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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Well, they 'dared' to release Alto's Super pack as an exclusive even though he is most often shown with it. I'd think for the Armour packs either both would be exclusive or neither would be. Alternatively they could release it exclusive now and together after the movie, which I suspect they might be doing for the Super packs-- with the movie version VF-25F of course
  2. I have no idea what you guys are basing your guesses on... all I can see for those two pictures is the sms logo and a few indistinct blobs in the back. Maybe this is some kind of Rorschach test by Bandai? I'm hoping for the VF-27 though. Its time to move on to the rest of the MF Franchise before the movie comes in and all we get are the revised versions!
  3. Not much challenge when your photo tag says Roy-Bond! Unless you want us to guess exactly which Bond and which movie?
  4. Haha fine we get it... its YF-21 can stand on its own two feet
  5. Sweet. Did you use pro-modellers modelling wash?
  6. That would be cool. And Expensive. But hopefully not fragile
  7. Ultimately, for poseability, the Revoltech line wins, and for (some) accuracy+partsformation in small scale, the VF100 line will probably win out. The GNU-DOU line is caught in the middle and will lose out I think.
  8. There are isolated reports but mostly fine.
  9. Nice pics, but you really need to get the head of the VF-25F Alto in the right position or else people are going to be screaming about no neck again
  10. Uh huh! So it seems like both sides are right-- it is 'Call up' AND it is 'Op (Operation?) Monster Girl' They just missed out the 'up'. That makes so much sense now. Call up Op Monster Girl at least makes some (engrish) sense.
  11. Heh I wish we would get a VF-27! It would be nice to get something other than more VF-25s... the situation is nowhere near as bad as Yamato's VF-1s but its getting there
  12. The V-9 would need alot of scratchbuilding though... Maybe they will be nice enough to release V-9s with the green recolour of the inevitable VF-27 kit?
  13. Well I certainly didn't know that! Hehe. thanks for the trivia.
  14. Thanks for the great work!
  15. Well, you got a whole tripod thing going there with the leg covers So it doesnt count.
  16. I'm not as worried about that as I am about how the hardlines route through all the actuators and moving parts. Besides, we already have a simple, elegant solution staring us in the face, why do things the hard way? (Pun intended ). As to the second point, mainly because magnetism has been mentioned and that super dimensional effect has not. Besides, SK usually takes inspiration from real life and I see many robotics ideas incorporated into Mac F such as the Ex Gear system.
  17. Is it due to the weight of the upper body or is the hip joint of the -21 too loose?
  18. *fingers crossed* Hopefully they wont make the full armour release an exclusive-- though i think they will.
  19. It looks great!
  20. Again, proven by the absence of the fact? Besides, the gunpods are self contained. Wireless technologies run the gamut from radio to microwaves to lasers-- heck, by slightly changing the magnetic field you can send a data signal which couldn't easily be jammed. Besides, interference, signal loss and errant signals plague hardlines as well-- especially if those very hardlines that you trust have to pass through 3-4 very active and packed areas at least-- the shoulders, elbow, wrist and (multiple) finger actuators. Not to mention splicing off to the multitude of hard points. Ultimately, unless the gunpod is very much closer to the enemy than your own aircraft, I wouldn't worry too much about the effects you talked about. Ultimately, the whole idea of hard points comes into a lot of problems once you consider the multitude of places where the gun pod has been shown to attach and the fact that Alto could mount the sniper rifle on the fly. SK has already given us some 'hand-wavium' with the whole linear actuator thing. I say we use it. Besides, have you seen those robots that they are building which are basically rectangles of circuits and electronics that assemble themselves using magnets? hobbes221: SchizMC has a very good explanation of why the wings need hardpoints-- it has more to do with airflow than anything else. Also, the big attachment point on the wing glove fence has more to do with the Super pack wing pods than anything else.
  21. Actually no, since the linear actuators for transformation are clearly capable of positioning large pieces of metal precisely-- how else do you think transformation would be possible? Also, you don't need your hands on a phone to answer a call now-- wireless technology has been invented .
  22. We all know that some techno-babble is involved-- in fact, we are told that some funky new transformation system, using 'linear actuators' which are some sort of magnets is used for transformation, and that parts of the VF are literally re-arranged in space for the transformation without any contact with each other. Given this, I don't see how your objections can hold, especially since my solution can explain why the VF-25 can seem to place/store the gunpod anywhere it wants during a fight AND take on additional gunpods/sniper rifles etc at will.
  23. Heh I only bought one... I am tempted to buy another one though, to make a half Alto/half clear hybrid for display-- I think it would be awesome! Maybe if I can get it for a decent price (~$100, shipping included) Anybody with the connections to make this happen please do pm me!
  24. As evidenced by the complete lack of any hardpoints visible on the craft, in contrast to the clearly visible wing hardpoints for mounting missiles?
  25. It has been stated that the VF-25 uses 'linear actuators' which use electromagnets to transform the valk, such that transformation times are reduced. Also, given ECA, your idea that any part of the VF wouldn't be strong enough to mount a gunpod is ridiculous. All in all, magnets provide the simplest solution to the variety of mounting points on the VF-25, and also explain why it could mount the Sniper rifle instantaneously.
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