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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. 1) Thats sad--- I guess Bandai should have just put a notch or drilled a hole in there to hold the armour better. 2) I've suspected that since I saw the crotch armour design and how it attaches. Oh well... Graham, I was wondering if you could provide a side view of the rear landing gear and how far it extends past the Super parts armour? I'm just curious. Thanks. The_foul_fowl Thanks for the link, looks like they forgot to rotate the shoulder missile packs 180 degrees. Re: Dihedral-- I'm actually not as bothered about the dihedral at the wing roots as I am that the wings themselves are actually curving upwards-- that shouldn't happen, dihedral or no. Edit: See drifand's post just after mine, which is good news!
  2. The same way every VF can magically mount leg hinges right behind the intake of the engine--after entering the intake, the air actually enters a super dimension before exiting where the engine actually is, skipping the whole middle portion entirely
  3. Need...Super...Pack...pics...and...review...please!
  4. My Ivanov is ok, no loose joints, exploding knees, floppy wings etc. I guess I lucked out.
  5. That must be the best photo ever! Yamato should try to find a way to have those magic repair hands added onto the VF-1 as an accessory.
  6. Michael and Luca only ever had the Super parts. Hopefully, the Armour parts will have some way of 'locking' the wing pods to the fuselage-- otherwise the wings will flop and ruin Gerwalk mode just like the Super parts. Alfye: That is a cool screengrab. Do you have a high-rez version?
  7. Could they have decided to integrate it into the aircraft itself? Afterall the F-15SG has those weird pods on the tail booms that nobody can explain yet. This could be something similar.
  8. She only had one scene as a guy and s/he didn't even say much... Maybe they should have a third Category, Mr-and-Miss Macross! Bobby and Alto can fight for first and second place, grace could go into third place
  9. Well the sniper rifle interfering with the landing gear was expected. Don't worry about how you are doing as a reviewer! Just giving us your impressions will be plenty-- that and lots of pics! I can't wait to see it with super packs on and in gerwalk (see if the wings sag) and battroid (neck issue with super pack on)!
  10. Sweet! I didn't notice that they provided the normal gunpod as well. That's great! The Alto and Ozma doesn't have a problem with the landing gear covers though, so what exactly is the problem with the landing gear covers on the Michael? Also, does the Michael have the additional holes on the back plate? Re: Ozma Armoured Pack: I never knew that the arms of the VF had additional armour as well! Are they additional lasers or missile launchers? Also, the wing pod laser cannons seem to be a little shorter than the lineart. I hope it has full articulation!
  11. If you are going to display in fighter mode, I'd go with the clean configuration because of the sleek lines of the fighter-- if displaying in Gerwalk mode, clean as well, since the Super parts will make the wings sag. If you like Battroid, then go with the Super packs. Also, nicely detailed painting, westfall!
  12. Nice to see the straight head lasers! I hope you can give a proper review! Thanks for your pics! Re: Armoured Ozma: Looks like the armour pack itself will have rear landing gears .
  13. Why would it drop right after the elections?
  14. I would like an OD VF-1 in that case or even woodland camou like the 1/48, or, in keeping with the recent trends in military camouflage, MARPAT or a similar digital camou
  15. Well I guess LM did a better job of nurturing the aerospace division that they bought over from GD then, seeing as to how they won both the ATF and the JSF competitions. Boeing, on the other hand, comes up with weird guppy fish fighters . And Northrop Grumman is more focused on their shipbuilding I think. Going to a single source fighter producer can't be good for the US! Same issues plaguing the fighter engine business-- PW seems to win every time, even though GE manages to make up for it by coming up with higher thrust engines that secure the secondary contracts--see the F-15/F-16.
  16. It's not fair! Alto should have won both Mr and Ms. Macross!
  17. Sweet, thanks alot jenius. I only just signed up for their news updates . So far my VF-1S v2 from them is still ok, shoulders-wise, but it's good to know I can get replacements if I need to. Also, since the VF-25G seems to be available in HK alr, any kind souls out there want to provide some pics/reviews?
  18. What is it with all the limited weathering editions that Yamato seems to be releasing lately?
  19. Imagine the recoil! The A-10 more or less had to be built around the GAU-8--- and the gatling itself is positioned such that the firing barrel is along the centre axis of the aircraft so as not to throw the aim off! Imagine F-15's slewing off to the side every time they fired their weapons. Besides, fast jets don't really do the whole CAS role very well-- I'd rather it carry the 8 SDBs modified for laser targeting so that ground troops could designate targets, and leave the down and dirty CAS to UAVs/ Apaches. Actually the fact that both the F-18 and the F-15 came from MDD lead me to think-- Boeing is not really a fighter company. What was their last fighter that got produced anyway, excluding those from the companies they bought over? Seems like LM has had dominance of the fighter market ever since the F-16.
  20. I don't think so--- there's just too much to squeeze into the final two episodes IMO. And you must have known that Trans Am would eventually become pedestrian-- it's characteristic of Gundam shows that the super weapon would lose their uniqueness ever since SEED (which was the first one I watched)!
  21. I'd guess they were using the antimatter reaction weapons rather than the nuclear reaction weapons? The 10 gigaton figure would make more sense then (and may actually be low-yield for an antimatter weapon). Also, thank you very much, Sketchley! Re: EX-Gear speed-- I wouldn't want to fly at 500 km/h without a full face shield, thats for sure And even with full body protection, a birdstrike would almost certainly be fatal at that speeds!
  22. VF-1EX here we come! I'd really like to see a human use VF-27 as well though--- and I certainly would prefer that Bandai push for another new VF to generate sales rather than releasing 'movie version' recolours of the same VF-25/VF-27.
  23. From the following pictures (from Hobbystock Blog), the VF-25G may have problems with a bent head laser as well! I hope this doesn't plague the release.
  24. That's assuming it will be available as a retrofit kit, which we don't know yet-- even a partial conversion will probably only involve the CFTs, and maybe the RAM, since intake baffles and the canted tails will require some rebuilding of the airframe (and the baffles would definitely affect performance). If you're just changing the CFTs the advantages might not be worth the loss in range and the increase in maintenance required. Nied: The Saudi's only just re-engined their F-15s so I doubt that they would be in for more upgrades so soon-- especially not with their oil profits plummeting. So, all in all, out of all the target market, we've eliminated the Japanese and the Saudi's as customers, which leaves the Koreans, Israelis and Singapore-- Korea and Singapore are the likely buyers since they have aircraft still on order which could be built as SE's, a little similar to how the Australian's modified their F-18 E/F order to include wiring for a possible G variant. That's not a very big market-- less than 50 new-builds altogether. Hopefully the SE is an easy retrofit because I don't see how it would make commercial sense otherwise, barring a large new order of aircraft. Could this be Boeing's last gasp attempt to remain in the fighter jet market? The Shornet hasn't exactly generated alot of sales, and there will probably be no new fighter contracts for the next decade at least.
  25. Yes you can! Saudi Arabia just did it http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2007/...ine-boeing.html Changing from PW F100-229s to GE F110-129Cs miles316: The F110 generates more thrust than the F100 but also requires greater airflow, which means a bigger intake-- which is why older F-16s couldn't accept the GE F110-- but now all F-15s and F-16s are compatible with both the F100 and the F110.
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