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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Ahh well. Maybe Bandai will farm out their non-transformable kits to Hasegawa? Not likely though.
  2. edwin3060

    VF Girls

    Sweet... love the green eyes!
  3. That just looks like combining the Seraphim and the Ptolemaios II. Ghost Train: Like you said, there are 2 more orbital elevators that could work. The sacrifice of 1 orbital elevator and 60000 civilians balanced against the chance to wipe out all opposition to the Federation? I'd say they'd fire it.
  4. I think that's what SK has sort of established as his canon-- notwithstanding any future changes he might want to make
  5. Haha a Lit Major is exactly what we need, after all, what we are discussing are nuances in the text which could give support to an interpretation of it, just like that 'rigidity' word.
  6. It could be an idea for All that VF!
  7. The shape of the VF-171 can neither prove or disprove that there is passive stealth, since stealth aircraft can take on many different shapes and forms-- if anything, I'd say that the -171 in a clean configuration might have better passive stealth than the -17, just as how the F-22, with less angular and more rounded shapes, has better stealth characteristics that the F-117. Loaded with missiles or Super pack, the -171 could possibly rely on active stealth systems to maintain stealth, we need more data in this area.
  8. No idea--it would make most sense if it were just an animation feature to illustrate the slave control of Alto's VF so that they could drag it out to him, but given the precedent of the cables dragging Varja carcasses back to Battle frontier, it could just as well have been cables.
  9. and all this while none of your acquaintances, other than Macross Fans, have realised that you relieve yourself, so to speak, through your lolicon inclinations!
  10. Looks like the worries about Yamato running out of 1/60 VF-1s to release are misguided then. Actually it seems like Yamato has tonnes of VFs to release, afterall, they haven't fully utilised their Mac0 and VFX2 licenses as well. Hopefully their VFC will hint as to their 1/60 releases-- VA-3 Invader and VF-9 Cutlass here we come!
  11. That's like saying a child can live in his dream world and have his imaginary friends and believe in santa as long as he wants-- but all children have to grow up sometime. The only reason Bassara doesn't do this is because of deus ex machina, as has been stated before. People who don't feel that are called sociopaths in peace time and either war heroes or war criminals in war time. Ultimately, to me Bassara embodies the kind of hippie "I can do what I want, regardless of the consequences" attitude-- which is great, unless you're in the real world. The reason why the military was so pissed with him, afterall, wasn't just because he was there-- it's because he was there and interfering, messing up their formations, causing people to hesitate and ultimately causing more casualties, at least at the start. As the military, they also had an obligation to protect him regardless of his own thoughts about the issue--which would suck up manpower and may have resulted in needless deaths. As a fantasy, Bassara is a nice one--but I don't think that Bassara's fans have (like him) thought through to the consequences of his actions. Afterall, his kind of attitude is the exact same mindset that megalomaniacs and dictators have.
  12. I face the same problem over here! Tonnes of sushi bars, but no places with good cheap bento to save your life! I'm sure they had sushi on Macross II as well Still, given the history of how Macross II came to be, I'm not sure that Bandai would want to revive it. They have a much surer cash cow with Macross Frontier after all.
  13. I would think so-- I'd guess Gubaba would have to weigh in on whether that interpretation would make sense, from the Japanese. I'm not sure that he would like to go back to look at the VF-25S that soon though
  14. I'd guess the vernier thrusters on the VF-0 will be similar to the wingtip thrusters on the F-35B and used for fine control during hovering/maneuvering at low speeds, like you said. D.D. Ivanov-- it would be a predecessor of the Destroid Monster, because the arm mounted missiles are not there, it has hand/clamps instead.
  15. Well, you either wait for the movie version and pray, or mod it yourself!
  16. I'm not exactly in a rush to get the VF-1s because I know that most, if not all of them will be re-issued. With the rush of new releases this year (MacF toys and model kits, VF-11B) there's no spare funds for them...but eventually I'll assemble my own wing of VF-1s
  17. I thought it was pretty what A-LAWS would do-- Coupists+Kataron+Celestial being all in the vicinity? Memento Mori all ready? Own forces out of the way? Big boom= no more anarchists! Or so they would think.
  18. O_O Amazing! Are all those green clear parts lighted? Wow!
  19. It's certainly very poseable. Wayyy before my time though.
  20. Oh please don't remind me of Katsudon... its so hard to get a decent one at reasonable prices here in London.
  21. Sweet! I assume the VF-25S page will be updated, thanks to Gubaba. Also, will the VF-0D finally be up there?
  22. Might just be me, but that weird gun thingy, the shoulder additions, and the shield, all look abit Gundam-ish to me. As for the MacF pics, way to milk that..uh.. nevermind.
  23. The whole idea behind Bassara is the triumph of idealism over pragmatism. Which is what makes Macross 7 such a great children's show, but probably doesn't endear itself to some people out there. The basic premise is, if you are sure your idea is right, then just keep plugging away at it and eventually things will work out alright and you'll be a hero. Of course, if everybody was a Bassara, society would collapse and anarchy would result. Why do people actually like him? Probably because he represents that indomitable inner child that everybody has, the one that insists that the world would be perfect if everyone did things your way.
  24. The F-15 can fly after losing one wing, for example. What I don't get is, lifting bodies actually generate more lift the faster you go-- for example, the F-14 at supersonic speeds generates about 70% of its lift from the fuselage rather than the wings. So, if the fuselage lift is enough to sustain flight at subsonic speeds, it should be enough at supersonic speeds as well.
  25. No worries about decaling, you can just use the stickers provided by Bandai. As for Panel lining, if you want to do it quick and easy, go google Pro-Modeller's Panelling wash. It is a simple, water based wash that works even on bare plastic. I have both the DX toy and the model kit, and like their classification suggests, if you want something for display, go with the model kit. If you want to play with it, go for the DX. If you don't like the DX, you may want to wait for the movie to be released-- Bandai will definitely release new toys for the movie and there might be improvements. There are plenty of pics all around the forums, just check out some of the older versions of this thread. Welcome to MW!
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