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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. I just tried gerwalk mode, and the feet on mine are too loose to balance gerwalk... pity
  2. I guess that's so that all those people who paid high prices for the limited version wouldn't be too pissed off. Still, I'm happy! I can have 2 display VF-25s now one Sheryl and one Ranka ala All that VF. I guess the response to the Sheryl decals was very positive which is why Bandai is continuing these releases.
  3. Hehe then Bandai can release a Version 2 Armoured Ozma with more holes! Or the holes might come with the Ozma, you never know. Either way, we'll know eventually-- even if not when the pre-order opens (12 days now!), when we see the sculpt.
  4. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/ Great people, except they don't always reply to mails in a timely manner.
  5. They wouldn't need two moulds-- just holes in the appropriate places and a new launch rack for the reaction missile, which might be possible given that it is a web exclusive.
  6. I just received my 1/100 today and the closest comparison I can make to it is the Toynami 1/100 VF-1. The VF100 trades off partsforming against greater anime accuracy, but it also costs more and comes with less accessories such as a stand--- and it is twice as expensive as a Toynami. I would recommend against buying this 1/100. Compared to the DX, the legs hang lower in fighter mode because they don't lock to the wing gloves, while the gunpod had this weird curve that requires hot water to fix. Since it is about the same cost as the 1/72 model kit, I'd recommend to get that instead--- fixing up a playable model kit is not too hard if you have 3-4 hours and can stick stickers--- I've built 3 1/72s so far and it has been a joy each time.
  7. I don't think the price will be much less even without the FAST pack parts, as the parts are very simple in this case. I also hope for magnets that are stronger than the VF-0 ones!
  8. I wish it would, but I suspect not--- from the pictures of the resin prototypes the whole missile + launching rack/clip seems to be moulded as one part? Maybe the Alto web exclusive will come with reaction missiles while the Ozma bundle will not.
  9. Nice.. I wonder how he got that nice metallic sheen onto it? Is it just metallic paint? Also, that poor squashed head proves that the 1/72 looks worse than the DX (I know it's mistransformed for all those who don't have a sense of humour )
  10. Congrats on your find, Alex Massive thumbs down on the exclusive Alto armour, with even more booing if it is confirmed that the Armour pack can't fit the first releases. Since Bandai bundled the VF-25S Armour, I though they would be nice enough to bundle the Alto as well! Apparently not! This might just force people to buy the second release Alto and pay through the nose for the Armour pack. Maybe they are worried about the number of second release Alto's they would sell?
  11. Still using the old prototype with the incorrect logo I see Graham: Nice to see you chime in. I guess I was one of the few who followed this thread all the way from it's inception (and liked the VF-11B) to remember the whole logo mini-saga.
  12. Amazing pic! You make me want one as well...
  13. O_O Holy... You have enough GBPs to outfit the SDF-1!
  14. Sweet! I was tempted by the Ranka decal kits going for extravagant prices on Ebay awhile back, glad I held off--- I hope it comes with the VF-25G since Ngee Khiong says end of March release!
  15. Thats almost 1000 yen more expensive than the MacPlus GNU-DOUs! What would warrant the cost?? This is getting ridiculous.
  16. Both the RVF-25 Luca and VF-25G Michael will be released in March.
  17. The 1st release VF-25 should be able to fit the Super packs, since they were pictured with it on at trade shows. They could be resin prototypes though. As for the Tamashi webshop exclusives, there are 4: 1) Alto Super 2) Ozma Super 3) Ghost+Weapons 4) Superfold booster + Ranka
  18. You should really just post this in the 1/60 v2 thread as well just so that more people will know about it Thanks for your sacrifice!
  19. Thanks for the translation! Is the fold communication sensor the part that goes on the Super pack?
  20. The knife storage is a 1/72 thing, the DX can't do it. No idea about the stand.
  21. CAD probably lowered the cost of planning and design, and it is probably the multitude of parts that they use that increase the price-- the VF-11 transformation may seem superficially simple, but all the tiny details like the folding wing root to allow the arms to swing out in Gerwalk, the removable cockpit and the heat shield are all innovative features that require small moving parts with very tight tolerances-- all of which contribute to an increase in the cost of the mould. Of course the economies of scale comes in as well-- Yamato can make at most 1 or 2 variants of the VF-11 (there are rumours of a VF-X2 colour variant) but there are potentially tens of VF-1 variants. Also, when Yamato releases the v2 1/60 VF-1s it is competing with the tonnes of other VF-1s out there, including it's own previous releases. All these factors push down the price of the VF-1 as compared to the VF-11.
  22. Nice...may I ask what you used for the gunpod sling?
  23. Having had a v1 and a v2 at one point, I'd say save up and go for the v2 1/60s... they really are much better.
  24. Yes, but just because their competitor made a mistake years ago doesn't mean that Bandai has to come along and make the same mistake, right? It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others.
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