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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Good suggestions. I think only 2, 4, 5 and 7 are possible though. As for one, there already is a way to lock the neck plate in place, just look at some earlier posts in this thread, and I don't see how they could extend the neck easily without compromising fighter mode. For 3, they'd have to make the landing gear bays longer, especially for the front gear, and I don't really see that happening. As for 6, even for the 1/72 the Cockpit is exposed, so I think that is a design issue more than anything else.
  2. The head lasers on your toy seem to be pretty straight, good for you! Also, the 'fake' Gerwalk mode is actually the correct gerwalk mode-- you are actually supposed to disconnect the legs in the manual. I also wish Bandai had skipped on the waist joint and just given us a nice streamlined front fuselage in fighter mode.
  3. Unless there was a VF-17 in VFX2?
  4. Well, he only had what, a few weeks at the most to learn the VF-0? Given time I'm sure he would have been much better-- Roy was impressed enough to take him as a kind of 'protege' after all.
  5. I don't think so-- the improvments (if any) will probably come with the movie version.
  6. That's weird, since my VF-25F has not had any groin problems. I guess you could just coat it with a layer of super glue and let it dry to tighten things up.
  7. It looks great! Question: For the engine pods, is that a space behind the curved plates?
  8. O_O You have a room just for all these? Thats Amazing!
  9. Ooooh. I hope overdrive will be able to come through and allow us to get these!
  10. Those are just amazing! Love the kill count
  11. As long as you move the legs carefully in battroid mode, the red/black stripes won't be affected at all, no matter how many times you transform it. The backplate is mostly because there is no other convenient way to hold the battroid mode. Other than that, no other parts are really affected by the paint wear for me! I second SuperDimensionalDave-- don't knock it unless you got it!
  12. Yep, but the YF-19 had VG wings as well that couldn't be realized in the toy. I'm just glad the VF-11B can have it.
  13. Probably a bonus of the linear actuators that it uses for transformation. You gotta figure, since pretty much the entire surface of the valk has to be able to generate/manipulate magnetic fields for transformation, it wouldn't be difficult to mount a gunpod anywhere as long as it has some ferrous material in it.
  14. AMAZING!!! I'm so glad that I pre-ordered it now. The last picture also shows it quite a bit smaller than the YF-19/YF-21--- has the size been retconned back down again? I just hope its not fragile! I'm also glad that they were able to retain the VG wings from the 1/72!!
  15. Should be about 18 cm in fighter and 15 cm in battroid? If they are keeping it dimensionally accurate, anyway. The Bandai 1/100 Yukikaze kits are a good way to visualise the size of the fighter.
  16. The 1/72 YF-21 still looks pretty good, even in comparison with the new 1/60. The YF-19, on the other hand...
  17. Ahh well, I have wayyy too many valks on my to buy list to get these for now. So many 1/60s, so little money... sigh.
  18. Nice pictures! It is oh so tempting!!!
  19. Danth: Thats my suggestion donotdisturb: It will be released in April. (which probably means end april)
  20. Your hatred of the DX is quite irrational, IMO. The head lasers are easily fixed, you said so yourself. The underwing panel lining is more than sufficient, and it is certainly more detailed than my Yamato 1/60 YF-19. The glossy finish is certainly on-par for what Bandai intended the DX to be, a TOY, and is no different from the Yamato 1/72 offerings. More than that, if you are going to be so nit-picky about the DX, you will certainly be disappointed by the model kit, since some parts won't fit together properly and it is less PT than the DX-- which is exacerbated once you consider the Super parts.
  21. I think they will! Gambatte! VFTF: Seriously? No wonder you're posting all those pictures of semi-naked ladies and valks... you're just excited about your birthday!
  22. Well if this poll is set up for comparison with the VF-1 v2 then I guess that doesn't really matter since the situation will end up the same (people owning multiples but only voting once)
  23. Back to the VF-11B AGAIN.... I guess the best solution would be to somehow make swappable tail fins of 2 different sizes, just like how they had the ABS and POM canards for the YF-19.
  24. I think the stand-alone fast packs will come with both super and strike parts-- hopefully they will be nice enough to provide double strike cannons with each pack!
  25. Hmmm is it going to be another event exclusive? After all, that blog said that the February issue kits were all going to come with a Sheryl decal, but from what I see here, and what I heard from Rainbowten, the sheryl decals are actually shop exclusives.
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