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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. Man, it's been a long time since I last heard the boat excuse among many other excuses made over the years concerning that whole thing. But hey, that's how they want to run things these days.
  2. And it's still free, and legal, to watch on YouTube through Manga Entertainment depending where you live. Don't know if that's a good sign of how popular it was in the U.S., as they're also offering other stuff for free as well, like the first Dead Space movie.
  3. So a year after the end of the Kickstarter funding period, what's the new current release date for this?
  4. You do know that they've actually released at least one documentary, right? There are more appropriate places to talk about where 30 year old anachronisms are going... including ranting on Facebook, apparently. But don't let it ruin news like this, because the last thing we need is it to be all about that thing.
  5. That's a lot of "cloned accounts" to eventually ban in the near future. You'd think people should see the whole thing reeks of delusions of grandeur by now.
  6. Put a huge franchise-wide entry and make the warning stick from now on. Apparently, there really are no exceptions after this fiasco outside HG's website. EVEN WHEN ITS FRANCHISE HEAD PUBLIC FIGURE PROMOTES IT HIMSELF! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanworkBan
  7. All I hear is Kevin Spacey doing some meta commentary about the railroading in most of the single player campaigns Call of Duty has ever thought up and its multiplayer. And pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew*Titan*pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew.
  8. They're forced to either try to retool all the CGI and live action work they've spent years developing at their own expense into a original concept to avoid legal action or abandon it altogether and any future personal expense needed just to salvage it. Again, just like UEG Productions.
  9. On an iOS device you can zoom it up and down the same way as any other app. Sucks that it only goes up to a certain point.
  10. Of course, but this time I was being serious. I never got into the previous comics so I don't know much, but him getting involved was apparently a big deal.
  11. It sounds like fuel cell technology on a huge scale. http://www.geek.com/science/game-changing-navy-technology-can-turn-seawater-into-jet-fuel-1590495/
  12. So calling back Bill Spangler made little difference with the quality of the comic?
  13. When it comes to animation, yes. All other forms of media, not sure. What really matters is that this will not become an empty promise spanning decades.
  14. I finally found it in the Super Topics thread... and then the second thread... ... My God, what a very long year.
  15. I tried looking through the vast amount of past threads on this section on the forum for context to get see how people reacted to the announcement for the TV series that ended up being Frontier. I couldn't find one, but can I assume it was like now?
  16. And Kickstarter is not a store... even though it varies from company to company and what backers think.
  17. I get what you're saying. On one hand, they are not just vocal fans but significant financial backers as well in this situation, who feel they have the right to have their criticisms heard. But then again, since the beginning they seem to have been treated as glorified pre-orderers who were promised the bells and whistles on the Kickerstarter page, but little to no actual influence in the creative process. And setting aside Palladium's track record, after seeing the recent drama it was probably a good thing.
  18. So backers just overreacting over prototype models?
  19. Absolutely don't believe this guy too!
  20. Come on Machida.
  21. After reading some of the recent fallout, it all sounds like unrealistic expectations everywhere and by everyone.
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