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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Good for u! Haha you see how useless this support group is now? You'll never break the habit!
  2. Hmm releases are usually timed for the end of the month I think-- so end Feb?
  3. Nice... need bigger pics!
  4. Interesting concept! I love bird motifs on aircraft. That crane motif was on part with the VF-22 Raptor Scheme!
  5. Amazing site! Thank you for all your work!
  6. Oh I wasn't criticising or anything! Just disappointed (and frustrated) with the kit itself. Looks like you've found a method to extend that too short ball joint-- way to go! I might try it myself! Getting sick of looking at my Alto with the mis-aligned hip guns.
  7. That's the back of the legs-- which sticks up above the fuselage of the fighter. It's either an intake (with venting out the back part) or another vernier thruster pairing up with the one that vents towards the back.
  8. Supposedly the decals are coming with every February release-- Luca, Alto w/Super parts, Clear Alto and the re-issue of Alto and Ozma. So you just have to buy a kit.
  9. Amazing work! It looks really used!
  10. He needs to do a SV-51 featuring your paint scheme
  11. More pics please!
  12. Gra-Bushido is the show's Ahab--- maybe the show's writers have been reading too much Melville?
  13. Duddddee... don't give Bandai any ideas! I'd be pissed if they retconned the grace of the original into something pudgy like the DX! The toy should match the anime, not the other way round!
  14. The basic thrust-to-weight ratio will give you acceleration in a vacuum, so the Super VF-1S could accelerate at between 4 (Max TO) and 6 (Standard TO) Gs-- nowhere near fast enough to kill a person. In atmosphere, accelerations will be lower-- except during turns, where the control surfaces of the VF can contribute to the turn.
  15. Thanks alot! Great work Gubaba! Note-- in Battroid mode-- is it 'wrassling' or wrestling?
  16. Yes and no-- they are electrical in the sense that there is a movement of charge, however the charges involved are calcium and potassium ions instead of electrons, and there is no net movement of charge, just a propagation wave of charges moving across the nerve cell membrane. And that's not even getting into the role of synapses. Suffice to say, an electrical field is indeed generated, which can be detected by sensors outside of the body, like in a suit, or, in current technology, those electrodes they stick on your skin when you go in the hospital.
  17. Any idea if the 1/60 Ranka is the dancing figure or a cockpit figure? Looks like I will be getting lots of missiles then
  18. Nice catch on the semi closed feet-- I guess that's the way Bandai is going, which is a disappointment. Apparently there will be more announcements on Feb 22nd... so we'll just have to be patient.
  19. I would say that in this case, less is more
  20. Hmm no problems accessing it for me.
  21. Nice! Now hopefully we get more information on their other lines such as the VF100s then!
  22. That sounds about right, since we know that for the VF-1, transforming to Gerwalk is pressing a button or pulling a lever, or for the VF-0, changing the angle of the joysticks-- so you can only choose fighter, battroid or gerwalk, not fighter with an arm sticking out or anything like that. This could also tie in with the faster transformation times of the VF-25-- all you need is the nerve impulse rather than actually making an action with your muscles. The nerve impulse could be what all the references to 'electricity' or 'electrical' mean-- and SK may have been inspired by the advances in active prosthetics and things like that. This could also explain why Alto and Luca still wear their 'traitorous' SMS flightsuits when in NUNS service-- beyond the fact that flightsuits are tailored, the EX-Gear suits must be tuned to the nerve impulses of the individual pilot, which takes a much longer time!
  23. Can anyone translate the details for the Sheryl decals?
  24. Thanks for the posts! I noticed that they angled the back/side view nicely so that you cant see the cockpit being exposed, but if you look at it closely, you'll see that the cockpit block extends beyond the bottom of the backplate-- just like the DX and not like the 1/72 model kit. The hip placement and the back of the legs also look similar to the DX.
  25. Nooooo! SK just made his worst retcon ever! He retconned the underwear into the picture on the lower left corner!
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