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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Sounds about right =)
  2. Hmm it's interesting that your hip armour is not loose but your shoulders are! That's opposite of what most people experience. Another sign that Bandai has loose tolerances on their moulds. Also where are the areas with messy paint app? I haven't noticed any on my Alto. Could you provide pictures please? About the panel lines-- actually the toy has more accurate panel-lines to the show than the model kit-- the model kit has lots of additional panel-lines that never show up on any screen grabs, probably to make it look more 'realistic' so it's really a matter of personal preference.
  3. Well it all depends on your schedule then! Bandai hasn't released any information about the April model kit releases, but I'm guessing that it will just be Super Luca and Super Michael, maybe Armoured Alto or Ozma, given the lack of information we have had about the other designs like the VF-171, VF-27 etc. So if you could wait one month you would be able to save money even if you went for Super Alto+ Luca, since the prices would have dropped abit by then. If you can't wait, then by all means enjoy! I would be very interested to see your ELINT paint scheme.
  4. Hmm that doesn't have to be the case, does it? I mean, the Avro Vulcan has a pretty moderate sweep, and the B-2 can basically be thought of as a massive flying delta as well. And yet most modern fighter jets with a conventional layout use LERXes to generate vortices, which is supposed to aid maneuverability at high alpha so what's the difference then? See my point about the B-2--- it seems that this problem is due to the tailoring of a delta to high speed flight and not inherent to the delta planform, am I right to say that? Hmm good points. Thanks for all the input, people! Actually my quest is to understand why European fighters seem to favour the delta+canards arrangement while American fighters favour a more common planform.
  5. That is actually a very poor excuse. Really, the whole Daedalus attack thing, while visually impressive, makes no engineering or military sense at all. But we're watching anime so I don't really mind it . Maybe Macross is unique in that it encompasses both real robot (with the VF) and super robot (with the Macross) genres within Japanese Mecha anime as a whole.
  6. Even though this is supposed to be Macross, I couldn't help but notice the sweet SR-71 on the top shelf. Did you build it?
  7. Haha that's true--- the number of people who will buy their first one will be affected, not to say those who will pick up 2. Hmm... what could be the possible reason for the difference? It can't be my 2 source of parts explanation, since there are differences between individual toys. Nor can it be oxidation or any long-term chemical effects, since the toys are brand new. Bandai or SK also clearly couldn't have intended for the parts to be of a different colour, again because of the individual differences between each toy (not to mention the conflict with the lineart). Either way, this indicates sloppiness or negligence on Bandai's part--- really disappointing, especially since we will be reliant on them for all future MF toys. I hope they shape up for their future releases/re-issues! Can anyone chime in on the response for the Luca from Japan?
  8. Hey how did your exams go? Hope they went well! Hmm so there is definitely colour variation, but the difference in colour is not constant in between different toys? That's weird. Are you able to get any photos of 2 toys side by side?
  9. That's weird. Michael's VF-25G was released earlier than Luca's RVF-25. I guess the demand for Michael's VF-25G is higher and HLJ has to wait for their second batch of stock?
  10. Haha this is the vase or two faces kind of thing I guess. I agree that the Battle 7/ Battle frontier look alot more like aircraft carriers from the front, probably because of the 'deck', and I like their designs more because of that. The SDFM and Quarter, on the other hand, just don't do it for me. I hope Bandai eventually does a DX Battle Frontier!
  11. CF-18 has already posted a link in the 1/60 DX VF-25 thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...9174&st=740 and Vifam has already posted some quick translations in the same place.
  12. No-- I'm just saying that, compared to the valkyries in the show, which look good in both fighter and battroid modes (i.e. the fighter looks like an aircraft, and the battroid looks like, well, a robot), the capital ships just don't give me that sense of awesome, since the assault mode looks like a robot and the ship mode looks like a robot on it's stomach. Purely a personal opinion.
  13. Hmm that sucks. Is it because the Ball joint is too tight? Looks like each release brings it's own (nasty) surprises. I really hope that they sort out their issues by the time they release the GBP Ozma! Especially the crotch locking issues that some people have been having, since GBP Ozma looks to be really top heavy. The wingpod locking issue makes me wonder whether there is a special sweet spot for the hip armour as well? About the colour issue: Maybe SK will retcon the different green's as the official colour scheme or movie colour scheme for Luca? Kind of like how he retconned the colour of the CF-0A.
  14. Yamato has indicated that the VFX-2 scheme may be released eventually, so you may well get your wish! Unfortunately for the low-viz grey, I don't think Yamato will treat the 19 like it does the VF-1, but it shouldn't be too hard to custom it if you can scrape off all the gold (or cover it up!) While Yamato has not officially re-issued the YF-19, I think there is a fixed version of the normal YF-19 around, since some recent buyers have not been getting the crooked gunpod version.
  15. 2012: Get ready for... Macross: Gattai! On a more related note, Macross capital ships just don't appeal to me--- there is not much transformation going on so the ship mode just looks like the robot mode flying on it's belly.
  16. Meh... doesn't appeal to me. Though is this the first instance where the weathering craze hit the 1/60 VF-1 v2?
  17. That's ingenious! Do the legs fall down when you pose it in fighter mode without the peg?
  18. Hmm but wouldn't the higher lift result in a generally lower wing loading and thus better turn performance? Or, to take it another way, two identical aircraft, one with a delta wing and one with a normal wing, and both can even have tailplanes (MiG-21 is an example of a delta with a tailplane) so control surfaces are not the issue here. Would the delta wing still have poorer performance? Good point about stealth. So then for the Northrop Grumman NGB posted earlier in this thread, where the canards are on the same level as the main wing, theoretically doesn't need retractable canards if they are designed properly? Also, the Rafale's canards are higher than the main wing. Or at least according to the 1/72 model sitting in front of me
  19. Rick Hunter is so much nicer, don't you think?
  20. Hmm.. those are for the DX toy, not the model kit. I wish we would have new announcements about the model kit though!
  21. Wow! The swimming snake thingy would certainly be of much use to navies if it could carry a significant payload!
  22. While the F-35 has tonnes of thrust, because of the internal weapons bays, the frontal cross sectional area of the aircraft is actually quite big. That is probably a factor. Also, the F-135 achieves that kind of thrust with a similar core to the F-119 by having a larger bypass fan, whereas for supersonic performance having a smaller bypass ratio is better. That means that overall exhaust velocity is lower, hence the F-35 can't supercruise. Imagine a 747's engine-- tonnes of thrust, but high bypass ratio and low exhaust velocity. Well, the stealth measures didn't work that well on the SR-71 I guess, though it's a baby step. But for accidental stealth, look up the Avro Vulcan. Because of it's shape and the massive delta wings, the massive bomber could basically disappear from radar at certain angles other than directly side on (due to the tailplane)-- and the British weren't even designing it to be stealthy! Actually, on the issue of stealth, I've read quite a few times that having canards on an aircraft is detrimental to the RCS, but I can't quite understand why. If the canards conform to the planform arrangement + other stealth design requirments, why can't a canard aircraft be stealthy as well? Do canards affect the stealth performance more than tailplanes/elevons? Why? Also, I've read that delta winged aircraft bleed off more energy in turns than a more conventional arrangement. Can someone explain why this is so?
  23. That looks great! I kinda wish you had a better camera though Was it very time consuming to put on the decals/Stickers for the Super parts? That is about the only thing keeping me from starting on my Super Alto now-- the Super parts seem to have even more decaling/stickering needed compared to the VF itself
  24. Well, the Bundled pack for Alto has the missile covers moulded in red plastic, and I'm not sure if they provide the correct stickers to make it green for Luca-- so unless you are going to paint your VF anyway, I'd recommend waiting for the inevitable Super Luca bundle, and get a plain Alto with that. This option would probably be cheaper as well, since now both the Super Alto and Luca are at full price, but the plain Alto is already on 10 or 20% discount.
  25. Hmm that's certainly true, but the plastic that Bandai uses seems more durable than Yamato plastic, and you could always display it without the stabilizers splayed out in which case you would just have your normal bigass gun I guess. Innteresting... so thats two reports now of a better fit on the first releases vs the second releases. The whole "die wearing out" explanation doesn't work here because if that were the case, the second release intakes (Michael's) should have a tighter fit than the first release, not a looser fit. I would guess that the explanation is that they used a different die for the second release (because the first set of dies wore out, or whatever) and the two dies are slightly different, resulting in the smaller intakes and the poorer fit for the Michael's Super parts, because all Super parts are identical and they used the first release for the dimensions of the Super parts. We'll never know for sure though. Did you try some sticky tape or blu-tack? (P.S. The widespread reports of a loose right shoulder and tight left shoulder on the first releases incline me to believe that Bandai probably has looser tolerances for the DX) I hope the Ozma GBP would solve the issues, but it is just as likely that there might be some new issues with it
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