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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Sweet! Armour pack here we come! I hope the Ozma super pack comes with yellow runners for the missile covers.
  2. OMG thats awesome! I'll buy multiple copies of the VF-11B if this is implemented for sure! But wouldn't the gunpod magazines interfere with the placement of the shield in fighter mode?
  3. I'm gonna go with this! 50% more air, same price!
  4. We'll have to get our hands on the 1/60 before we can say that... although it looks promising in which case I would also add: Best Ejection mechanism: VF-11B
  5. Wow that looks great! Seems like the toy is all ready to go but they are postphoning release till July? Maybe we can swap this cockpit with the VF-1D one for better display purposes in fighter mode Thanks for the scans!
  6. That can't be right because they just released VFX-2 colours for their GNU-DOU line. SDK: Aftermarket or scratchbuilt fit on tail fins are a much easier fix. Like I said, if you want your personal toy, build it yourself.
  7. You're on! I don't see why Bandai would let the Frontier license out to Yamato when they didn't do it for Mac7. However, I'm hoping that Yamato can get the license for Macross Ace Frontier or a future Macross game so they can at least produce the designs, if not the actual show VFs.
  8. XP 32 can only use up to 3.2 Gb rather than the 4 Gb maximum for 32 bit systems. I'm not sure if Vista has the same limitations but IIRC it does. Your design looks great though so I wouldn't worry too much about upping the triangle count. The landing gear looks a little spindly though.
  9. You're missing the point. We all know what the fin is for. The discussion in question is what other benefits/characteristics the fin has (stability) and whether it can reduce that additional stability when threatened.
  10. Not to mention that VF's for some reason always seem to have male-type crotches, all the way since the VF-1
  11. congratulations! Don't forget to tell us any goodies!
  12. You didn't make it to the end of the first episode?
  13. Right, but not lineart accurate. If you want your personal toy so badly, go make one yourself.
  14. You're arguing a false point. While the M61A2 and the GAU-8 may not be fired at their highest rate of 6000 or 4600 rpm respectively, the fact remains that they can be. They were built to withstand it. And the aircraft they are built into, or built around as the case of the A-10, have to be built to withstand the recoil as well.
  15. That's the problem when someone can only understand the english then Because if you look at the two sentences in isolation from the translation: "The head of the Battriod is equipped with laser machine guns from the Mauler company as fixed armaments (2 barrels). Deployment of live ammunition was waived due to problems with internal storage and equipment miniaturization introduced by OT." The second sentence only makes sense when referring to the laser machine guns in the first sentence, and by inference the laser machine guns did not have live ammunition due to the problems stated. Maybe a better phrasing would be: Machine guns were not used due to problems with the storage of ammunition and the miniaturization of lasers introduced by OT. Which would explain what you are trying to say less ambiguously.
  16. Hmm maybe I'm just processing different from you-- I also have the same copy and reading the translation made me think that the head lasers did not have 'live' ammunition because of the stated miniaturization issues, not that they had to choose between cannons and lasers, and chose lasers because the bullets weren't small enough.
  17. It'll probably have its own thread. It deserves its own thread, anyway. I just panel-lined my DX-25F and it does make a world of difference in how it looks!
  18. I've actually gotten used to the look of the feet extended... now it looks strange with the feet retracted!
  19. The colouring of the mini-fighters would be a problem. I'd prefer it without fighters on the deck anyway, since the idea of the fighters being there all the time even when the whole deck is docked to the back of the MQuarter to fire the main gun is quite ridiculous. Graham: I think they might be slowly scaling up their VF100s line-- one Alto in Feb, then Michael and Ozma in April, then Luca and probably the VF-19 in May (or June?) I'd guess the rate would probably be one or two a month.
  20. Uh huh! So we just had a big hulabaloo over nothing how macrossworld is that?
  21. I think the current compromise-- the fins sticking out by a little bit, but not enough to affect the Super packs attachment, is good.
  22. Get the SMS action base stand thats coming out this month. It'll look perfect with just yellow paint. I've already ordered 4
  23. You could always retract the fin when wilder maneuvers are required. The additional stability probably helps the pilot when typing in commands for the Ghosts--- you wouldn't want to type in the wrong command and shoot yourself, right?
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