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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. I think the kite saga, as well as this discussion, has shown that you do-- in both cases you jump in and give your opinion as though it were the truth without doing the proper research. Zinjo: I'm not sure whether Bandai and Yamato traded the VF-22 for the VB-6, although I hope that they do. A 1/100 VB-6 KM Ranka ver. would be amazing, and boost their VF100s line! I also hope that Bandai would retool and solve the problems with the VB-6 sculpt, while maintaining the accuracy (unlike the DX toy! ) Otoh, Bandai and Yamato may well have traded Macross Zero and Macross Dynamite 7, given that Bandai is releasing VF-0s in their new 1/250 scale. Until we get more information, anything is just speculation!
  2. Hmm.. good to know that they are actually including parts to support the wings/backpack, sucks that such parts are needed. Also: Oooh! More Sheryl decals.
  3. Looks amazing. We all love the Jolly Roger's Scheme. If painting the skull and bones is too time consuming you could consider using the decals from 1/72 kits-- I'm just worried about how the paint/decals would be affected if you ever stow the tail fins though. Unless you are going to keep it in fighter mode?
  4. Hmm that's interesting. Rafale's should use the US style catapult attachment though, since I've seen pics of them operating of a Nimitz Class.
  5. Yep.. haha seriously, no one should trust the Chinese when it comes to these sort of things. Look at what happened to the SU-27/J-11, their own J-10 program, and just about everything that companies outsource to China, from mobile phones to computer chips. You can be sure that a replica will be made. Note: This is not a racial bash, I'm ethnically Chinese myself. Just a statement of fact, that the Chinese are amoral when it comes to these things, or when money is involved.
  6. Well you might not want to accept that term, but that is effectively what happens when the animators take CGI shortcuts in order to reduce their workload In fact, I think akt_m's transformation, where the wings/wing gloves flip up to make space for the arms to move out from the body, are already more detailed/realistic than what is shown in the show.
  7. Nice.. thanks for the explanation!
  8. I entirely believe that if you do not wish your translations be used for this purpose, that your wishes should be respected. It is, to a certain extent, your intellectual property after all. However, I'm just curious about your objections to the project-- to me it seems that such a project is no different from fansubbing. Are you opposed to fansubbing as well, or do you see some intricacies that I have missed?
  9. Well... yes and no. I think everybody agrees that the DX toy is not representative of what is shown in the movie, but even the 1/72 model kit is not entirely accurate-- for example, the shoulder hinge that rotates the five dot block out is noticeably absent in the lineart, as is the hinge that positions the legs properly in battroid mode-- the role of all these hinges presumably taken up by the electromagnetic linear actuator. The chest shield is also supposed to slide into position only after the front fuselage has rotated up. I think we should just accept that some form of anime magic will always be in the show, it is just that with CGI there are probably less changes in the proportions of limbs and stuff ala Macross plus. Note: I understand what you are saying, that the models/toys show one possible way for the transformation to be physically possible. I'm just saying that while that is true, that is also not what happens in the show, which is my point. The models/toys are the best representations possible, but they are not 100%-- for example the 1/60 VF-1 and VF-0 toys have a swing bar to bring the legs down, which is entirely inaccurate when compared to the lineart.
  10. The rear landing gears are blocked from spreading out properly by the landing gear bay doors.
  11. On a brighter note: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=156704 Privately owned SU-27s in the US! These are the 2 seater versions too--too bad it seems to be going to some PMC that does DACT for the USAF? Would've been cool if it were for some company to offer joyrides
  12. Haha being single helps
  13. honkhet: Is the GBP confirmed for the end of the year?
  14. Given that the YF-19 recolours were announced at the end of last month, and will be released at the end of this month, I don't think there will be any significant re-tooling other than what has already been done for the Fold-booster bundle/25th Anniversary version.
  15. Heh my DX VF-25F has been looking nicer and nicer ever since I boxed up my 1/72 model kits to ship back to Singapore. If you ever do get both the DX and the 1/72, my advice would be not to display them side by side Still, the DX toy is more durable, as has been said, and will have more accessories like fold boosters and missiles than the model kit (if you're willing to pay).
  16. I've got the VF-1S Super/Strike Roy so far, and a VT-1 on order. I don't know whether to get the VF-1D now or to wait for a nicer scheme (I'm hoping for woodland camou). The VE-1 will also be on my pre-order list, as well as the inevitable VF-1J w/GBP. I'm not going to the a completist on this line, especially since I still have to get a YF-21 and VF-11B, along with the VF-22S and YF-19 BOP--and thats not even mentioning all the Bandai DXs of which I already have the VF-25F/G/R w/Super and the VF-25S Armoured on pre-order.
  17. Thanks for the comparison shots-- you can really see how much they improved on the tail fins, among other things. I'm glad I sold off my 1/72s to save up for this! I've got a question though-- how strongly do the leg Super pack magnets hold? Are they like the VF-0, with a weak hold and prone to fall off if you're trying to zoom the plane around in fighter mode?
  18. I think this has been happening for a long, long time... re:Neon Genesis Evangelion , for example, which could have been one of the first popularizers of the 'Tsundere' fetish. Heck, even DYRL had the Minmei shower scene, are you going to hate on it for that?
  19. You may know the stuff that I'm bringing up, but others might not--regardless of when they joined the forums. I've seen questions about the colours for the YF-19 pop up about 3 different times in this thread as well as the other threads that were closed as duplicates, hence my wanting to point out a plausible historical possibility. You coming in and flaming me for doing so is entirely unwarranted-- just like you flamed me previously in that kite thread for having a sense of entitlement (I might add, without doing previous research)--and I won't stand for you denigrating my opinions just because I didn't join the forums in 2003. Boinger: The VF-22S has been stated to be a Gamlin Kizaki version my Yamato, so while it is possible that they may come out with a VF-X2 re-colour in the future, this current release of the VF-22 is clearly an expansion of the Yamato licenses to include Macross Dynamite 7 (even if only 1 design), rather than just making toys within their current licenses.
  20. You can ask the seller if they are selling a fixed version or not, but other than that the boxes are the same. IIRC, they fixed the crooked gunpod and the landing gear issue.
  21. A 1/60 PG kit would be awesome IMO. 1/48 VF-25 would be too big for me, tempting as it may be.
  22. Looks like a nice clean build. Very well done!
  23. Hmm actually people have noticed parts of the VF-25 CGI model impinging on each other, even during the show. If someone would care to do a frame by frame of the transformation, we'd probably see some parts going through each other as well. It's all part of anime magic, I guess.
  24. Hmm interesting. I observed most use of the spoilers/flaperons on the 777 when we were stuck in a stacking pattern outside heathrow. Thanks anyway!
  25. Sweet! Is this a confirmation that there will be a 1/72 VF-25F Armoured Alto Custom? (Not that it is a surprise) What would be interesting though would be if it really did come with that sniper rifle! Edit: Confirmed! It DOES come with the sniper rifle. Thanks to Ngee Khiong. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/05/hg-...-unit-june.html This is great news!! But means that both Armoured VFs are coming out in June? This is the end of the line for the VF-25s I guess (except maybe CF version). I wonder whats next?
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