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Everything posted by beatsing

  1. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    It's too big. It won't fit. I'll make it fit.
  2. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

  3. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I think it's easier to keep up to date with one thread too. I do notice we discuss related topics like hobby collecting habits of Japanese versus international, and I also participate in these discussions:) but we could limit the discussion to actual product announcements and release dates and order frenzied and shipping issues for this thread. We can start a thread for the other parts like fantasy additions to the hmr line. I admit though that I like reading all the posts.
  4. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not in Japan but my Japanese friends here don't seem to army build fodder troops. I think it's possibly a north American hobby habit?
  5. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    The macross zero planes The vf25 series. Drools
  6. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    A vf4g would be nice
  7. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    A Gundam led unit might fit but it's battery operated by those flat watch batteries.
  8. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    It's up again
  9. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Still waiting for mine to arrive from ami ami. Went Sal registered so it might take a while
  10. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Unscrewing the parts or tightening the screws probably tighten the parts.
  11. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    For ball joints. Probably not for the thrusters or the rear cannons. It would gunk up the parts.
  12. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Oo the head on that destroid with the poster on his chest looks custom.lots of cameras. Nice
  13. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I like those destroids. But the Tomahawk cannons have covered barrels muzzles. I haven't seen photos of the green destroid front red canopy opening for the gun. I assume the M open up for missiles. Were they all different colors in the cartoon? I thought they were all beige sand except for the green mech
  14. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    One of the things the revoltech regult can do is point the cannons straight forward. It also comes with the missle accessory. It's proportions look gangly though like some of the shots in the cartoon. This bandai regult looks closer to the line art though and has a cockpit and see through camera. The revoltech are more like a toy they're less fragile. Hmr are more fragile but less than a Yamato. I play with hmr more than Yamato. Revoltech I can leave lying around.
  15. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Is the battle master from Doug ram?
  16. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    So odd that they're not consistent in their scale. The destroids might be a bit big for hmr then.
  17. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Anybody build the wave model kits? Don't remember what scale they were. But I think they were small compared with the Yamato. Would the scale with these figures?
  18. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    You may have to open up the regult body to put a torso in there. If you are a modeler you could put it back together. If not you might break it.
  19. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice. That pilot is from the maschinen krieger sentinel. Do you have the torso pilot figure to try putting it into the regult? It looks like it could be a bit large though from the leaning pilot. Cool pose. Sentinel figures are so cool
  20. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    It doesn't fit a gi joe. No room for legs. Maybe half a torso figure like the maschinen krieger figures could fit. So the pilot operates the 2 handles on the sides to walk the regult. Then he also pulls the handles on the turrets manually? He can't shoot and walk. So that's why they suck at fighting the humans.
  21. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I like that it's dark. It looks like the opening scene of the movie when the valks are launching from those arms and the valkyries are dark from space I assume. Next to my hi metal vf1j it's very gray but I like it.
  22. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks Check out the Tommy gimix line of 144 scale figures. They probably could fit into the regult and glaug
  23. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah you right jenius. It looks like it doesn't touch the ground and I remember it being set further back not just hanging. It should prop up the monster at an angle for the recoil of those long tom.
  24. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    That's the counterweight alright. Yeah yeah. So cool
  25. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    That's cool. If bandai put that feature on it's cooler than a translucent stand to hold it up.
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