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Everything posted by beatsing

  1. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    It looks like there's a screw on the left arm arm array in battroid mode so it probably pivots.
  2. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice sh9000. Now a qrau to go with this pic.
  3. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. Those tv pilots are way too small. I like the movie pilots because they're bigger and visible across the room. But the movie pilots do look a little crowded in the seating, compared to real life pilots in cockpits. At this size though at least they paint them. They didn't even paint the pilot in the masterpiece star scream/thunder cracker. Sh9000 those are awesome diorama pics. Is it yours?
  4. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    My hmr look fine next to my Gundam master grades. Both are supposed to be 1/100 scale and manufactured by bandai. But the pilots for the hmr look smaller the Gundam pilots. So the hmr should probably be bigger.
  5. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    That's sad. Quite a history lesson.
  6. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Really? Learn something new everyday. I thought they ripped off the valkyrie but drew it as jet fire with his square nose and blocky look to avoid sued by the owner of the valkyrie.
  7. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup I really like this line too. That vt1 looks so good. I don't like mixing macross with transformers. I collect transformers too but I bought the leader class jet fire because it looked like the anime and has a different transformation from the valkyrie. I don't like that Hasbro or who owned transformers ripped off the macros valkyrie toy and made it jet fire. Though I like looking at your customs☺
  8. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. All good points on this forum. It'd be awesome if bandai would take our suggestions. Hasbro has taken fan designs for transformers.
  9. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Both lines are awesome as many have said for different reasons. I have both lines and display them proudly. I started with one yamato 1/48 thinking it was the only vf-1 of the line I'd buy. 3 lines later...
  10. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup, SH9000 got it right exactly. I was just talking about the VF-1 yammie and HMR. I also have the DX line and my VF25 broke on the little plastic hinge that the weight of the crotch and upper body rest on. I don't mind sagging shoulders so much as breakage on a part that is weight bearing. It broke while on display without handling for a long period of time. The DX line is really awesome for metal in some parts, but lacking in some parts. The same can be said for HMR. Yamato/Arcadia could use some metal parts. I do realize that all manufacturers have good and bad designs, like Takara puts out good (eg MP Optimus) and bad (MP5 Megatron, not the new one) Masterpiece transformers. So the knurled pins were the culprit, but I still loosened the screw on the shoulders because the clearance was very tight when lifting up and rotating. The design was too fragile and too tight; I like designs that aren't going to break from normal handling. I try to be careful with these expensive models but for the money we pay for them, I'd expect them to be built more solidly and not prone to breakage. I must've transformed the old chunky monkey a zillion times and it was solid (although it was a very simple design unlike the yammie). It's a good point that the design may be more convenient. I think a kid could handle the HMR without breaking it, but would more likely break a v2 yammie. Exactly. the sliding rail is an elegant solutuion, and if there were strain, it can pop off without any damage. The yammie also locks in, but the lock in also is a point of strain as it raises up then pops over the lock in. I have popped off the arms, but mostly they stay on. I slide them back slowly and they stay on pretty well. This part of the transformation is perfect, although that heat shield makes it not perfect. Thanks, I've already loosened my yammie screw since one of my VF V2 shoulders disintegrated, but again, that design is not good if we have to mod it. The part itself should clear the stress point.
  11. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Really good points. Yamato and arcadia should include more metal parts for the fragile transforming parts like the V2 shoulders. Also the design is better in the bandai because of the rails for the shoulders compared with the yammies that lift and rotate the shoulders and put a lot of strain on the shoulders. I like both yammies and hmr for different reasons. The yammies are so awesome on my shelf cuz they are big and detailed . The hmr valks look awesome with the other hmr mecha on my shelf.
  12. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Exactly. If the moving parts were made of metal on the valks, they'd be premium and less breakage. Although the HMR valks haven't broke as much as the V2 VF1 Yammies. I think Jenius had a broken metal shoulder, and another had a broken part, but most peeps on here have HMR valks that are fine.
  13. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha ha did you grow up in the Era of free love? ☺
  14. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. It would have been fun to swap the parts and for custom builds.
  15. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool, thanks Tekering! Do you know if the Spartan's top is removable and swappable?
  16. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    tekering's custom swap is awesome. I tried lifting the upper body on my defender, and it doesn't seem to pop off, but didn't force it as I don't want to break it.
  17. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. I like the Spartans size and heft and maybe more metal. The Defender next to it is so small. I like the defender mecha design and line art more but the Spartan hmr is more fun to play with. I don't think the defender lower body is swappable but it has holes on the sides for the Tomahawk heat sinks?
  18. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    thanks for links ordered
  19. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I liked the green on the defender and the olive drab on the Tomahawk because they look like ww2 colors and the defender guns look like ww2 anti aircraft turrets.
  20. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    which hat is it?
  21. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Check out my Sombrero
  22. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    The ve1 head looks the most realistic. Like the camera on the bottom of planes and helicopters. If it were designed as a round shape it'd look like a modern camera mounted on the bottom of common helicopters.
  23. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here. Still love my Yamato's. For size, detail, and perfect transformation. Although I'm liking the hmr destroids more because my yamato ones have loose waists. The hmr waists are very solid. Also because we're gonna get a complete set of destroids. Yeah
  24. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Your display would look even cooler with both sets of everything in yamato and hmr.
  25. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    For new molds like the vf4 or vf2ss I'm in too. But for repaints like the Messer I'm out.
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