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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Oh... that could be because there were just too many leechers-- at one point it was just me with 400+ leeches! I have to limit my number of connections to 100 or else my internet will crash.
  2. Still, those are just some of the few scenes where they had that glow effect--- and the third scene is 'blurry' i.e. the models are not well defined. The same goes for the first two pictures--- discounting the glow effect the VF itself is blurry. I think the overall higher polygon count helped Mac0 after all.
  3. That's certainly one advantage of having a partsformer! Frankenmechs ala Battletech will be so much easier to build!
  4. Well the value of money in the first place is imaginary, so whether you have paper which has imaginary value or you have electronic bits that have imaginary value doesn't really matter, does it?
  5. There was a Ranka figure??? Boooooobieessss..... anime52k8: Yep thats it. Hopefully it will come out in the VF100s line some day!
  6. Just a point in Yamato's defence-- all plastics will eventually get brittle, whether it is because of plasticizer migration or oxidation of the polymer chains. Dyed plastics (like Yamato uses) may get brittle even faster, depending on the type of dye used. It is just part and parcel of having a plastic product, just like how metal products will eventually corrode over time. I really don't think that Yamato should be faulted for this here.
  7. You guys should be glad! For all you know, it is these crazy prices that prompted Yamato to jump into the market again, since there was clearly a high demand for such toys. So, thank you for your part in bringing us all these nice toys! P.S. Do you feel better now for spending all that money?
  8. Both!
  9. This is what I mean-- you mean you don't notice the weird blurry halo around the VF? Edit: Added some other pics-- the halo seems to appear around things like the Mac Quarter etc as well in the second picture. In the third picture taken from the OP, everything just looks a little blurry. I just never noticed these things in Macross Zero? Maybe the atmosphere provided a brighter background so the halo effect was not as pronounced?
  10. But Ranka is loli! A non-loli Ranka is like a bitter lollipop!
  11. I'd agree with David's explanation---given that SK is a fighter otaku, it is very probable that the explanation for why the YF-19 became the VF-19 and the YF-21 became the VF-22 is similar to why the YF-16 became the F-16 and the YF-17 became the F-18--- because the YF-17 lost, it was extensively reworked with many new design features and thus had a new designation. Similarly, the extensive changes from the YF-21 to the VF-22 could have warranted the change in designation. I'd still really like to see the VF-24 though (or Bandai's YF-24 1/100 toy). I've had a weakness for delta wings ever since I laid eyes on the VF-0D .
  12. Brera looks like one of those Japanese lolita goth chicks and Michael looks like he has wayyy too much gel in his hair and the wind is blowing hard creating that 'pretty boy' effect. I kind of like Ranka with long hair though, makes her look more mature.
  13. As to the whole atmospheric heat limit thing, IIRC the F-22 is materials (i.e. heat) limited to Mach 2.0 due to its RAM coating. It certainly isn't thrust/drag limited to that speed (although it might be intake limited, but I digress). My point is, SK may have been inspired by this situation where the F-15 is not heat limited (and can reach Mach 2.5) whereas the F-22 is limited to 2.0 and decided to throw it into Macross Frontier. I'm still trying to figure out if his (SK) statement that the US was buying old Israeli warplanes for battle analysis and coming up with new aircraft was a mistransposed translation or him showing his age
  14. Ermm. As far as SK is concerned, the Compendium is the canon source of Macross info for the English speaking world. Unless you can point to Japanese translations that directly contradict what I have already posted from the Compendium? P.S. I did explain it in one of my posts previously.
  15. I would say that this incarnation of the NUN has been a long time in coming!
  16. What secret speed stat are you talking about? I posted everything from Macross Compendium! All my arguments are based entirely on the data garnered from the Compendium, so if there are any secrets, its on your part. Also, I answered your second point, with the assertion that even considering drag forces, the canards of the VF-19 would give it an advantage in maneuvering in the atmosphere, ensuring that it conserves energy better during maneuvers, which is basically what ACM is all about. Maybe if you read my arguments properly, without your own preconceived notions, you could actually understand them .
  17. Isn't that the VA-14 or VF-14 or something like that?
  18. =) Not at all! I think what I have written speaks for itself, and when the majority opinion is clearly wrong I don't see why I should keep quiet. I haven't been throwing insults around or anything, just pointing out some people's mistakes. When my mistakes are pointed out I come out and admit it, I don't ignore it and pretend it never happened, or hide behind public opinion.
  19. Humans can work for 50+ years now, I don't see a stretch there! Also, considering the post-war boom that had to have occurred (in order to produce the Macross we see subsequently) I'm pretty sure there are more than a handful of people who were either smart, or lucky or both, who rode the boom to multi-gazillionaire status, enough for them to indulge their fetish in goth servantmaids and toy trains
  20. Yea.. thats something that just bugs me visually I guess.
  21. Anything is possible with technobabble!
  22. False hope man! Not cool! Anyway yea I heard they'd be out in March but does anybody have a more precise estimate?
  23. Ahh.. but what is that upper limit? We have no idea-- we don't even know the g-limits of the VF-27.
  24. Right... get back to me when your dream retcon has occured You still hurt that I disproved you with your own mathematics?
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