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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Yep thats why I'd wish that Bandai would make a 1/60 PG VF-25 (just like how the 1/72 VF-25 is compared to their 1/100 MG Kits) so that we would have a to-scale VF-25 that could be displayed beside all the Yamatos without hanging it's head in shame
  2. Thanks for the scans! Any further details on their release date?
  3. Personally, the more I play with my DX-25F, the more I like it. The parts, even the small ones like the landing bay doors, hold in position unlike my Yamato VF-0 or YF-19 where the doors (and other parts) fall open at the slightest touch. I've even come to accept the fighter mode for its own benefits, even with my 1/72 models on display beside it-- for one, the hip/intake guns fit perfectly. I haven't received my DX-25S yet to the head lasers have yet to bother me, but even those can be fixed with a hair dryer or some hot water. Overall, I'd say that Bandai has succeeded, and the sales figures bear this out. I can safely say that I'd buy a DX VF-27 even if the proportions are about the same!
  4. Thanks!
  5. I must say, the series is getting better and better! +1 for 00bama! If McCain had won I wonder if we'd have 00Cain... just doesn't have the same ring to it
  6. Right on to the first, maybe not for the second-- if the goal of the DX was for playability, cost and durability over looks, the popularity of the VF-25F and the VF-25S DX versions so far would probably indicate to Bandai that they succeeded. In which case, I believe that they would stay with largely the same chunkyness instead of going for the Yamato approach.
  7. If the Q-Raus sold so badly, why would Yamato re-issue them? There must have been enough demand in the first place for that to happen right?
  8. I'll say it again... movie resculpt! Then we can have our chunky monkeys and our 'yamato' accurates...
  9. I've ordered all three so far... this is going to be my main collection line!
  10. Oh man that OD Green Destroid looks so tempting!
  11. Wow great job! Your VF-25F seems to fit together much better than mine. Hip gun placements, etc are all in place!
  12. Nice hangar pic! It really looks great with panel lining. Did you use the black or the grey panel lining marker?
  13. The Super armour only covers the outer side of the legs so the inner sides wouldn't really be affected SK did design this to transform into all modes afterall.
  14. Deja vu.... this has been done before.
  15. Yea you did-- the left leg fin is folded in like it should, but the right leg is not Otherwise, it looks fine. The proportions of the DX are not the same as the show or the model kit so the torso is the right size. shinjizh: I'd bet on a re-colour if not a redesign. It's the perfect way for all those who already bought the DX toy to buy them again =)
  16. Didn't we have a few reports of 1As and 1Js broken as well earlier in this thread? Granted its only 1 or 2, but still..
  17. Sweet.. the VF100s looks like its shaping up to be great!
  18. Bandai doesn't have the VF-X2 license, and they don't seem to be re-opening the Mac7 license anytime (except maybe for the VF100s line), but the Battle Frontier and Battle Galaxy are possibilities.
  19. Haha thanks dude I got my VF-25F w/Sheryl decals through Tokyohunter so I'm all good, thanks SDF-ONE: That's pretty much how it is with every valk out there.
  20. Wow that's really good work!
  21. Wow! That means that, taking SEED and Destiny seperately, Macross Frontier is the best selling mecha in the past 10 years?
  22. Well, you can try on Yahoo Japan, but I got mine on ebay.
  23. Heh the way he displays his gatling cannon is as per the model kit. Nice fight with EVA-01! What series of toy is that? And the nice shout out to Spock I guess wizatar really likes 'Lion'. Also from the video you can see how the Super pack VF-25 will be screwed up in Gerwalk mode-- the arms are directly in front of the wing fences, which means that they get in the way of the pods of the Super pack. I really like the group shot of all the Skull squadron leader planes! Overall, great review!
  24. Well, every VF-1 v2 has been released with a pilot figure so I don't see why not. These are far less involved than the figures for the 1/60 Q-Rau anyway (which disappeared for the re-issue)
  25. Ahh my bad. Maybe that guy is just depending on the flak from the AA guns missing him entirely then
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