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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. They’re going to kill Minmay to save the franchise. I think they made it very clear that is where the plot is heading.
  2. I really hope you guys didn’t record anything regarding the recent “news.”
  3. ... kill the idiosyncratic point. I just saved you years worth of buildup. In fact, just buy a copy of Orguss from Discotek.
  4. I stopped taking it seriously after the Kickstarters and lost a weekend picking the habit up again. This is a younger generation’s problem to gloat/cry/laugh about, and after the garbage that’s come up in the last few years they deserve what’s coming.
  5. Sorry Bolt, the more instances you mention from the stream, the less convinced I am that any of this was really newsworthy. It's just the same mind games that these people have been playing to string fans along for many, many, many years at this point.
  6. From past experience and thinking ahead 6 months to a year from now, I think a lot of people here and social media got trolled big time. May someone pie me in the face a la Tommy Yune if I’m wrong.
  7. Yeah, I call BS on this 35 more years thing. Reps from the company have used these panels to say a lot of outrageous things regarding the franchise in the past. Without those extra slides in their PowerPoint presentation, I bet the structure of this panel and the kind of news that actually came out of it would be no different than any other year they’ve done it.
  8. Funny you say that, because having been around for so long I’ve been having deja vu about this whole PR blitz, the fan interaction side of things and the lack of solid information being given. The official staff is older, but they’ve surrounded themselves with younger, more enthusiastic fans and using variations on old tricks to generate excitement for whatever is in the pipeline. A lot of most of what I’ve said in other posts is from observing their predecessors in the fandom and the horror stories they went through. Unless HG really has a real vision for where the franchise is this time around, I think I’ve already seen how this will end.
  9. This is out of the context of robots and idols, but I learned recently that that might be a bad sign. Freakonomics - That's a Great Question Anyway, if you have the time, compare what he said recently to over a decade ago and forward. Just look for any episodes involving Kevin McKeever. I will say that he worked really hard for that ridiculous sounding job title at HG. https://www.talkshoe.com/show/space-station-liberty?page=5 Damn, looks like TalkShoe lost a lot of the most recent episodes I was referencing from the early 2010s.
  10. I don’t know Bolt. From your description of that stream, to me a lot of promises that the HG PR guy made about the franchise sounds suspiciously like past things he has said over a decade ago during streamed interviews for past shows like the ones I mentioned, almost verbatim. Kind of lame if the PR strategy is to what they did before, but adjust it for a more Internet savvy group of people, and hope no one remembers what was said from that far back. Just a quick question, were any of these lines used at all in the stream: gangbusters x is quacking in their boots tent pole franchise We own everything in Macross
  11. Over ten years ago, a streaming site called TalkShoe, on shows such as Space Station Liberty and the RDF Underground, an eerily similar song and dance posturing about everything. The hosts and their listeners were left hanging and bitterly accepted it. Bet a lot of people these days don’t know about that.
  12. Did you see my post with all of the “official” products that have come about? That is not a good excuse in the age of the echo chamber. Although, I don’t have a problem if people willingly choose to humiliate themselves making excuses for why last and future projects were justified. It’s only that I’ve seen where all of that usually ends; bitter with a love/hate relationship with the franchise because of very little payoff from their loyalty. Can’t stomach what the powers that be actually release to the public compared to what they promised. The occasional, but ultimately hollow, ego trip at the Macross purists for what they end up getting, especially if it clashes with whatever foundation Robotech is supposedly built on theses days. And the realization that they helped a bunch of suits without a real vision for the franchise make money off of their nostalgia. Making money off poor saps like them was the real vision. The only difference now is that they will definitely not live to get any satisfying closure from it.
  13. For some reason I am much more interested what Kawamori’s the overall plan is for Lady M.
  14. She’s a “defibrillator on legs” given the name Minmay. And yes, that’s an actual quote used to describe her in the comic.
  15. Does calling out certain corporate sell outs as corporate sell outs with ultimate job security count? It sounds more like a compliment at this point.
  16. And if they were OK with that, this too most recently (you will thank me for the spoiler). To all "professionals" working on this franchise; kill off Minmay or she will kill off your career for making excuses for her in your serious war story.
  17. Hard to believe that some very important people in Japan were OK with this in the span of 30+ years: and this and this and this and this and this and this so much that they would allow more of it to be done (or close to done as they can without any shame whatsoever).
  18. Sounds like excuses for more lazy attempts at mecha designs and doppelgänger characters with questionable dental hygiene given corny lines that you would not be able to get away with saying on TV.
  19. Since when did people take anything from these PowerPoint presentations seriously? Are these not the same people so said for years that Shadow Rising was in the works and that they were shopping around for a streaming service to salvage Robotech Academy?
  20. I think I’ve learned enough about Robotech to say that unless people working on the franchise really have a plot related use for her, they would rather not give her any attention besides a token reminder that she exists and fan service. And when they do, like what the Titan comic is doing, it’s a bad sign they are just going to put her through McKinneyist levels of hell.
  21. They’re going to kill Minmay in-universe to reboot the franchise?
  22. If Orguss taught me anything, to fix all of these problems you need to create a time/space paradox by finding the idiosyncratic point and forcing them to kill their past self. That should make everyone happy, except maybe T. R. Edwards. Screw that guy. That being said, with all the time/space shenanigans going on, it’s weird that the staff would choose to spend some pages on Minmay.
  23. It’s all exposition leading to space bears to me.
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