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zeus the zentran

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Everything posted by zeus the zentran

  1. Someone made copies of seventeen episodes of Orguss for me at a local club.The guy told me only seventeen were brought over to the US.Why?It was getting pretty good on the seventeenth episode too.Any news on american dvd releases soon.I love the show.Also know any good fan sites for it?I bought the Orguss toy at Toys r'Us in the 1980's in Philly I remember.I know they did Orguss 02.Any more plans for Orguss?
  2. Is she going to be touring america?What's her web site address?I'd like to see her.Reba West was there?Damn.I met a girl at Yuricon that had Mara hit on her at Nekocon.
  3. Mikimoto's back! our prayers are answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. I wanna get adv re-release of destroy all monsters with the soundtrack cd.
  5. interestin' idea.i think go nagai should do a version of batman.that would rock.
  6. It looks like it might be alright.any info on the story and characters.
  7. ahhhhhhhhh,Rock n'Rule!I heard it might be coming on dvd does anyone know anyhting about that?
  8. Yeah i concur Daeudi if people learned to agree to disagree the world would be better.
  9. Hey guy you only say Heavy Metal sucked because you didn't have the brains to realize Bashki didn't do it.If it wasn't for people like him breaking boundaries that animation isn't just for kids anime wouldn't striking it as big over here.You like Macross Seven so you ain't dat bad.Oh I remember reading in the First Tezuka Phoenix book that Tezuka really liked the Bashki Lord of the Rings.
  10. You know what we should start a petition asking Mr.Mikimoto to come back to Anime.Why did he leave anyway?
  11. Oh Daedi is a da man!
  12. I have to say this is one of the best threads ever.Anime in general tackled the issues of aliens beings our gods long before the americans did.You even see it kaiju movies like Ghidrah the three headed monster with the princess who survives the plane being blown up then claims she's prophet from Mars.Queen Millenia by Reiji Matsumoto uses Sitchin's 12 planet theory.The alien city on Earth in Macross could be seen as Atlantis.And as for the gentleman who said whoever started this post being a fanboy with no girlfriend and too much time on his hands,back off!I think this thread was very brave.I posted about a book called Hollywood vs. the Flying Saucers which is about how sci-fi books and movies were used as disinformation about ufos especially after Roswell and in later years with films such as Day the Earth stood Still and Close Encounters were used to make people take the idea of alien pressence seriously.The Mexico goverment recently released footage of UFOs over Mexico City and it seems they've been flying over the city for 10 years.I hope this brings changes soon in idea of aliens.Actually in the book i'm taking about they mentioned Uresei Yatsura and compared it to the Antonio Boaz incdent.That involved a man being abducted and he was made to mate with beautiful blonde alien woman.Again,I'm delighted about this thread because i mentioned the book in the Anime and other sci-fi thread I was basically laughed off.To those who find these ideas interesting ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. to da defenders of bashki much respect!I wish american and canadian animation would advance in the adult field again.As for Fritz the Cat mixed emotions and Cool World lets face it was ehhh.I gotta look at Fritz the cat agin.The Crumb movie made me prejudice against it.Hell he ain't as a bad as Macek.
  14. You know what I'll pass!The character designs are too frakkin bland.Mr.Mikimoto anime needs you back!Please come home.Why did he leave animation anyway?
  15. Heya peoples, I just bought Wizards on dvd and I rented Street Fight a.k.a Coonskin last weekend.Anyone know good Ralph Bashki info sites or where to get Street Fight at a reasonable price?
  16. Oh last year at Otakon I saw a really cool Misa Hayese.The girl playing her a was a natural.Looked Just like her!!!!!!!!1No photos sadly.Gotta get a camers.I belong to a tribe who believes cameras still souls just look at reality tv.That why my tribe doesn't like them.
  17. Het got any Megazone 23 or Macross women!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????
  18. Oh Isamu,Hail Crom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. If you don't care for Elvis that's cool.Even though I admire his talent ,there were some things about him especially in his later life i didn't like.However young man respect your elders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep tlaking like that you'll be on a rocket to the sun!
  20. I say see it anyway you can a.s.a.p.!!!!!!!!!!I volunteered for the Wilmington Film Fest in Delaware and it was the most popular film there.It's shame it didn't get wide release like it deserved.The segment on our local comcast channel did a report on the film fest I was interviewed as a volunteer.Bubba Ho-Tep was mentioned a lot.Randy Newman was the guest of honor and I met him.Even though I'm not a fan he seemed nice.Robot Stories Was the other main event and I gotta say that was a beautiful movie.
  21. hi, i need pictures from trigun of millie for a costume.
  22. in the tv show i gotta say she was a phony two-faced asswipe.in the movie she was cooler she just had to get used to her destiny and she bust her butt for what she had.she was still self-absorbed but she seemed a more humble and mature.i gotta admit she is sexy in the movie due to the fact she's more aggressive and self-assurred.
  23. thanx guys!!!!!!!!!!!!i went to japan hero and i saw that all fo the gatchaman shows are being released.ADV ain't so bad.i mean they released the new gamera with subtitles.any links on the unedited first godzilla movie?it's coming to philly friday.i'll see it when i'm up there for wizard con.
  24. Hey peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering if any can refer to me to good sentai and kaiji sites.I'm getting into shows like space giants and kamen rider.
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