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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Hmm I must be one of the few who don't mind the gullet then-- even though I got the Hasegawa kit as well and I agree that the Hasegawa kit looks better. I guess in the end (to me) it is kind of like the Bandai 1/72 VF-25 and the DX-- the model kit looks sleeker but the toy is alot more playable?
  2. Next up, 1/48 YF-21?
  3. Well at least Bandai would spread the different versions out a little, releasing maybe 1 or 2 kits at most a year, right?
  4. Simply amazing... and is that a 1/72 Ghost from the RVF-25 set painted in the Ghost X-9 scheme I see there? Nice!
  5. That looks like a major loss for Boeing-- how much is a Dreamliner, anyway? Hmm.. will Boeing be in financial trouble soon, seeing as to how 1)F-22 production is ending 2)continued C-17 production looks increasingly unlikely and 3)Dreamliner facing problems? Seems like they are having problems with both their military and commercial contracts. The F-18E/F/G is the one bright lining in an otherwise dark cloud.
  6. Perhaps the need to detect/transmit signals to co-ordinate between Skull and the other squadrons etc outweighs the reduction in maneuverability. For that matter, we've never seen the RVF-25 operate in atmosphere, and in space, the aerodynamic drawbacks of the fins are nil-- and depending on the mass of the fin, the limitations on maneuverability might not be significant as well.
  7. That's what training with a restrictive EX-Gear will do to you!
  8. 1 word: Metamaterials. I'm not sure if that technology has been incorporated into the Macross Universe though. But I agree with sketchley-- I think that it is the gunpod itself which has a stealthy design. Once you fire the weapon, the stealth would be negated.
  9. Great review!
  10. Some lineart of the YF-19 actually shows it with such a gullet. Credits to M3
  11. Ouch.. thanks for the info!
  12. Klan+ Michael's Super parts FTW!
  13. I don't know-- how do you quantify flat and oversaturated? And how do you know that that is an effect of photo shopping, rather than a quality of the paint/tampo printing itself? From all the Yamato photozoom pictures so far, my guess is they have a camera on a stand, and a photo booth of some sort, and just snap away--probably done in-house, by a Yamato worker who probably has an interest in taking photos-- not a professional photographer that they have to hire every time they want a shoot. So, every time they make a prototype (which they would have to do anyway, just to make sure that the colours come out right when printed, which is a non-trivial task) they can just snap a few photos, in less than 15 minutes. Granted, photoshop may be used to design the colour scheme in the first place. MacrossJunkie: Aww that sucks. I wish Yamato would use the improved Isamu sculpt, since they already have it for the VF-11B!! A case of the left hand and the right hand not communicating I guess.
  14. Maybe you have to remove her head to close the cockpit hatch? It doesn't seem like the 'face' plate of the Q-rea will fit over any helmet, unless the helmet is disproportionate to the body.
  15. O_O Really? What is the reason for that (not being up to par)? Why build them in the first place then?
  16. I didn't know that starship troopers had a following in Japan!
  17. Given that Yamato has already displayed the prototypes, I think that taking new pictures and posting them up would be much faster than going to all the trouble of photoshopping. The blue/black version looks like Max custom VF-19A would be, hehe. Much nicer colour scheme than Blue/red, but still not as nice as Orange/black. Maybe the VF-X2 colour will be made after these releases? Yamato seems to be in the mood for releasing new colours now rather than rehashing old ones-- They released a new VF-1S Low-Vis-but-Bright-Yellow colour rather than the m&m or any other 1/48 LV colours, afterall.
  18. Hmmm pass. The grey is abit too dark for my liking, making it look too cartoonish.
  19. You took the words right out of my mouth
  20. The Q-Rea seems to be closer to production that the VF-27, so maybe Q-rea in September, VF-27 in October? I hope the VF-27 comes out sooner too though. The Klan figure is going to need a lot of painting, and looks to be missing the bottom half of the body. I don't think it can fit into the torso of the Q-rea otherwise. I think the hip position of the VF-27 will be the same as the VF-25, since the crotch block is the same (in the anime). The different position of the top of the legs, etc could be because the VF-27 legs are missing the intake, which stays attached to the chest, unlike the VF-25 where the intake is part of the legs.
  21. Yea-- editors aren't what they used to be I guess-- or whoever comes up with the headlines/bylines. The actual article is alot more accurate though. Re 787: Is ANA the launch customer for the Dreamliner? Re F-35: Meh-- I think that is advertising hype. HOBS capability can help level the playing field, but launching missiles at high angles will still decrease the probability of hit, etc. Maneuverability will still be useful and very relevant.
  22. No problem. Thanks for making the effort to retranslate! Haha I am practically giddy with joy at the 1/72 VF-27.. I've wanted one ever since I got my first VF-25 kit.
  23. No idea about the other issues you mentioned, but my Ivanov has no wing issues-- so it might be an individual thing?
  24. Nice! Will be getting it this time round I think, especially if it will come with the fixed shoulders.
  25. I wonder what scale this is in? I might get one if it is 1/8 scale like the Banpresto figures.
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