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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Now that you put both scenes together we can see how badly drawn they are! Missing shoulder plates, differently drawn face and shoulder plates, etc. With all the anime inaccuracies, I say we take the one that makes the most sense and use that i.e. the top picture, which at least doesn't have Klan having to store her lower torso outside the mecha
  2. Nope, they just come with the CDs, and I don't think there's any fear of the CD's selling out.
  3. I caved and ordered a VF-25F on Angolz...since I already pre-ordered the Super parts. Which is kind of putting the cart before the horse, oh well. Hopefully (not likely) Bandai will release accurate movie versions and these releases become the 'Chunky Monkeys' of the 21st Century. I shudder to think about what they will do to my precious VF-27!! At least the 1/72 model kits are gorgeous-- however, I ordered a -25S thinking that I would do a quick build so that I could play with it-- big big mistake-- there's no such thing as a quick build with this kit and once I was done it looked too good and I spent too much effort for me to bear to play with! Hence my pussing out and buying a DX-- it really is something to play with and toss around (not literally!). Ohh where art thou, Yamato?
  4. Looks like the armour serves its purpose even for a toy
  5. Why no stickers? After all, you coloured the visor-- the VF-25F looks much much better with most of the stickers applied (although some can be left off since they fall off quickly anyway).
  6. You're referring to Seed Destiny, which is exponentially worse than Seed (which was already so-so). I also prefer the Seed designs more, like Strike or Freedom.
  7. Not talking about a problem with this forum, but missing links on the main site.
  8. Posted this in another section, but I thought it would apply better here, so here goes: Looking through some old threads in the Super-topics, I noticed that not all the reviews that Graham has put up are available through the Macross World toys page-- for example, the YF-21 and VF-1 v2 reviews are not accessible, and I only knew that there was a YF-21 review when I linked to it from the Super topics thread. From the toys page, you still get linked to the page with a few pre-release pictures. Is there a reason for this?
  9. My latest favourite is Sheryl's Brother spaceship. It might not be on the show, but I just can't stop listening to it!
  10. It is probably either swappable, or something that you have to put on/take off everytime you transform into/out of battroid mode, because of the tight fit of the pieces (the fuselage, the crotch piece and the arms) in fighter mode. I'm looking at my model kits now and I don't see how it could stay in place during transformation. The hip guns will probably be another swappable part, just like on the DX. Nice to know that the missile hatches can be opened to reveal the missiles though!
  11. I've been listening to Sheryl's 'Brother Spaceship' continuously since I got the CDs from CDJapan... somehow it's incredibly addictive, kinda like my dad's old Japanese songs... another sign I'm growing older x_x
  12. Is this referring to the 1/72 rather than the DX?
  13. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves with the speculation. Back to the VF-11B, does anybody else really want a paint scheme in black and white like shown in the prototype?
  14. So THATs why they play that song in my gym...
  15. Yep so would I. Good to know then --- although I would probably put in that it doesn't need all those packs given its intrinsic array of weaponry and the versatility of its main beam grenade launcher.
  16. Sorry, edited above post to emphasize the portion I was referring to about the brittle frame, not the pilot part.
  17. Unfortunately not-- there's supposed to be a full 30 min All That VF in the works but that seems increasingly unlikely, especially since we are already past the 25th anniversary. They could release it in conjuction with the launch day celebrations in february though!
  18. That makes the most sense to me... although the part about the gun pod mount doesn't explain how they could mount two weapons side by side under the VF-25F while Gubaba's translation sort of does. Hmm. Maybe both translations could apply?
  19. Really, I never thought that so few people would have heard about these books! I saw them featured in the threads about the Macross Frontier concerts and figured that was that, since there was a pretty good description and even some scans of the books in those threads. izzyfcuk: I'm not sure where they are based, but both otaku.com and otaku.co.uk work-- and they seem to be the same, just with prices in USD or pounds.
  20. Those books certainly aren't new-- I've had them for about a month now, ordered off otaku.com. I figured that there wasn't much buzz about them because all they have were linearts-- guess I should have posted about them earlier!
  21. Yep... there's nothing else it could be, actually. Heh. The 1/60 ain't out yet man so relax
  22. Oh yes! Now I remember. Must find the time to go watch it again, it's hilarious!
  23. Looks like a normal mold, just with clear parts and silver coated innards.
  24. Wait... what show is that from? It's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't remember!
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