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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Because we have two official sources here that both say "Lost Peace" ? Until someone finds an official work that contradicts this there is no reason to believe the fansubs.
  2. Except the M7 VF-17 toy was horrible. I hope they start anew!
  3. Not in this case.
  4. The VF-171 has been elongated compared to the VF-17 so it should definitely be larger.
  5. I don't think people dislike the sculpt.. its more that they disliked the QC and fit issues.
  6. I'd go with the book since it's a better source than Fansubs.
  7. You're wrong-- if you actually went to read the compendium entry, it says: "Maximum airframe design load: 27.5G at maximum acceleration for 120 seconds (When ISC operates, the cockpit is protected from high G.)" So the Maximum airframe design load is 27.5G, regardless of whether the ISC is operational or not. And I've already stated that the VF-19 will not be able to reach it's design limits in space due to the engines so I've no idea why you're mentioning it again. Like I said, the only way the VF-19 can even possibly hit its +37.5G limit is in an atmosphere, but the fact still stands that the G limit is still higher than the VF-25.
  8. I disagree. The -27 is the main antagonist mecha so it should come out first! Besides, the very fact that it is similar to the -25 should be a factor for its release... less re-tooling needed, less re-training of assembly workers. Seriously, does anybody expect Bandai not to make SK at least re-colour the main VFs in the show? It's basically just wishful thinking. Re-colours are basically the easiest way to make more toys and generate more sales for the least effort and cost to Bandai. I'm sure the Macross division at Bandai is looking at Yamato's recent VF-1 re-colour flood of products with great interest.
  9. They may very well make it, with the ridiculous numbers of different VF-1s they are pumping out.
  10. Cuz you keep whining on about your 1/48s
  11. There's nothing like that on the Macross Compendium
  12. I agree with the comments on youtube-- the show's ED with less vocal echo sounds much much better!
  13. O_O Thats just psychomotor...
  14. Aww comeon. Ozma 'The Man' Lee was flying the VF-25 long before upstart Alto.
  15. Regardless, it doesn't detract from my point.
  16. I wish! The next round of releases (going by the 1st and 2nd runs of MF DX Toys (Jan and March)) should be in June-- which will probably be the last TV series releases before they start cashing in on the movie with more VF-25s.
  17. Well, it might not be a Monster, but might it be a Koenig Monster? That would cash in nicely on the Macross Frontier franchise without infringing on Bandai after all
  18. Yep... it's not like the VF-11B will sell out immediately or anything anyway.
  19. Yea but the VF-25 has this giant big crotch piece that is thrust forwards. I see it more as a really tall, skinny guy than a chick
  20. I would guess, given the new shoulder design required so that the weird protrusions of the 1/72 can be eliminated, that the shoulders will, once again, be the weak point. Some people may also get their cockpits or heat shields stuck in the down position and be unable to adjust them if the mould tolerances are too tight, or the heat shield might not stay up if the mould tolerances are too loose. The new 2 piece front foot design may also be a failure point. Finally, of course, the landing gear may collapse. That's my worst case scenario read of the situation.
  21. Not really. The RVF-25 is still a dedicated aircraft with a special head unit that probably has sensors in place of the head lasers. They probably figured that reconaissance vehicles still required some form of self defence which is why it could mount the gunpod. It also has a specialized dish radar and ELINT fin. While the Armoured pack does seem to mount some sort of additional radar, that is probably just to aid the specialized combat co-ordination computer and has a limited AEW/AWACs function.
  22. That's just the DX Macross Quarter, which has already been announced.
  23. I wonder what it stands for... Super Pack System 25S/ Macross Frontier 25 ?
  24. Can't wait to get my! Rainbowten wheres my invoice!
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