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Everything posted by beatsing

  1. I really like the 1a head cuz it's realistic. If it were in the real world, like the cameras attached to the bottom of spy planes or copters, you'd put the biggest sets of lenses, and the 1a has the biggest window and set of lenses, other than the elintseeker, which has the most realistic head imo. The 1j and 1s head have such small lens.
  2. @sh9000 got a link? still looking for a 1j. Thanks in advance
  3. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    If they did, they'd rerelease a bunch of stuff. Why is Bandai taking so long to release the Tomahawk? Did they decide to make a 1/48 DX like the yammie instead?
  4. I see your point - blood rush to the head. Would a moving/rotating cockpit be different from a rotating seat for G forces? I don't know much about physics. The dx vf31 and vf4 and mospeada Alpha add a lot more steps to put the cockpit in an upright position, but Kawamori's original design for the Vf1 had to rotate since it goes up the elevator for the VF1D scene with the battroid seat at the head. I noted the MP Starscream has the rotating seat, so Kawamori still likes that design. Just wondering if anyone knew why the complicated designs/more transformation steps in the more recent designs. I understand collectors buying 3 to display in each mode, but if it's sealed, then you're looking at a box. Also the toy could be broken. Are you planning on reselling it? Or does the thought that it is minty sealed is what you want? (not a joke, just curious) same. I don't like the tape on the trays; they already snap together so the tape is redundant. The seal on the outside box is good.
  5. I dunno why blood? My question is why do the more recent valk and mospeada designs have upright/rotating cockpits when Kawamori also designed the MP Starscream so that only the pilot seat rotates.
  6. aww shucks. I really like that battroid seat. One feature that the newer design valks and even the Alpha Mospeada Riobot make the cockpit upright position, but the VF1 seats rotate vertically and elevator up to the head for the battroid seat scene. The only Kawamori design I've seen do this is his Takara Masterpiece Starscream where the seat rotates vertically in robot mode and horizontal position in fighter mode. Do you guys know why?
  7. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Catching up on this forum. Didn't know about the Fokker. Preorders for all Macross products should be like this. Where's the tomahawk Bandai?
  8. What is the defect with the 1J? Did you see the new Bandai Warhammer kit? me too back log me too also no replacement since dx is out of stock for 1s and 1j Some of this info might be old news to you guys with 1j: I cracked open my dx Max. It's so cool. I really like the lens/eye, it's detail is sweet, all the little cameras - it looks like this is a spy plane for taking aerial shots of enemy territory when the head is hanging low in fighter mode. The blue is even sweeter in hand than in the photos. No double shoulders. Cone is not loose, though I think peeps said it was on 1j. The swing bar joint is not loose - the previous one I handled in store was loose. I wasn't sure about this color scheme, since it's almost all plain white from above, but all the tampo markings remind me of Takara Masterpiece seekers - no step markings everywhere. But the head doesn't have the arrow that my 1/60 v2 Hikaru 1a has that points forward (another member posted a pic of a custom with the yellow arrows on the sides of the 1a head that point towards the lens). Intakes are nicely painted a metallic steel color. Wings aligned level to each other in battroid and fighter. A stance in gerwalk is the most of any macross toy so far. Transformation is like the Yammie except for the shoulders which are the improvement from HMR- easy to transform, not like some Transformers with too many steps. So much heft makes the yammies seem like model kits. Some things I noted: the legs are longer/taller than my 1j yammie, the cockpit is shorter and the cape/wings longer to the tip of the cockpit in battroid mode. The proportions look more like the 1/60 ver 2. But the legs are beefy like the 1/48 yammie. Elbows are not ratcheted but the Yammie is. The antennae is too long, it barely fits the opening in transformation sequence, though I like the "neck" more than the yammie. 6 hands that are DYRL? 2 hands that are TV for a TV release? I don't mind the DYRL hands, just weird for the color scheme. Where's the seat that pops up from the head? Even the HMR has it now. The joystick is so big it looks like it's for a 747 compared to Max. The DYRL pilots are probably gonna be huge if Bandai does it like the HMR. Finally middle fingers on Macross! Really nice addition to my collection. I think I'd collect more if orders are like this Max (and not like preorder madness). A low viz Bandai and a M&M 1j. Though I think the 1j and 1s aftermarket prices are ridiculous, if they rerelease, I'd order. I didn't order the fast packs or missiles yet. Now that I have a Max, when and where should I order them from (without rip off prices)?
  9. Yes, those shoulders sliding is the same as the HMR improvement over the Yammie design. The rest of the transformation is largely the same as the v2 yammies for both the DX and the HMR. Except the swing bar separator. and the improvement on the hips rotation, and the sideways thighs swivel.
  10. Yeah with the super parts some of tabs don't lock like in naked mode. But the v2 (I think, Macross gurus jump in here) added the tabs that the yammie 1/48 didn't have, which made the v2 feel really solid and not a floppy mess like many 1/48 yammie. I'd suggest watching @jenius videos for transformation steps to get the parts in the position so they don't flop. I think that's the reason my 1/48 and v2 are still pretty solid. Do you mean the regular stand or the yammie DYRL stand? I have both and I only use the DYRL stand for temporary display because it has balance problems.
  11. My v2 are still in good shape, and my 1/48 is not floppy, although I don't play with it as much as others do with theirs. The DX has got most of the tabs that lock in from the v2, but the size is the 1/48. And some metal parts, but a crappy swing joint that separates. As another mentioned, AJ had some good prices. The 1S isn't likely to have prices like the 1a.
  12. drool
  13. +1 still waiting still I like both and still keep both the 1/48 and 1/60 yammies. The legs on the 1/60 are slimmer, and Bandai went with the Yammie 1/48 leg chunky proportions. I like the 1/48 size and the DX gerwalk mode which is the most aggressive A stance to date. The 1/60 was very aggressive compared to the 1/48 yammie A stance, but the ankles on the Dx are better for posing. I noticed the seam on the metal feet of the DX too, and they are annoying. Others on the board mentioned that they think the seam line is from the metal mold process. I like the smooth feet on the yammies. Can't wait, mine's in the mail You can buy a part separator for model kits (it looks like a plastic spatula, or just use your nails.
  14. That is probably a factor. But look at all the crap Gundam and other crap toys that shelf warm for months and years.
  15. A company can incrementally increase production to reduce the risk of overproduction and still sell at the same price. Or Bandai can do what other companies do and take preorders for months, take a deposit (to reduce cancellations) and then produce according to numbers.
  16. dx Max's hips are painted correctly, Yammie hips have that blue square that sticks into the thighs. nice pic. That is a huge display case to fit all four. The crew from the Yamato 1/48 destroids are the best. Ticketmaster was doing this. A few Bandai employees might be in on it with scalpers giving them a kick back. It's one thing to not overproduce like Yamato did, but if you see that a product that sells out, and climbs in price in the secondary market, that you are underproducing. Since they don't produce more, knock offs have taken up the slack for Masterpiece Transformers, until Takara Hasbro produced more. There is a knock off thread about some company producing dx 31 now. It's bad business in the long run. And it pisses off the fans. The Evangelion release was so badly scalped that the artist got Bandai to re release it so the fans could buy it.
  17. They need to make another announcement like this, "VF-1S for sale again next year, spring" to go with the fast packs.
  18. I'd buy sets for all my valks so they can all give middle fingers
  19. 3rd parties have been making Optimus Prime hand with individual fingers for years. Those guys should make hands for the dx and the Yammies. A valk giving the middle finger will be the next meme.
  20. https://myfigurecollection.net/blog/40714
  21. good suggestion good suggestion wow
  22. So if the delay takes over 6 months for a preorder, and it isn't delivered in the 6 months, you've passed the 180 days. I did call Paypal. They said that's the policy. But I don't have $6000 in orders. Just one. That's enough. Thomas Cook just went down in flames. 6k is nothing. So you're expected to "trust" the company who doesn't deliver on time, but so far past even Paypal's policy. Other than waiting, what would be your alternative? And if they don't deliver, what option do you have? That is not good business practice. I take the point that they eventually filled the orders, even 9 months in, but that's not what you agreed. During the time that peeps are waiting, peeps are concerned. Saying that they eventually delivered is looking at things in retrospect, 20/20. There may be delays, sure, but that is beyond the point of return. Delivery with no set date doesn't inspire much trust.
  23. Nic pic. The old Yammie still looks good next to the dx (except those small hands). Can't walk away from that. The 1S isn't likely to have that price. Point taken. But waiting 6 to 9 months, you risk your credit card or paypal won't get you a refund if they default.
  24. Love to see you customize the dx @sh9000. You always have nice customs. Any plans for this line?
  25. No, they screwed up the VF-31A dx.
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