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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Well, one reason for the ridiculous sized landing gear on the VF-25 kit is probably due to the need for ground clearance for the sniper rifle-- I don't think that the real kit will be far off from that custom piece.
  2. Aww that sucks. I'd have thought that the whole thing would come together.
  3. No idea.. But the whole thing is a wing fence and it has thrusters on the top surface and some sort of attachment point (probably for the Super pods) on the bottom surface. Might be lights, or more sensors, or ECM equipment.
  4. Looks great! Do you have instructions?
  5. I guess that might be true for the model kit, but the DX version actually has the wings lock onto the legs through a tab so the dihedral here is probably designed (more tension to hold the heavy legs up)
  6. Nice. I guess that clinches it then. Could you post that screengrab without the red line? I'd like it for my desktop thanks!
  7. Yep this.. I mean, there already the movie coming out, and she will definitely have new songs on it, so if she didn't release an album without Macross connections, she might be typecast? On the other hand, if her album doesn't do well, she can still fall back on the Macross movie to boost her popularity again. So to me it seems like a win-win situation for her to release this album.
  8. The magazine should really be titled Macross Fanservice
  9. Hmm gotta rewatch those episodes then. But I distinctly remember that Ozma was called two different ranks.
  10. Ahh but the tails/exhaust design served the purpose of shielding the exhaust from IR seekers, and the frontal fuselage had to be that long to accomodate the (non-existent) weapons bay. The podded design of the fuselage and the engines meant, theoretically, that you could extent the frontal fuselage for a larger weapons bay with little to no effects on the rest of the aircraft (because the whole fuselage was generating lift, especially the chines on the frontal fuselage) which is probably why it was considered for the interim bomber project. Ahh well. The YF-23 was just too ahead of its time I think. Not to mention the poorer maneuverability relative to the YF-22, which I think is supremely important for an air superiority fighter.
  11. Minmei is actually the correct hanyu pinyin (phoenetics ?) for the name. Min approximately = graceful and Mei = pretty/beautiful so yes, it actually works as a girls name! I've never actually met anyone with that name though. Ling (or Lin, both are acceptable for the same character as a surname) is also a pretty common surname, so you could actually have real Lin Minmeis walking around!
  12. Your creativity knows no bounds Pete...
  13. GN particles seem to cause nothing more than effects akin to heavy EM Jamming... and wasn't the YF-19/YF-21 the first to overtly (i.e. stated in the anime) use active stealth systems? There must be something to differentiate active stealth and ECM. David: Interesting. I had heard that the F-22s paint was causing greater than expected maintenance problems though, which means that they haven't quite solved the aircraft skin problems that plague the F-117 and B-2 yet. Thanks for your translations Sketchley!
  14. Hikaru.. the Homer Simpson of Macross!
  15. Interesting.. the island ships seem to be connected to each other, but not the main island?
  16. No, but there are pictures a few pages ago and it's pretty straight-forward. You don't have to worry about your VF-25 breaking while fiddling with it
  17. I see your destroids are ready for saturday night fever!
  18. edwin3060

    YF 21 Decals

    I see you panel lined your YF-21.. nice... I solve the problem by not putting those stickers on They don't appear in the show anyway.
  19. My stuff gets held up at customs regardless of EMS or SAL... otoh I'm in london so maybe they are more thorough about it.
  20. Nice.. keep us posted!
  21. I don't think the loudspeakers or Ranka would be out-- those were announced as limited web orders for the DX toy. On the other hand, the ghosts are limited for the DX toy and came with the kit too, so anything could happen.
  22. At least it looks cool The SV-51 fighter, gerwalk and battroid mode have to be one of SK's most inspired designs...especially the gerwalk!
  23. That would pretty much put Megumi on the Mari Iijima track, wouldn't it?
  24. Stealth gecko FTW! The YF-22 is just uninspired to me. Besides, they practically transplanted the wings from the YF-23 onto the F-22, as well as some other fuselage shaping features (probably for increased stealth), so if you like the F-22, you gotta have some love for the YF-23.
  25. Thanks for the posts! Esp the 2nd one
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