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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. The CFTs on the F-15 are certainly removable-- that is one of the advantages of the new Silent Eagle-- stealth CFTs if necessary, otherwise they can run with the normal CFTs and have the increased range. Variable geometry intakes allow for an optimisation of airflow into the engine at the cost of increased complexity and weight-- the F-16 and F-18 have fixed intakes, but they are also limited to Mach 2.0-- and the intakes are optimised for subsonic cruising, IIRC, as are the intakes for the F-35. The F-22 is the only fighter with fixed intakes optimised for supersonic cruising. Since Boeing has stated that the top speed of the Silent Eagle is still Mach 2.5, either they managed to solve the RCS problem with variable geometry intakes, or they are ignoring it, since an intake redesign hasn't been mentioned. The F100 vs F110 issue was because the F100 is a PW engine and the GE F110 requires much greater airflow, requiring the larger intakes you see from all Block 30/32 F-16s onwards-- but IIRC all subsequent F-16s (and F-15s) can accept either a F100 derivative or a F110 derivative without much issue---Saudi Arabia is re-engining their F-15S from the PW F100-229 to the GE F110-129C, for example. I imagine that if the new Block 60 F-16s can take the F110-132 instead of the -129, the Silent Eagle should be able to do the same without much issue (and gain around 13kN of thrust from each engine (131kN vs 144kN static)---woohoo!)
  2. I was reading this site: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defen...68-f360585163ad and as you can see from the attached picture, it looks like the V tail is grafted onto the same tail root-- and it looks larger than the original vertical tails, which should solve the yaw issue.
  3. right on! Still, the scene where all the clones say "Trans-Am" makes me laugh--- I immediately think of that Simpsons episode with all the Homer clones going "Doh!" as they walk off a cliff
  4. It would basically be an F-22 sized F-35 with slightly better kinematic performance trading off against poorer all-round RCS, and the lack of a DASS. However, I think some mention has been made that the CFTs could be retrofitted onto older airframes, and Boeing is looking into a retrofit/upgrade kit that is compatible with older F-15s as well, so it could be a very viable mid-life upgrade for the F-15! Boeing mentioned that the V tails generate some extra lift as well. The F-15SE would be expected to operate with and without external stores, so there must be some way to compensate for the loss of yaw stability-- perhaps the V tails are larger, but incorporate composites to make them lighter? One problem with the inlet is that it is variable geometry, whereas the F-22, F-35 and F-18 have fixed geometry inlets which can be optimized for stealth-- a truly stealthy inlet would have to be fixed, which would probably play hell with the engine performance of the F-15. Seeing as to how Boeing has said that the top speed of the Silent Eagle would not be affected, it may well be the case that the inlet can be 'fixed' in one position when stealth is required, and allowed to vary it's geometry when speed/cruise performance is required instead. Boeing also said that only the frontal RCS would be equivalent to the F-35-- which means it will do jack squat against a properly laid out ground based air-defence grid (since the side and bottom RCS would still be large), but could be useful against enemy fighters when moving into the merge. Also, Supercruise is due to both aerodynamics AND the engine-- the Block 60 F-16 can (technically) supercruise due to the increased thrust of the -132 engine compared with older model F-16s which could not. If the Silent Eagle incorporates the -132 engine as well, or even higher thrust variants, there is nothing that prevents it from supercruising. Overall, I'd say that this would be a good idea only if it could be retrofitted onto pre-existing F-15s-- I don't expect any more major orders for the F-15, no matter the improvements. If, on the other hand, the SE can be offered as a retrofit package, the USAF may well be interested since the number of Raptors they have now is pathetic and the F-35 is still in development. Boeing's ability to bring the F-18 E/F/G programme on time and on budget (more or less) would make this upgrade even more attractive. Edit: Does anybody know where I can get a copy of the presentation? I can't seem to make an account on slideshare for whatever reason. Much obliged.
  5. Sweet! VF-11B would be nice, coming before the release of the toy in April. Would the Natural Resurrection plan be referring to the cloning that went on to repopulate the human race?
  6. Which raises the question of what the defold reaction effects are? Also your interpretation is based on the assumption that the defold reaction effects travel at the speed of light. A literal reading of this translation would put the Zentran fleet at 10 light years from earth when the Macross defolded--- and then the Zentraedi took however many months to organise to fold into Earth's orbit, which would be the time where humans rebuilt the Macross. Unless the original Japanese has a different meaning?
  7. Well, HLJ probably, and Angolz will stock it once it is out.
  8. You were definitely getting ahead of yourself--- people were wondering whether the VF-1s or the VF-25 were in the correct scale, since both can't be in the correct scale (the VF-25 should be much taller than the VF-1, unlike the toys shown), no one was attacking Bandai at all, except in your head.
  9. Woah that is tempting!
  10. Uhh.. read my post properly before you shoot your mouth off? I said Bandai was RIGHT. Since when was I discrediting them?
  11. Well the VF100s VF-25 is about 15.5 cm tall in Battroid mode so it is more or less in scale (15.59m)-- I'd guess that the VF-1s are out of scale.
  12. I have to say, compared to the other 1/100 toys, the VF100s VF-25 looks great!
  13. I was really put off by the kamikaze Trans-Am Gagas--- what a waste of MS! If you had a thousand clone MS you could spare like a hundred to tie up each gundam instead of wasting all of them in a head on dash! Otoh, looks like (almost) all the Gundams will be destroyed again leaving the GN drives just like at the end of the third season. Will Ali kill Lockon a second time? It would be delicious if that could happen!
  14. It looks great! I like the hip guns in grey as well... matches the rest of the super pack parts better than the normal white.
  15. Has anyone else emailed OverDrive on whether they would be offering the other web exclusives as well? They haven't replied to my emails and it's been a week.
  16. Wow I get what you guys are talking about now when you say that the v2 is more cartoonish. Thanks for the pics Jenius!
  17. Finally a VF100s post Nice juxtaposition to make the VF100s fighter look as big as the DX toy
  18. Saying it won't make it happen, and haven't there been concerns that the banks are still not lending despite federal bailouts? I think that many people still have their hatches battened down in anticipation of worse to come (which, ironically, could make it a self-fulfilling prophecy )
  19. Nice--- I wish he put skull logos on the tail fins as well-- that would rock!
  20. It looks great! I for one would like more pictures
  21. When you strip the model down for painting, panel-line it as well before re-assembling it?
  22. It may well be MacZero-like, since in one of the first episodes when Michael's VF-25G transforms it also ejects the sniper rifle from the bottom before snatching it up again.
  23. Yep... I'm not alleging plagiarism here.
  24. I think you should spend more time with your VF-25! The crotch piece actually has a fold out tab and a covered slot for the tab to lock everything together tightly. The 'hidden' waist can just be locked down so that the top half of the battroid does not flop forward. The shoulder has a ball joint at the five dot block, and there is a rotating joint in the middle between the elbow and the shoulder-- the five dot block is connected by a hinge to a metal piece, and there are another hinge before the ball join that connects of the back of the upper intake--- in fact the VF-25 shoulder may have the most moving parts of any VF-25 shoulder! There is also no issue with the legs rubbing the LERXs as long as you understand that, just like with the VF-1, to position the leg forward, you are supposed to use the gerwalk joint rather than the ball joint. Basically, no one has mentioned those issues because the issues that you mentioned are non-existent.
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