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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Yes, but the actual toy photos that have been posted clearly show that it is not white--- so I guess there is an error in the production version of the toy? I don't have the actual toy yet, I'm basing my case off the many toy photos that have already been posted: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf02vf25g/01.html http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type97/20090321 Maybe Drifand and Graham can chime in on this issue, since they already have the toy. This in no way detracts from the playability of the toy and is hidden with super parts on, but it is probably the biggest qc/production issue with the toy so far, barring isolated incidents of screw breakage-- people should know about this before they decide to buy the first run of the toy or wait for the second run (which might fix the improper paint application)
  2. Well I emailed on Friday, two weeks ago, and again last wednesday. I also added them to my email safe list so the replies wouldn't go into the junk folder.
  3. Sweet! I guess the VF100s line will improve then! Any idea when the -19 will come out?
  4. Hmm but we never did see the RVF-25 and VF-25G prototypes, did we? Do they even reveal model kit prototypes (other than the first one for the VF-25F)?
  5. Hmm ok I should clarify-- I emailed them separately about my change of address as well and they didn't reply to that-- I was wondering if they have replied by email to anybody recently.
  6. Nice.. the SMS bases look sweet!
  7. I'm more curious about how they are going to implement the rear landing gear on the armoured pack. Will the original landing gear be long enough? Probably not. So we are left with either new landing gear that is attached to the armoured pack itself, or detachable landing gear ala the 1/72 Yamato YF-21. I'm hoping for the former.
  8. I'm not sure whether they only changed the neck as it looks like they changed the head sculpt to make it thinner and less broad as well-- bendy lasers are still there though. Overall, it still is an improvement over the original! Also, the chest and shoulder parts are just the Super parts, not the Armoured parts, as evidenced by the lack of fold down armour over the centre chest and the shoulders. Hopefully more improvements can be made to the toy such as the wing dihedral and bend before they release it in June. Fixing the wings would also open the door to a revised VF-25G and RVF-25 release I've also noticed a paint mistake on the VF-25G toy--- the bottom of the thigh piece should be white, but it is blue. Shown in attached pictures (credits to Mr. March's site for the lineart photo):
  9. It looks nice, but I'm kinda wary after my experience with the VF-25... I may just get it for the sake of having a presentable VF-19 Kai.
  10. Looks like Bandai's scheme of offering decals for customisation is spreading. This is good!
  11. They look like cute little baby glaugs and regults
  12. HLJ/Overdrive/Angolz. I've received items from all three of them with no problems. Overdrive seems to ship the fastest, and Angolz the slowest (maybe cause they are in HK?) but overall the time difference is nothing compared to the time your package will spend at HM Customs--which seems to hijack my packages at random . Don't forget if your package gets held up at Customs, you will have to pay at least 15% VAT+ processing fee
  13. I've actually not got any replies from Overdrive in the past 2 weeks. Any idea what's going on with them?
  14. Anybody have any idea of the next release after Michael's VF-25G? Is it just going to be the RVF-25 Super and VF-25G Super (yawn)?
  15. http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/sto...ouis%20Facility Linked article mentions that Boeing is not going to include engine blockers for the baseline F-15SE, which probably means that any significant RCS reduction (i.e. to the level of the F-35 frontal) is probably a pipe dream. Looks like the only retrofittable equipment would be the CFTs and maybe some RAM, which probably won't significantly reduce the RCS. Along with the possible removal of ECM/HARM capability mentioned by David, the F-15SE doesn't look as enticing to me now.
  16. But this cross dressing occurs in the show! Granted, we will need to wait for the fold booster pack to come out before we can properly dress it
  17. The ghosts only come with decals, not the stickers. bummer, but that's how it is.
  18. I guess the hip armour needs some double sided tape then-- I'm thinking of sticking it to the plastic front intake so there's no chance of it peeling paint off the die cast-- would there be a nice surface on the inside of the armour for it to stick to? Also, given the mentioned crotch gash, how does mounting and stripping the super parts affect the paint? What are the problem areas?
  19. I would think that it would be 林明美 since 林is a more common surname. Also, given the dialects in China and the issues with transcription into english (not everybody follows the standard hanyu pingyin) both Minmei (hanyu) and Minmay (own transcription) would be possible. For example, the surname 林 in english can be transcribed as Lin, Lam, Lum etc.. due to the different pronunciations in the dialect.
  20. Either way, what did man-Grace contribute to the plot? man-Grace is ultimately quite irrelevant IMO, and could just have as easily been replaced by another nameless character.
  21. Great pics Drifand! Thanks alot! Looks like the five dot shoulder block is just unpainted metal on the 5 dot side! In the lineart it is grey though so I guess that's acceptable. So the weight of the super packs causes the back hinge to droop? Oh well, it seems like if it's not one thing, it's another. As least the wings don't droop in Gerwalk with the super packs like the model kit does! Unfortunately the left and right chest pieces seem not to have the clear sensors that the model kit has. Looks like you win some you lose some. Where does the front holder for the sniper rifle attach to in gerwalk and fighter modes? Oh and minor nitpick-- the shoulder mounted missile packs should be rotated 180 degrees, but nobody seems to do it.
  22. Might as well go all the way and call her Lin Minmei, family name first, which is how the Chinese do it.
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