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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. 1/150 might be too close to their 1/100 line, although this line is non-transforming. In fact, if they made 1/100 non-transforming fighter modes, I think they would fulfill the wishes of quite a few people here, like Vifam7 and myself
  2. Yep the fixed VF-0S has been released--- but the packaging is the same as the old ones. The only way to be sure is to ask the retailer, as even HLJ has a few reports of shipping out old stock when the order was for new stock (re: VF-25DX thread).
  3. Thanks for the update. That probably translates to about 120-130 USD from Overdrive (going by their prices for the Super parts/Exclusives)..Ouch...
  4. The VT-1 MSRP is also higher, probably because it is a one-off design with limited recolours/variants possible
  5. Yep Graham has mentioned that the VF-0D is on the shortlist, while the VF-4 has been looked at (but is not a priority?) Either way, I'm happy with the VF-0D if it really gets made, and 3 new PT Valks sounds good for my wallet (Since I'm trying to limit myself to 1 of each design)!
  6. Looks amazing! I would never be able to do that to my own toys... unless something broke
  7. Looks like I'll have to get both! I agree though, the decals don't work well on an already complicated Armoured VF.
  8. I'd really love to, but as you can see: there's a hypocrite who keeps harping on the issue..and blocked my PMs even though he publicly said that he wants a dialogue... what am I to do? kanedaestes They could just retcon the design just like they did the VF-22S-- so that there is no heatshield required. Or, they could extend the fuselage behind the canopy in order to accommodate the heatshield, while shortening the cockpit so that the heatshield wouldn't be too much bigger like they did with the VF-1D. In fact, solving it the VF-1D way would be easier because the legs no longer have to attach to the bottom of the nosecone So the solution would be easier to implement than the VF-1D.
  9. O_O Is that gunpod for the VF-25S stuck on?
  10. Bandai is already doing 1/100 scale with their VF100s line-- though 1/144 may be nice, it may be too close to 1/100 for Bandai.
  11. Haha says the guy who publicly acted nice, but then blocked my PMs when I tried to reply? What a great way to show that you really want a dialogue SDK7.0 Just pointing out facts Anyway, with what Graham posted in the other thread about Bandai letting the M7 and MD7 licenses lapse, I don't think we'll be seeing any VF-17s in 1/60 scale from Bandai anytime soon--especially with the extensive changes between the VF-17 and VF-171. If anything, inferring from what he said about toy licensing and the VF-22S release by Yamato, I think a 1/60 VF-17 from Yamato, however unlikely, would be more likely than a Bandai release. A 1/100 or 1/250 VF-17 from Bandai would be even more likely than any in 1/60 scale though.
  12. But not VF-1 v2s, which also come with alot more accessories. Not to mention, by the time you get Super parts for those, you are looking at equal to or more than the cost of any of the valks you mentioned, even for the Japanese. ff95gj you could pre-order it already? I thought the price of the item has not been revealed yet?
  13. Oooh really? So how come Bandai could block Yamato's VF-22S modification a few years back? Couldn't Yamato just say that they were working off the VF-X2 license? Or is it just that Bandai, having more resources than Yamato, can more or less do what they want?
  14. +1 -- even though I'm really hoping that they will come out in 1/60 first
  15. Oh really? I guess we'll be hearing about it soon then. Thanks for the update! SDK7.0: Even the non-exclusives are not significantly cheaper than Yamatos, even without taking the quality of paint, tampoing etc into consideration.
  16. Haha Isamu definitely gained weight once he transferred from combat to flight testing. If Yamato really does sell their pilot figures separately I think I will get an extra Isamu for my YF-19.
  17. There you go again pointing out your 'experience'-- if you haven't realised by now, my whole point is that assuming people know stuff just because they've been around awhile is wrong, just as assuming people don't know stuff because they are new is wrong. But whatever-- I've realized that quite a few people here don't seem to be able to admit their shortcomings. 505th: There are the 1/55s from Bandai . I think we'll see a VF-17 eventually, either in the VF100s line or the 1/250 line from Bandai. Who knows, if Bandai ever does a DX VF-171, they may even go back and do a 1/60 VF-17... not likely though. Radd: If Yamato is able to get the licenses for all the Mac7 designs, I think I will be eating ramen for the rest of my life, lol.
  18. Hmm.. so the prongs on the Asuka II in Mac0 are an anachronism? Interesting!
  19. No idea man... they were supposed to be up for pre-order ages ago but that doesn't seem to have materialised. On the other hand, they have not announced any other means of selling the Alto armour besides the pre-order. I do hope that they change their mind and do a normal release like Ozma armour though-- I'd rather they do web exclusives on lower demand stuff like maybe the reaction missiles for the armour pack, etc.
  20. Ironic indeed. Though for these limited releases I think most of the money (for overseas sales) is made by the middleman, with mark up of up to 100% over the original price-- and all these profits don't go to Bandai. So I wonder why would Bandai release these as web order editions? I don't think demand for all these parts are going to be low, and things like the Alto Armoured Custom would definitely be high demand.
  21. Well Bandai may have the VF-2SS in the VF100s line, so they probably want to milk the design more as well. I was wondering if Bandai started this line because the VF100s line isn't doing that well, so this 1/250 line allows them to release all the valks that were originally hyped under the VF100s line.
  22. Well I've seen it go on eBay for 400-500 USD, wayy above the retail. Of course I don't think you can find it in stores/online stores anymore. Not worth it at such high prices IMO, since you can get a standalone YF-19, YF-21 and 2 Foldbooster/fastpack sets for that price. I think there have been reports of a non-25th anniversary, standalone, fixed YF-19 floating around. Of course, to be safe, you could just buy the recolours that are coming out at the end of this month.
  23. Nice! Thanks.. hmm seems like the shield problem from the 1/72 is still present eh? I would have thought that they would have solved it, given that the 1/60 YF-19 has an ok shield! Heh..+1 about the canopy. It doesn really bother me though, since it still looks great, and they probably couldn't make it too long with that special heatshield mechanism and all.
  24. Maybe they did a one for one trade-- VF-22 for VB 6
  25. Dudddeee... nice catch!
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