A wind of change should mean something not VF-1 anymore, I suppose...
The second coming... It can be a version 2 of something existing, or simply Macross 2.
I'll vote for the former one; and then
- it won't be M0, because it's relateively new;
- it won't be M1 and DYRL;
- it won't be M+, again it is new;
- it won't be MF, we all know Bandai.
Then it has to be M7! Bandai isn't doing anything major (besides the VF100 series) with the license, they might not mind Yamato fanning the Macross flame together. MF movie, and then MF OVA, it would help the marketing if the market has more Macross merchandizes.
More importantly, we just saw the VF-22S lately!