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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. edwin3060

    Yamato stands

    Yea-- in this area the Revoltechs are so much better-- included fast packs and a stand, and a lower price as well!
  2. More likely its a Soundforce VF-25! Hopefully the VF-25 doesn't become beefier though--That would just be lame!
  3. Shinjizh: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it! If I'm not wrong, there will be two points of articulation on that particular Super Pack part-- so that it can fit nicely in fighter mode and display properly in Battroid mode, so you should be able to hinge the Super part so that it looks ok, even with the shoulders like that. Vifam7: That would really suck if true.
  4. Good luck then! I've been waiting for Overdrive to reply to my email.. they might be a little busy lately.
  5. edwin3060

    Yamato stands

    Thats a GNU-DOU VF-11B w/ Fast packs-- so I'm not sure if, after stacking, you can fit a 1/60 toy other than the VF-1 in there.
  6. Meh... way too overpriced, and they aren't articulated. Something that would allow me not to change the hands for transformation, that I would consider.
  7. Thanks for your detailed explanations, and Happy CNY to you too!
  8. I'm not Ghost Train, but yes. You should also try to ensure that no dust gets onto the gloss coat when it is drying.
  9. I think the choice of the Lancer was more to emphasize the point that Fire Bomber has now become classic rock, to reflect what has happened in the real world.
  10. Hmm going from the toy and the model there's a sliding joint kind of thing-- but that part is hidden in the show. Looks good!
  11. Starcream is just screaming out for a SK re-design, just like his F-15 form did!
  12. Exactly! Like I said, for visual effect with no basis in real life. More shades of Aquarion in Mac F from SK I guess
  13. Ditto-- I think the thrusters are more on the scale of the lift jets that the F-35B has on the tips of the wings-- low thrust, just there to help ensure that the grossly Gerwalk mode doesn't fall out of the sky at the slightest touch. So, to make the SV-51 even remotely space-worthy would require 1) OTEC reaction engines 2)Life Support systems 3)Better verniers--- which may require reinforcement of the structure of the aircraft, especially at the wing tips if there are verniers there, which would result in a re-design of the entire aircraft.
  14. I don't think so-- afterall the fans in Japan seem happy with the design. What I think is the real translation is: Main Sponsor Bandai is pushing for a re-colour/ slight parts changes so that they can sell both TV version and Movie Version toys--- look at how well that worked out for Yamato's VF-1s! They wouldn't even have to change their moulds if it was just a recolour.
  15. No word on when it will be released? I hope it will be released in March because that's when I'll be getting a massive collated order from Overdrive-- might as well toss this in as well!
  16. They prevent the nose from sliding up like it does during transformation to battroid-- so yes it is quite critical. How long ago did you buy it from HLJ? They might be willing to work something out.
  17. Haha I started with the YF-19-- next was the SV-51 Ivanov and VF-0S-- now I've got a VF-25F with a YF-21 in the works...
  18. Well at least we have an upper limit to the transformation time, although I'd expect that there would be improvements in transformation time with each successive VF generation from the VF-1 to the VF-22-- and the dodging of weapons fire by Ozma means that the transformation from Battroid to Gerwalk should at least be as fast as human reaction time, which is about of 0.1 seconds. Also, even though they are using magnets to shift the parts around (which is another newly developed technology that SK has put into MF) there shouldn't be electrical discharges, especially not in space. The animated discharges are really there for dramatic effect. Acro-ray: Maybe the partsforming VF100s VF-25 will be the most accurate yet Gubaba: For the penultimate sentence-- the word 'rigidity'-- would it make sense if it were translated into something like 'military culture/discipline' ? I'd figure that if there are less weapons systems, there would also be less of a military presence, and absent the emergency situations aboard the original Macross, there wouldn't be a need for so much military control.
  19. Nice! I have been waiting for this! I noticed that the posing angle and the Super packs nicely cover up the head lasers.. heh.
  20. Great pics negotiator! Boo about the standing Ranka-- a cockpit Ranka would have been nice to re-create the scenes where she is in Alto's VF, or Brera's VF(when released) as well as covering up any lack of detail that seems quite likely based on Bandai's pilot figures. I just ran my VF-0s leg super pack over the wings... andddd.... no magnet. Not even a piece of iron or steel that would indicate that the exclusive parts would have magnets. Oh well. If they really do come with over-wing clips, I'm going to have to fashion some removable method of attachment that doesn't look that ugly then. On the bright side, it looks like there will be enough missiles to outfit all four valks at once if you buy more than 1 Ghost. I would have thought that they would release the reaction missiles together with the Armoured pack or something though.
  21. Sweet-- I'm ambivalent about them picking up the pace of releases though-- because I want them to get each valk right and my wallet can't stand the strain of so many releases at once! Slow and steady is good for me! About 1 every month or two will be fine with me.
  22. Well then a massive thank you to you Save for showing them the light!
  23. O_O Thats a massive error! Didn't you notice it the moment you got your VF-0S? the nose would just slot in and out at the slightest touch without those doors right? Coupled with the reports of missing parts and accessories on some of the 1/48s I wonder what's going on at the Yamato factory!
  24. Wow the black and gold colour scheme for the 25th anniversary valk really looks great! I gotta get me one of those...
  25. The Quarter is, obviously, about 1/4 the size of the Battle Frontier-- so if the Quarter is even 25 cm, the Battle Frontier will be 1m tall!! Not very likely I think-- I think the DX Battle frontier will end up being 1.5 to two times the Quarter at most.
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