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Everything posted by beatsing

  1. Yup hybrids. That's why they come with square hands and TV round hands, to sell to both fans. They should include both style of pilots too.
  2. Bandai doesn't usually re release TWE, but the second order was an exception since the first wave sold out of super parts in a few hours. It's unknown whether Bandai will release parts for each of the DYRL valks. Someone on the board said that Japanese collectors don't have much room so they'll buy one set of super parts for all their valks, because the insignia are mix and match. If you're not into screen accuracy, you could put it onto your TV1J (if you got one) or the TV Max.
  3. I don't mind the tampo either. I like the "katoki" look of the tampo so busy. I also like the clean looks of the valks from Yammie, minimalist. At this point, getting a preorder for a 1S is so hard, I'm not really concerned about the tampos or pylons. I can nitpick when I get an order in at MSRP. Yup. The cost of the DX missiles and strike pack cost as much as a fully outfitted arcadia valk and missiles and super parts. Roy is probably in demand too, since so many peeps like me didn't get the VF1S Hikky. Another board member said that Bandai's pricing is expensive if you fully outfit the valk, but you have the option of a naked valk which at MSRP is ok. The strike pack compared with Yammie old pricing is ok too. The DX missiles are a rip off. Yammie included those with valk. I'll try for another preorder, but it's so hard to get it at MSRP, cuz we're competing with bots. Not sure if can get into this line since I don't want to pay the scalper.
  4. yup. someone else pointed out Bandai got them to soul search haha If I get a VF1S preorder, then it's probably a one and done. It's a really nice valk, but not really worth trouble of the preorder madness, and the aftermarket prices compared with Arcadia and especially HMR are not worth the improvements, which are the shoulders (which are fixed on the new Arcadia, and same shoulders on the HMR), and extra tampo, and the lasers on the head. I'm not a completionist, so getting a whole complete set for the cost of the parts is easier on the wallet.
  5. that's why I posted the HLJ deal on the Arcadia for those that haven't already collected a Yammie/arcadia. It costs about the missiles and the super pack of the DX, but includes the valk the missiles and super pack. For most of us tho, we already have the yammies so the DX is the new toy. I haven't ordered any of the missiles or super parts. I haven't got the DX yet. If I do get a preorder, I might just skip the parts, since I could buy another brand new Arcadia for less.
  6. Is there any mention of the re release of VF1S second run?
  7. For those new to this collecting, and asked about the different valkyries available, DX is the new toy and is expensive at 18000 MSRP (27000 scalper price) + 9700Y super + 9000Y missiles. If you haven't collected Arcadia (Yamato) is very similar at 1/60 scale and on sale for just over 19600Y at HLJ for the M&M including the super parts and missiles. the Premium finish is a bit more but also on sale and available. @HardlyNever interesting point about marketing brand. However, after the fiasco with Eva, you'd think that would be damaging to Bandai's image/brand. If Bandai wanted to make it elite, they could make the DX line the James Bond collectibles that are really expensive and limited quantity because the price and limited quantity is for bragging rights. At the current pricing, and quantity, it's expensive but affordable, and common enough that a lot of peeps have a preorder. It doesn't make any business sense, other than some Bandai employees might be in on taking a cut from the scalpers.
  8. I think they would although haven't seen any shots. Then another crack at the VF1J or gray goggles.
  9. Your pics and display are so cool
  10. My 2 cents, try collecting just one. I only have 1 of the 1/48 yammie and two of the 1/60 (only bcuz shoulder on one was defective). the whole line or deck it out with all the parts is nice but I mostly display my yammie without the parts anyways.
  11. Right on the money @Chronocidal I still like my yammie because all the parts are not loose like the arms lock in in fighter mode but the dx1j I handled back in January was loose it hung down in fighter mode. I don’t really mind the over tampo as it’s another take on the valkyrie and if I get a vf1s it would be a nice contrast next to my yammie. I like the yammie still a lot and considering it was out over a decade ago, and Bandai seems to have copied Yammie design mostly with a few tweaks like the shoulders, that yammie was years ahead of it’s time. The dx is impressive but availability and toxic environment from scalping makes the experience pretty crappy. If I had to bid and line up for an iPhone or Samsung I would not bother. Other than their quality, those products are readily available. I understand that sometimes companies do limited runs for prestige, like the platinum gundam Bandai made. It’s for bragging rights. But the dx line is obviously not that.
  12. Nope. Flipped to that page the instant you message came up but order stop
  13. If Bandai literally destroys their molds because they are freaked out from that Chinese ko guy, they already seized his inventory and warehouse and arrested him.
  14. Late to game again. even Bandai sold out on Twe? Didnt have a vf1s though If Bandai restocks then would Bandai reissue Vf1s? Through Twe? This week is a stupid waste of time
  15. I've had the same with NY. I ordered a figure from them (not Macross). It was about 20 dollars above MSRP, but not like the gouging right now. They cancelled my order, saying that they were out of stock. The next day they listed the same figure but for 40 bucks more. It was a figure that I watched for a while, they didn't move that stock. They just decided to price gouge.
  16. I think the parts were not cheap with the yammies, about half the cost of the valk v2, so the pricing seems about there. MW Gurus can tell you more. It's not just Bandai, it's also the scalpers. As another MWer said, these are luxuries, and nobody needs them. We all want them. But the preorder and scalping has gotten so bad. It's funny it hasn't hit the news like Eva did. Yammies are still good. I've kept mine. I got to handle a DX1j, and it feels more solid (heavy legs) and tweaks all around compared to the lightweight of the Yammie. I don't handle m 1/48 as often as other MWer's, so mine is still pretty tight, no loose parts, even though it doesn't have the improvements of the 1/60. None of the parts hang down and posed next to the DX, it looks pretty cool in battroid and fighter. In gerwalk, the DX has the A stance that is more angled, like the 1/60, compared to the 1/48. One downside of the Dx is the bar that transfers the legs is in 2 parts, connected by a plastic piece that comes off. The yammie has one piece and is perfect transformation whether 1/48 or 1/60. The Dx can convert without disconnecting the part, but the weight of the legs might cause stress on the plastic, so it separates. Buy a dx and a yammie, you'll enjoy both (budget allowing), or you can stick with the same line if you like consistent molds. I collect different molds of the same mecha. I put them side by side and they look pretty cool. If I can get my hands on a VF1S, I can put it beside my yammie 1/48 and 1/60s. I think they might put a peg or a few posts to plug it in. @canklebreaker, I hear your frustration. I missed on the PA too, it was in the middle of the night. I didn't even know they sold these things. It is very frustrating. But Drobo shared the link. Thanks @drobo
  17. I feel like that too. Not sure if I can get a VF-1S, so why bother with accessories that wouldn't fit my Yammies, which already have the accessories. Someone else on the board mentioned selling the parts if you don't get a valk, though. It's looking like Frontier days. I walked away from that mess. I thought Bandai would increase the number of stock for probably the most popular valk. So it should have been easier to get than Max, since TV Max is not as popular. I'll probably try another time, but not sure how much patience I have for this mess.
  18. Nice work kye kye. I’m interested too if you run more of these. Your stand looks more accurate than Bandai.
  19. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Kyekye nice
  20. I'm interested too.
  21. Ha ha it is getting a bit off topic, but the scalping is the cause for preorder madness and mostly affects the DX line. Don't see it as much on the other lines.
  22. This. "Doing business". Is crime a business? Serious question from my econ prof. Large organizations like Mafia run like businesses. But the main difference is that a legitimate business adds to the community/market/society. Scalping doesn't provide, but rather denies in order to reduce the supply and artificially create demand. NY doesn't provide collectors with something they couldn't already get at another store for MRSP. The only reason it *seems* like they are providing a service it that they carry stock that is long gone in the open market. Because they are speculating on the product to increase further in value, and scalp some more. They've been wrong many times, that's why they had to lower their prices when recently Berserk reissued their figures at MSRP. I am really liking the DX VF1 line since I got to handle one, but this stuff just turns me off.
  23. Hi Slave good points. These things do sell out quick, but from what I heard, 1j didn't sell out in minutes, but longer. I think it may be that the orders were mostly from real collectors, and scalpers didn't risk it until the reviews came out that this DX is good. Even if these things sell quick, since Bandai has done their market research, most fans SHOULD have had a crack at getting their preorder. You pointed out that collectors hoard. Do collectors here on this board hoard 3 because of the 3 modes to display in 3 modes without transforming the toy, or is it Saturday Night Live's skit: one to display, one in mint, and one just in case"? I know what you're saying about breakage; I've had a yammie with the defective shoulder, so I regretted not buying another. If we're competing against each other, the manufacturer probably doesn't know that you're going to collect 3 of everything, and that another guy is collecting only 1. They get projections of demand. However, the scalpers (who aren't into collecting) are not planning on keeping the toys, so they skew the demand, since they take (most) of the product away from those that want it. We compete against each other as collectors, but also against the scalpers. If we were only competing against ourselves, look at Bandai's HMR line. No preorder madness for years now. Although the scalpers are starting to scalp some items though. When the scalpers get involved, and bots, we humans can't compete with instantaneous buys. this is anticompetitive and most first world countries have laws against it. This is a small segment, not like IPOs on the stock market, so it hasn't been looked at. last year, Bandai went after a KO company in China and arrested the owner, seized all the warehouse inventory. So I don't think it's Bandai. It's the scalpers (and maybe some Bandai employees who are enablers) who are parasitically feeding off of collectors. NY isn't using a different marketing strategy. I just described their behavior in a prior post; it's not different from the many ebay resellers. It would have better made items to collectors if it sold it upfront at MSRP like the others did. But since they've decided they want to play the scalpers game, they aren't providing it to collectors, but selling it at a high mark up to the collectors with the most cash and are willing to pay. I think there are other fans "who really want it" too, but can't afford it - buying a set of these with the parts is a smartphone, or a student's rent. NY does have other items that don't sell as fast - they set the scalper price too high, and they eventually lower it to reflect "actual" market prices. Again, scalper behavior is not the open fair market (denying access is artificially reducing supply), and it is not endorsed by competition laws in many of the First world markets. Just because they get away with something doesn't make it legitimate.
  24. Thanks for your 2 cents. I don't scalpers are going to change their behavior with my post. But it's good to share our views with fellow (true) collectors. Sorry to hear your sad story. Life is has too many lemons for scalpers to add on more salt. The community here is pretty nice, and kudos to the MWer who reached out to you. As far as NY, I too think that they behave like scalpers, though less obvious. They often undercut the competitors like Amiami and HS, who already offer discounts from MSRP, to generate interest. But it's likely it's a form of bait and switch, where they only offer a teeny amount of product at the discount, but their competitors offer the discount to everyone. Then after some time, like an hour or a few hours, NY brings out the scalper price. Then after some more time, some ridiculous price. NY also seems to hold onto a few items, like just one of each, for a long time. They speculate on the dregs, and see if any "desperate" collector gives in to the dark side and pulls the trigger. This behavior is still a form of scalping, but because they have to hold the product a lot longer, and store it somewhere, they take on the risk (that the product might not sell since other products can make it obsolete, or a re release can cut their profit) and the cost of the rent. The long term speculation seems similar to business, but at the end of the day, they also scalp, only with a store front. Also, NY doesn't have much aftermarket service. I should point out that scalping/botting is not part of an open fair market in a capitalist system, although some seem to take the attitude that it is. What peeps are willing to pay, depends on what is available in the market. In a fair market, prices that are deviants/extreme don't compete in a fair market with competition. By artificially reducing the supply, the scalpers drive up the demand and price. In a bigger stakes game of stock market, there are many rules that stop this cheating because it is criminal.
  25. I saw Amazon jp resellers within seconds selling for twice Amazon's price.
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