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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. That would be awesome if true. Oh well, I already ordered a VF-25F with Sheryl decals from Tokyohunter. Anybody can recommend a good modeller? I feel like commissioning this.
  2. On the other hand, like someone else mentioned, we do have the case study of the 1/60 Konig Monster that they eventually downsized.
  3. Is this the same vehicle as the previous famous itasha, just with the old art stripped off and new ones put on, or is it an entirely new vehicle altogether?
  4. You don't really have to announce your proclivities with every single post on the board. MacPlus was awesome though, so I would like another planet based Macross OVA that's heavier on the attitude and lighter on the ecological brainwashing that was Macross Zero--- but with the aerial battles of Macross Zero.
  5. The very fact that it is a later (chronologically) design incorporating elements from the previous VFs means it can be called a 'successor' regardless of whether it actually is better or not. Wrong. G is purely acceleration-- it is a measure of how fast you are accelerating relative to gravity on the earths surface. Also g-limits are the only objective measure of maneuverability we have in the show. You are arguing hypotheticals. Again, hypotheticals. What proof do you have? None-- you want to believe it because you want to believe that the VF-25 is superior in every way compared to the VF-19/22. I've just proven that it's not. Actually, the F-16 has an even better thrust to weight ratio at 1.095 as compared to 0.81 for the F-35. People often have the misconception that single engined designs will have lower thrust than double engines-- the fact is that for the same amount of thrust, a single engined design is lighter, more efficient and (probably) cheaper. The difficulty is in getting that 1 engine to produce the same amount of thrust that two engines would.
  6. Of course we can-- the F-35 is the replacement to the F-16 and F-18 (A-D), and I was making a direct comparison to those. Even if you want to compare the F-15 with the F-22, the F-15 has a higher (stated) top speed (Mach 2.5 vs 2.0) and a higher thrust to weight ratio (1.3 vs 1.08). Leaving aside whatever secrecy is left around the F-22, by all publicly stated figures you can see that while the F-22 is better in some areas, it is not better in all areas-- which has been my point all along. The VF-25 may be better in some, but not all areas--like its lower g-limits. Like sketchley has said, a VF-1 tech manual seems to be in the works: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?K...340&ref=myp so you may well get your wish!
  7. I hope that the movie will be even more compelling then, with a better storyline, rather than just a clip show of the TV series with abit of new Klan action!
  8. Now we know... Oh well, its actually not too bad. Front mounted clips make more sense than back mounted anyway.
  9. They listened to SDK and those are actually the folded tail fins? Seriously, it looks mistransformed-- just look at the wing glove area sticking up past the shoulders--- it's not supposed to be like that!
  10. Well, rumours in the other thread are that Yamato is going to come up with their own PT 1/100 line.
  11. It'll have to be much better in order to compete with Bandai!
  12. Why didn't it work? It worked perfectly well for my VF-25S and my DX VF-25F... and this is on bare plastic, with no preparation.
  13. Thanks alot Gubaba! It seems to be more popular than the soundtracks that you previously released... but.. 36 leechers 0 seeds! Are you still the only seeder?
  14. "Legitimate sucessor" is a subjective term. It could still be "legitimate" if it offered the same capabilities or was cheaper. Either way, it still doesn't mean that it has higher g-limits than the VF-19/22, because from all the data we have, it doesn't. FV: Those are the stated goals of the F-35 programme. And it achieves superiority over current generation fighters through stealth and electronics-- the g-limits are still the same (+9 for AF, +7.5 for Navy/Marines), and the top speeds (<Mach 2.0) as well. The thrust to weight ratio, on the other hand, is lower than the legacy fighters (0.81 vs 0.95). Which just goes to show that newer doesn't mean better in each and every performance category.
  15. Yea but the Quarter is not a VF so it doesnt count!
  16. Whats the difference between the DYRL launch arm and the Macross 7 launch arms?
  17. In going with the whole 25th anniversary thing, i'd say NMC-25/100
  18. If you want to use a pen, use either the Sakura Micron 005 pens, or the fine gundam markers (GM02). Alternatively, you can try this: http://www.promodeller.com/promodellers-weathering-wash/ You need a paintbrush, true, but it panel lines your kit in about 20 minutes, it works on any surface (even bare plastic), and it wipes off with kitchen towels. The effect, IMO, is far better than anything you can get with marker pens and with less hassel than a proper oil wash.
  19. Nice... don't you have to pack it away everytime you do work or something though? It seems to take up the whole table! Or is that your Macross/Gundam shrine?
  20. My bad. I'll go with the DVD titles then, given that other mistakes have already been found with the Fan book.
  21. Point 1: They don't specify that for any of the other VFs as well. Point 2: The in-atmosphere top speed of the VF-25 and the VF-19/22 are the same, around Mach 5+ I agree that for a proper comparison, we need the sustained and instantaneous turn rates, but in lieu of that, we can (and should) only make inferences based on hard facts, not what we want the VFs to be. I remember when I first came on the forums and there was a debate raging on about the superiority of the VF-25, ending only when someone pointed out that the statement supposedly saying that the VF-25 surpassed the VF-19/22 actually said that they were (only) comparable in combat. There's this whole obsession with the latest being the greatest, when it (VF-25) might just be the cheapest, most economical solution to the problem (how to equip a colonial fleet). Hobbes221: The whole accelerating in a straight line thing may well be right, it certainly sounds logical to me. But to jump from that to saying that it's instantaneous turn rate may be higher is just a ridiculous leap.
  22. The last thing I wanna see is Bandai milking a mould again-- just think, you either have the VF-27 for the next release, and then have a new design to buy the next quarter (since it seems to be quarterly release), or you have the 171 and have nothing new until the movie VF-25 (likely to be recolours) come out. Which is the better scenario? VF-27 FTW!
  23. The ACM in Macross Zero is just AMAZING... far better than any other Macross series out there. I hope that's what SK is referring to when he says that the MF Movie will have more scenes in atmosphere!
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