any durability issues.
  21. Umm.. from what I know there are two types of GM markers, one is acrylic based and one is enamel based. So, if you are using acrylic paints, you should use enamel for panel lining?
  22. Maybe they are secretly pre-emplacing all these bowls for when Nyan Nyan chinese fast food restaurants open all over the world!
  23. I suspect the choice of the hip placement has to do with durability and ease of production, which is why Bandai went with this simpler design over the model kit's swing bar. Its nice to see that the engines no longer hang underneath the shield in fighter mode, which is a big turn off for the 1/60 (which I'm hoping is just improper placement of the whole leg/engine assembly)
  24. I'm not really an expert, but here's my take on things: YF-19: Probably be re-issued, but extremely high demand, even crappy 1/72 versions (used) still go for about USD 75 on ebay, and good luck finding a version that includes the fold booster and fast pack-- don't get the 1st versions (i.e. w/o fold booster/fast pack) that are on ebay, they have some issues that are listed elsewhere on the board. YF-21: Not as popular as YF-19, but better engineering and (fighter) proportions, so you might want to get these. Probably be re-issued as well eventually. VF-0: -0S will be re-issued this december (?) supposedly with engineering improvments, so you might want to go for these fresh from the factory. SV-51: Not going to run out anytime soon. The high prices are indicative of the high prices that Yamato charges for them, IMO, so not really an indication of rarity (except YF-19 w/Foldbooster&fast packs) Good luck with your decision! Read the toy threads on this board to find out about the engineering/design issues that each toy has (they ALL have some, unfortunately)
  25. Well, they kinda work for me--- I guess they are meant to show that the chunky designs would look fine even in the anime? Any high quality individual versions of that? Looking at the super VF-25G and RVF-25, it seems that the back of the legs/top of the engines in fighter mode are left low so that there is enough space for the super pack. Eugimon-- I suspect that the arm can pivot at the shoulder as well? It is a ball joint after all-- they just can't get the same range of motion as they would a human body. Also, if you hold your arm in that position, your clavicle would move up as well-- it is just that it is covered with flesh and bone, while it isn't covered in the VF.
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