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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Thanks for the confirmation Jenius! Makes me feel that much more eager for my self-indulgent Christmas present! Off-topic, but somewhat related: Excellent site, Jenius! Was looking at the Doyusha review and saw that you had heard some problems with the YF-21? What issues are they? You can pm me if you don't want this thread to go further off! Thanks in advance!
  2. Hopefully Bandai is releasing only the VF-25 because they want to focus attention on it, and future releases of the VF100 toys will be faster/have more toys per release, or else it's gonna take forever to cover all the main mecha, not to mention all the variations. Either way, I think this is going to be my main collection, with 1/60's generally being too expensive and 1/200s being too small.
  3. Like I said, durability and cost. Anime accurate toys might be too fragile or too expensive or both. I'm discounting the whole Kawamori sketch argument, actually.
  4. The trouble would actually come after the recession, when booming demand and a shortage of supply causes prices to rise--and these prices will rise across the board, so expect more expensive toys in the future.
  5. I'd guess an eraser would be good? Get one of the soft erasers, and use a penknife to cut a sharp tip onto one of the corners, and go from there, sharpening the tip of the eraser often. I used to do pencil panel lining before I found some panel lining wash that worked well for me.
  6. Thanks dude, I just ordered one based on your advice and the review on Scorched Earth Toys. The same review site doesn't recommend the Shin 0A, however, which is weird. Perhaps they got a wonky one as well! VFTF1: Since you already have a good Roy, I guess you should wait for december and get the re-issue standalone Roy, saving that extra 3000 yen to go to other Valkyries! Personally with my funds I'm really just going for one of each version, which is why I'm only buying the ones that have less QC issues!
  7. Well, the current trend seems to be 2 Valkyries every 3 months, which is a pretty good pace I think (at least for my wallet!). So, I figure maybe another year of milking the VF-25, plus the Macross Quarter, before we see other stuff like the VF-27? Unless maybe they are planning something special in the middle of next year, to coincide with the release of the movie? About the hips issue-- after looking at all the arguments I think the most likely one is still: Reduced cost, increased durability. Bandai has already stated that the toys are designed for increased durability, and the tiny plastic swing bar of the model kits is definitely not conducive to durability (especially since the legs seem to be so heavy that they hang lower in fighter mode, AND you have to factor in attachment of the Super pack parts for the legs). Also, the hip design that they have gone with has lower tolerances and less parts than the model kit, so production and assembly are all simplified, leading to lower costs. This is a win-win for both the customers and Bandai, imo (except for the ones who go for perfect anime accuracy).
  8. I didn't know that they released a VF-X2 version of the YF-19!! Damn. gotta find it now, esp after I spent ~USD50 on getting the YF-19.
  9. Dude... you are talking about a show with flying robots! IMO, compressed gas is more likely, or a variant of thereof. They could store it in OTEC material tanks at insanely high pressures, or generate their own gas (maybe nitrogen?) by storing tanks of liquid nitrogen. Also, if they flood the tubes before launch, and the SV-51 is the same density as the VF-0, or less (since it is larger) it could float to the surface in a 'soft' launch, which would have the advantages of a lower launch signature, up until the point where the SV-51s engines started up anyway.
  10. Whats so weird about it? The torso just rotates 90 degrees and the legs bend forwards to reverse the knee. GERWALK or Battroid to fighter on the other hand, that I would like to see.
  11. Well, while in reality most of the fights would be at stand-off distances using longer ranged missiles, Macross has focused on the close in fights with micro-missiles and hand-to-hand action because it is (obviously) more exciting. Still, most space CAPs and other patrols would most probably be done in fighter mode, so yes, fighter mode is probably the most common mode, but in combat, battroid and GERWALK modes would probably be used equally, if not more, than fighter-- most combat seems to be a first pass in fighter modes at high speeds before breaking down into individual melees in battroid mode.
  12. Nice work on the VF-11B, my favourite VF!
  13. They'd probably need some space underneath the fighter bay to either a)store a system that launches the fighters using compressed gas ala the way ICBMs are launched today or b)ventilation system to handle the exhaust gases from the fighters if they launch with engines running (which may happen if the sub surfaces before launching fighters) or both, since the hangar seems to be fairly open with little machinery other than the fighters and the individual bay covers for launching.
  14. Ask and ye shall receive. I'm surprised you didn't see this earlier, theres a dedicated thread! https://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/ Link to the thread discussing the figures: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28265
  15. Anybody with problems on their VF-0S w/Ghost booster pack? Or is that the trouble-free edition?
  16. I think the difference is mostly in the way the legs sit, which could be either a result of a) the 1/100 not having the requirement for add-on super packs or b) the legs being lighter and thus sitting higher naturally and not sagging due to the weight. Other than that, the position of the hips, the thickness of the legs, etc all point towards the Chogokin.
  17. All good points! Some ideals to throw into the fray-- certain parts of the valkyrie, once they get too damaged, are jettisoned just before transformation. I postulate that any serious misalignment due to damaged parts would result in the damaged parts being ejected so as not to interfere with transformation. Certainly some parts are critical to all modes and cannot be abandoned, but other parts, like the arms of most Valkyries, can be removed without seriously interfering with fighter mode. Seeing as to how it is implied in Zero that most of the skilled pilots were already dead in the fighting, and most of the ranks are made out of newly trained pilots, the same shortage of manpower probably affected the events of SDFM as well, so that could be an explanation for their poor showing.
  18. Nice! I really like the landing gear--- however, the rest of the sculpt seems to be basically the same as the DX Chogokin, just downsized. That may turn off some of the people on the forum.
  19. Hmm. so how does the crazy glue treatment work again? do you coat the area of the model where the sticker is supposed to be with a thin layer of super glue? how do you coat it? Also, did you use a matte finish on the model?
  20. Ok fine technically we don't, but unless the current series of DX Chogokin tanks badly, and all indications are that it won't, it is almost a certainty that they will be issued. Do you have to be anal about such stuff? Hence my qualifier most... and its not like everybody's shoulders have been exploding. Any problems you have are entirely with Yamato, not me!
  21. Nice! I was wondering, how many times have you transformed your VF-25S and does your crazy glue method of keeping the stickers in place work?
  22. No idea... but we need more info! Cannon Fodder mecha need some love, damnit! I'm already starting to save up for this.
  23. Well, the VF-1S has gone through many iterations and most of the problems have been solved, and is a proven product (re-issue), while the VF-25 has numerous aesthetic issues and is a new product with unknown durability and QC issues. While both are at the same price, the VF-1S has wayyy more accessories and this is about as good as it gets, while we know that the VF-25 is going to be re-issued with Super and Armoured packs. (Just you wait for the Alto Super variant to appear and piss off all those who ordered the web exclusive!) When you think through all these issues, its really no surprise that more people are going for the VF-1S than the VF-25.
  24. Thats beautiful! A real work of art. I would gladly have paid twice that!
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