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Everything posted by edwin3060

  1. Sweet I learnt alot! Thanks guys! Yep you're right Phyrox, my bad. The Vulcan was just the most famous of the V-bombers I guess. Bri: The funny thing is that the US went with a mix of deltas and normal aircraft in the 1950s-60s (F-102, F-106 deltas, F-86, F-100, F-101 swept wings) with the deltas generally being interceptors and the swept wings generally being air-superiority fighters. Then from the 60s-70s with the teen fighters they went with swept wings for the combined interceptor/air-superiority role. Then there was a slight deviation for the F-16XL, but basically from the 70s onwards US fighters went with swept wings rather than deltas. The Europeans, on the other hand, stuck with deltas all the way, from the Mirage 3 to the Rafale, Viggen to Gripen etc, adding canards somewhere in the 70s, and with some flirtation with swept wings (English Electric Lightning 50s, Mirage F1 60s, Tornado 70s) about once every decade-- but all their newer designs from the 80s onwards are delta-canards. So, both the US and the Europeans have ample experience with both swept wings and delta wings but the US went for swept wings and the Europeans went for delta wings for aircraft which are basically supposed to do the same job. I wonder why?
  2. Hmm what player are you using? I've had problems with vlc but everything runs fine with Media Player Classic. For reference I'm running a HP Pavilion dv5000 series with T2400 Centrino Duo processor, GeForce Go 7400 graphics and 2 GB of RAM-- I mention the graphics and RAM because my laptop freezes up when I try to play HD videos, so I suspect hardware may also be the issue here.
  3. That's a great idea! I would be willing to pay for those stickers. I don't have a scanner though, bummer.
  4. I would wait until the VF-1S Max has been released, since Yamato has indicated that that will be the first VF-1v2 with the smaller diameter pins, which may or may not fix the shoulder issue.
  5. Hopefully the VF100s line will do well then, although current indications are not good.
  6. +1! I wish they would release a DVD for the Macross Frontier Live concerts awhile back.
  7. Thanks for clarifying. It's so sad that the 1/72 model kit is so beautiful but sags-- which mean it can't be posed properly in gerwalk on the SMS stands =( By the way, do you still have your Luca sticker sheet? I kinda screwed up the sticker placement on my Luca and I'm hoping to find a replacement sheet. I'm also looking for Alto and Ozma sticker sheets for a custom build, I've posted in the Wanted forums but just thought I'd post it here as well. Please PM me if you can help! I'm willing to pay a nominal fee+postage. Thanks.
  8. Well they seem to be doing well with the VF-19. I just hope that either Bandai or Yamato will release or re-issue the 1/100 Konig Monster! It would make the perfect backdrop for all these valks.
  9. Well, ff95gj was so kind as to link to another forum where other users were mentioning it as well. The people in HK seemed to have gotten their hands on the RVF-25 before the official release date (which was yesterday) and so they were the first to notice the problems. Actually the photo's posted with flash had less apparent colour difference than the ones without flash. That's true, but you are tarring good people with the same brush as the whiners, decreasing the chance that these people will be willing to post reviews or photos again, if all the response they get is just to be labelled whiners, complainers or panickers. Without them, how are the rest of us going to get reviews that help us decide whether to buy the toy or not? I thought that both ff95gj, Macross Junkie and QuinJester gave great reviews that were not biased. All they did was point out flaws in the toy that were obvious to them (and in some cases, very obvious). They even posted pictures to prove that the problems were real. Kudos to them, they truly don't deserve to be flamed for helping us make an informed decision about buying a toy, and in some cases, helping us decide not to buy a toy and save the money instead, which is critical given the current economy. Shaggydog: Looks like you got one of the better ones! Congrats! Did you try different methods of fitting the hip armour on? QuinJester mentioned that there was a special technique to fit the wing pods on and I was wondering if that was the case here.
  10. Could you provide pictures of the spare parts Ozma? Maybe we could figure out what were the points of failure on the toy itself, like whether it was the plastic that broke, or the diecast that shattered, or the glue that didn't hold, or faulty screws again.
  11. Do you even read the complaints or is this some random "you guys suck and I rule" rant? Unless you see in a different spectrum than normal humans do (and maybe even then), the same colour problems will appear on your Luca as well. It is well and good to say that you don't mind the colour differences, or the loose armour, or the random splotches of white paint that show up on the wing gloves, or the missing paint application on the Super pack wing pod, or the poorly applied paint on the super pack missile launchers. But to imply that the kind, helpful people like ff95gj and MacrossJunkie who have bought the toy and made the effort to take pictures and tell us what problems they experienced with the toy--- to imply that people like that are idiots who can't read instructions or whine alot or have some secret hidden grudge against Bandai--- that is just the height of internet trolling itself.
  12. +1000 Not to mention, the same problem occurs with Michael but is just less apparent due to the darker colour.
  13. Your ghosts look great! About your gerwalk VF-25F super-- what do you mean by it cant stand by itself? Does the back part sag, or is it just impossible to balance?
  14. Ooops I misread My bad. Thats great then!
  15. Haha thats what I'm hoping for as well. Both LV1 and LV2 camos!
  16. Well, the sloppy paint application really bugs me, but ironically because the paint doesn't adhere that well to the glossy plastic anyway, you could try scraping it off? On the whole, it seems that the quality of the toys has dropped pretty drastically since the first release of Alto and Ozma. While Alto/Ozma had some problems with tight shoulders and (4-5) people broke screws, the colour was fine, the paint application wasn't sloppy and everything fit together tightly. With the Luca/Michael, we have off coloured parts, missing paint in some areas and paint spots in others, and loose super parts. Looks like instead of improving on their previous work, they got sloppy and slackened off instead. Very, very disappointing-- and I'd agree that Yamato QC seems to be better than Bandai's now.
  17. It looks great! Hmm... one head taller than the DX VF-25 is bigger than I expected though. I wanted to pose Klan with the VF-25G!
  18. Nice... the VF-1D just makes me wish they would release a Low-Vis VF-1D!
  19. Those are evil, EVIL pictures, tempting me to survive on fresh air, green grass and water for the next month to pay for this. Damn you MJ!
  20. They already expended their vitriol on the v1 with short fins Besides, I mentioned the short fins, and someone else commented that Bandai's 1/55 managed with normal fins, so does that count as complaining? Either way, I don't get the 'not milking the mould' excuse-- 90% of the VF is made from the same parts anyway, and the VF-1D, where they used the new nose/front fuselage design, still cost the same as the other VF-1v2s. I think we are paying for the exclusivity of it, mostly, and just a bit for the new moulds needed for the Super pack.
  21. Ouch! What happened? Did it drop or something?
  22. Kelsain: Model kits drop in price pretty fast, and rarely go out of stock in the year of issue, because it is so easy (and therefore cheap) to produce more kits based on the same mould so manufacturers would rather oversaturate the market than underproduce (leading to the price drop). You can save up to 10 or 20% of the price if you wait even 1 month! The plain Alto at HWJ is now only 3600 yen, down from 4500 yen for example. Re: Ghost decals: +1 about the frustration. Maybe Bandai will give a sticker sheet with the Super Luca
  23. Well, it's a better plan than the underwear gnomes in southpark, I'll give you that
  24. Haha interesting pic, thanks David. Didn't the F-18 (A-D) have a problem with the vortices from the LERXes hitting the tail and causing increased fatigue? They had to add a fin on top of the LERX to solve that problem, IIRC. Also, every time I read about LERXes I see the words "vortex lift" in there somewhere so surely there must be a lift element in having LERXes and not just maintaining control of the airflow around the tail. Either way, besides the B-2, the British had a whole series of V bombers with low-sweep delta wings, so surely the problems associated with deltas are more due to the high sweep, which can affect highly swept normal wings as well? Granted, the nature of the delta lends itself to a higher sweep than normal wings. Back to the canards and stealth-- I get that the wings should be on the same level for better stealth performance, but surely canards can't be that bad? The vertical stabilizers of the F-22 are (for obvious reasons) not on the same plane as the main wings, but it still achieves LO by the planform geometry. Anyway, reading about the Vulcan bomber I was struck by how it could disappear from radar even though it wasn't designed to be stealth. It seems that a delta winged platform would lend itself better to stealth.
  25. I think the lack of a 'coda' as you call it, is probably because producers/directors/scriptwriters assume people will be bored after the climax of the film or tv series, and won't bother with the aftermath. It also allows the audience to imagine their own happily ever after endings.
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