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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. Well, releasing ANYTHING new at this point is better than what they're forcing the fandom to go through. There's so many groups now wondering what's going on with it. Well, at least 2.
  2. That's about as much as I know about the script. Hard to imagine it's been about three years since Shadow Chronicles was released and not much has happened since. Heck, remember the website they created for Shadow Rising? It's still around waiting for authorization. And people are still waiting to know what happened to Rick Hunter and the new hotness es.
  3. Oh, people who respected Robotech for what it is have also gone through it. There were real Robotech fans too, HappyPenguins, etc. who got shafted for really minuscule things by at most someone with really close connections to the HG staff. What's your definition of a "fan" of Robotech?
  4. No, seriously, people have been treated like crap by HG for the sake of Robotech. That includes Robotech fans.
  5. But a lot of this is legitimate criticism from years of observation by many fans on both sides.
  6. Don't you remember? MEMO gave the podcast his endorsement, making him an official authority on the franchise.
  7. The answer is already on rt.com. Maybe they're trying to fix something in the universe again. I can understand JT going through it, his show just starting off, but other longtime fans? That conversation must have come up many times before.
  8. And we've seen how HG treats fans over a long period of time. It's much worse than whatever we say in this thread, being official and all.
  9. Too much serious business. In the end they really only care about Pizza's money, not extreme loyalty.
  10. An adaptation also shows respect to the original show, something that HG and even Carl Macek has shown little of. They've always tried to upstage it through various means. Just look at what everything they put Minmay through by the end of the novels. They only have as much respect in it as they can find a way to profit and reinvest in Robotech, on their terms.
  11. Being fair here, I remember "Robotech fans" always doing the same to Macross and fans thereof. It's not a one sided conflict. It will probably go on as long as Robotech is leeching off the success of the other while Macross moves on while under unfair restrictions. Why should you even care about any of our opinions? You have a franchise that is freely available everywhere in the world in various media except in Japan. You also have a company behind it that is free to prominently fluff their side of the story blocking the original from conflicting with it. That's luxurious compared to our situation. Just buy to your hearts content and tell all of us to STFU, because you probably won't be satisfied by the answers you're trying to find here (in this thread at least). Macross and Robotech are not the same anymore. HG just bought pre-made animation. If it was, you wouldn't see a Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross Zero, Macross Frontier.
  12. It only looks that way. No, it's actually one show eventually giving birth to the other, unintentionally. I like how Zen72, a Robotech fan cool with both sides but with has issues with HG and people like MEMO as well, puts it, "Without Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada, Robotech wouldn't exist." In fact, I like him. But if you want to put it that way, the relationship is more like Cain and Abel; Robotech is actively trying to undermine the other, maybe even kill it off to get all the attention. The other one (Macross) just wants to be left alone. And we've seen proof of that from the HG crew over the years.
  13. You could also say that the creators of the original shows that make up Robotech were part of the problem that caused Shadow Chronicles to be done entirely under HG's control, for good legal reasons. There are a lot of people out there who still think Robotech and Macross are the same thing despite being legally separate entities. It might be an honest mistake unless certain people are still working their magic.
  14. The van was cool too. Hope they don't screw around with it like what people did with the Knight Rider remake.
  15. Is that what they said in the featurette? Still, they did a lot of unnecessary things with the final product they had complete control over, like 1/3 of the movie being a recap. Of course, there's that continuation argument to fit with the the rest the original 85 episodes. There's also the lack of Rick Hunter in the film which HG heavily advertised, also countered by the argument that this is a New Generation's story and stuff. And then a lot of other stuff that has come up over time that Tommy Yune even acknowledged, like fan service. There's been a lot of counter arguments made regarding the quality of the movie, not helped by the delay of the sequel.
  16. I love the later years. http://www.spike.com/video/new-adventures-of-mr/2796599 You heard the man, he needs work. Put him in your remake!
  17. Don't believe everything you see or hear on a featurette. Why wouldn't they be excited about a project they worked on? They could have been saying things like that for the viewers' benefit, like what they do today in various ways, when it was actually the opposite. It did take a couple of years to get done.
  18. The main problem is how the profits should be divided between the creators or the company that holds the rights outside of Japan. HG wants most of it and won't let the original creators' work get into their sphere of influence without forcing a deal in their favor. I have to say that the waiting game is really bizarre in some corners of HG/Robotch's situation. It's hard to imagine that they keep Macross in Japan sometimes. To be fair Capt Donovan, MEMO puts himself in a position where criticism is fair game. Apparently, he's been at it for years within the fandom now.
  19. http://www.robotechx.com/forums/32-macross...ercial-but.html What are you trying to say about a Pachinko commercial?
  20. It's totally unrelated to the closure of ADV Films, honest. Robotech is stronger than ever!!!
  21. I did, and it's kind of funny considering what's happened ever since many of those discussions were made.
  22. But HG isn't a production company, anymore at least, they've always been more of a distribution company. Their only real asset back in the day was money, which they used to buy animation and create Robotech around it. Later on, they reinvested money made from their initial success to keep it going, oftentimes trying to imitate many qualities from the animation they bought without the talent that originally made them. It might be the reason why they were more successful in other forms of media like comic books and novelizations. Animation-wise, I don't think they really had a chance in making new quality material since day one. I was recently reminded of this when someone wanted to make a list about all the various people and companies that helped make the Robotech franchise. Of course, when you get through all the information out there, a lot of talented people "contributed" to it, but many unknowingly and uncredited to this day.
  23. Is it really THAT hard to make a movie about robots kicking the crap out of each other without unnecessary distractions?
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