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Everything posted by beatsing

  1. Do the shoulders lock into place in battroid mode? It looks like they sit on a plastic corner from your photo
  2. How about the missiles? The attaching mechanism on the wings for both brands look similar... just saw tekering’s post. Too bad yammies aren’t compatible
  3. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I had no idea, thanks for the info. It's strange that Bandai would select LGaim for its HMR line over FSS. That VF-4 is starting to grow on me. What's next, VF25 and VF31 in HMR? or finish the destroids?
  4. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I think its Bat-shu too. I read that the designer Mamoru Nagano was asked to simplify his designs because the manufacturer couldn't make his intricate designs, so he toned them down for toys. Here's the original design from Five Star Stories, much more intricate, and looks like a black knight. The same designer mamoru nagano also designed mechs in Gundam Z, which influenced later designs of other mech lines. His designs are noted for feminine and organic look, and high heels, compared with his contemporaries' designs of blocky robots. If Bandai would add these bots to the HMR line, I'd buy them all. With Bandai's current tech, they can and should issue this line in HMR.
  5. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! so the zero Sukhoi and the vf25 and vf31 are likely later designs, and the cockpit area transformations probably based on it. Since the original valks' cockpit area is pretty static, it doesn't seem to have a successor mech design. This makes me want to order this hmr even more!
  6. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Does anyone know when the vf-4 transformation was designed? I was a wee kid when I watched flashback but I don’t remember it showing battroid or gerwalk mode. I think it was just a flyby the bridge of the sdf. I thought it was just a jet back then. The newer vf31 and vf25 designs seem similar in the cockpit transformation. The zero su looks very similar (although I don’t know the transformation) of the vf-4. Havent been on this forum for a while. This valk looks very interesting, but did they release a tomahawk yet? I know im late but previous hmt releases didn’t seem hard to get. Is this a really popular mech? Or are hmr like dx chogokin craze?
  7. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    I’ve popped the right foot to the lower notch. I’m trying to loosen it by working it back and forth. It still doesn’t rotate back much. The inside side has a little notch. On the left foot the notch actually touchs the grey plastic when fully rotated. The right doesn’t. any more suggestions? thanks
  8. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi, yes both are fully extended. the heel can rotate to close up for flight mode and can open but doesn't rotate as far back as the other. it rotates forward ok though.
  9. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi, just got my ostrich. The right foot heel doesn’t rotate as much as the left foot towards the rear. See the photos. So it has diffulty standing in the batroid amd a hard time in gerwalk. Do you guys know how to fix the right foot heel? thanks
  10. Thanks, you can see the problem. I’ve tried gentle constant pressure to rotate it to that position but it only goes about 30 degrees then there’s something that blocks it, inside that wheel. On stig, there’s no resistance and it rotates all around amd pulls out easily. On Rey, it stops at that angle and doesn’t rotate further.
  11. Thanks. I’ve been using the divots, but rotating or pulling out on them has a lot of resistance. The front wheel comes out easily so I tried comparing them and it seems like there is something rubbing inside the rear wheel. There’s no resistance when pulling out the front wheel. Yeah the Rey figure parts dont seem to pop off as much but maybe we’re used to transforming it from playing with Stick?
  12. Hi i just got my mospeada and it’s rear wheel booster won’t come out. The front comes out easily, and I’ve used steady pressure without too much force. I’ve tried rotating it but it only rotates a little. Any suggestions on getting it out?
  13. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    That's good. I don't think yammies could. My revoltech macross stuff seems pretty tough too.
  14. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    locidm, nice diorama
  15. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I really like the weight of the Spartan. Feels like premium high metal content. OD Tomahawk, khaki green Defender, weathered versions, blue phalanx!
  16. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    nice pics! It is a little light compared to the spartan. I like the mold though, and I like the anime design of the legs more than the spartan, but I like the toy design of the spartan's legs more.
  17. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Misb loop? Or are the hmr just display pieces for you? I love the V2 but I mess around with the hmr more than the V2. I'm a bit more ginger with V2 and display them more than mess around with them.
  18. I can't recall figma ever making any transforming figures. If this is, it's the first. The quality also seems to depend on the sculptor in figma that is working on it. Eg solid snake was awesome but mgs soldier was garbage. Link was awesome but bruce lee sculpt was garbage.
  19. I'm buying the sentinel stig and the figma Rey. New design and old design. Sentinel had pretty good quality figures with really good paint job and detailed so these bikes are probably good. though their stands are not very solid. They can hold the weight of the figures but if you pose them alot the stand arm gets loose and the figure can drop, but so does bandai stands. I have their mak stuff and love it. But haven't bought sentinel recently so don't know if they dealt with that stand arm loosening over time but it looks like the same stand and you can slip a photo of landscape under the transparent plastic on the top of the base. Mine came with moon surface but you can print out a photo of desert etc. If stig is good I'll buy yellow my favorite. Figma are hit or miss. Some figma are good some suck. Figma are good for cartoon look but not realism and detail. Figma did a good job on the horse with link so the rider should fit on the bike unlike some other mospeada toys that the rider doesn't look good on the bike. I'll try one.
  20. This. It's like the vf25 they're like the original vf 1 but updated. I like and own both lines. I like original clean lines and I like new updated busier look. I didn't even know about the updated bikes or even this toy til this week. It's like a heavily modified custom bike. ☺
  21. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks F360!
  22. I didn't even know about this. Haven't been on this forum till now. Mostly I hang out on the hmr forum. Sentinel mospeada is So awesome. Missed out on the beagle. But this looks more awesome. And I like the scale cuz I have lots of 1 /12 scale figs and motorcycle.
  23. Thanks slave ordered☺
  24. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks loop. These remind me of the battle master he he. The soltic looks kind of like a zaku head.
  25. beatsing

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai should issue newer molds before reissue. That Doug ram is pretty new. A reissue of the popular units later when the line is more complete would make more sense. Unless that doug ram was really sold out. But then bandai didn't do that with the vf25 V2 and it was sold out everywhere.
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